Action Items: 2019-05-23 At-Large Regional Leadership Call
Action Items: 2019-05-23 At-Large Regional Leadership Call
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to create a more user friendly RALO discretionary funds form in draft/ MOC form in google form/wiki or another format to be shared with RALO leaders.
- Heidi Ullrich to invite Mary Wong to the next Regional meeting in Marrakesh to explain ABRs FY20 document.
- Heidi Ullrich to check with Mary Wong if one extra level of approval (RALO leaders) for the RALO Discretionary funds form is possible and If so the additional approval will be added to the form.
- All RALO leaders to promote the use of RALO Discretionary funds particularly for FY20.
- With regards to Hot topics, the next steps for RALOs are to provide their respective RALO hot topics documents as inputs to John Laprise and Joanna for coordination with ALAC Hot topics document which will be presented in Marrakesh.
- Heidi Ullrich will reach out to ICANN's meetings team to find out where the meetings in the upcoming Fiscal Years 22, 23 and 24 will be held and RALO leaders to review the possible dates and consider shifting meetings to FY23 and 24.
- The Agenda for the Marrakesh ICANN 64 meeting was approved as follows:
1. Welcome to incoming RALO leaders - (13: 13:03)
2. Final Review of RALO Outreach and Engagement Strategic plans for FY20 - (13:03-13:30)
3. RALO Discretionary funds – FY21 Planning and Changes to the Request Process (13:30-13:40)
4. Update on FY20 ABRs - Mary Wong (13:40-14:00)
5. Update on RALO Hot Policy Topics and coordination with ALAC Hot topics - all RALOs (14:00-14:30)
6. Finalizing the RALO General Assemblies FY21 – FY24 (14:30-14:50)
7. AOB (14:50-15:00)
- Gisella Gruber to send a calendar invite for Regional Leadership meeting to incoming RALO leaders