Los Angeles ALAC and At-Large Action Items 12-16 October Workspace
- This pages contains the ALAC and At-Large Action Items from Los Angeles.
Sunday, 12 October 2014
ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session
- Heidi Ullrich and Silvia Vivanco of At-Large Staff to liaise with GSE Staff on other regional coordination activities based on APRALO/APAC hub model.
Ariel Liang of At-Large Staff to create an At-Large page for comments for the At-Large website revamp.
- Gisella Gruber of At-Large Staff to work with Tijani Ben Jemaa, Chair of the At-Large Capacity Building Working Group and Lee Hibbard of the Council of Europe on organizing an At-Large Capacity Building Webinar on the topic of the report entitled “ICANN’s procedures and policies in the light of human rights, fundamental freedoms and democratic values” authored by Dr. Monika Zalnieriute and Thomas Schneider.
- Heidi Ullrich of ICANN Staff to send the document of the Council of Europe to the RALO lists so it reaches all ALSes.
- At-Large staff to work with the ALAC Chair to add the following motion to the agenda of the Wrap Up Session under ALAC Action
Hot Topic 2 - NTIA IANA Functions' Stewardship Transition
Motion: To create an ad hoc WG on Accountability and Governance – with initial task of IANA stewardship issues. To include current members of the CCWG (TBC), AG, two members of the ICG. Vote to be on Thursday, -Wrap up. Motion to be crafted offline and to include a wiki page and mailing list
Monday, 13 October 2014
ALAC & NCSG Meeting
- Ariel Liang from At-Large Staff to create a mailing list for the Ad Hoc Joint At-Large and NCSG Working Group on NTIA Topic Coordination Workspace. This is to be completed ASAP.
- Heidi Ullrich from At-Large Staff will make a call for membership for the Ad Hoc Joint At-Large and NCSG Working Group on NTIA Topic Coordination.
At-Large Metrics Working Group
- Gisella Gruber to coordinate monthly teleconference calls for the Metrics WG .
- The WG will analyze recommendation 43 and how it can be relayed effectively to the group.
- Silvia Vivanco to follow up that at least 3 RALOs have some measure of attendance. A poll will be conducted via AC connect/ survey to harmonize RALO attendance percentages, at the ALAC/RALO/ At large structure. With the goal to have a draft proposal by the November ALAC meeting.
At-Large Capacity Building Working Group
- Tijani BEN JEMAA to send a program of webinars with trainers for adoption for proposal by the entire WG in 3 weeks .
Ariel Liang to follow up with IT regarding upgrading the Confluence System to the latest version so that we will be able to use the Google Analytics macro.
Heidi Ullrich to follow up with the Security Stability Resiliency Staff Team to organize a Podcast 90 minutes in length.
At-Large ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce
Ariel Liang to create a WIKI page for the ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce Website to gather feedback and comments.
At-Large New gTLD Working Group
- The New gTLD Working Group is to engage with the GAC and discuss setting up a joint committee and people to approach chair. In addition, the new gTLD WG is to make sure that this is brought in conversations to the GAC. The New gTLD Working Group recommends that some particular domains applications should be frozen, and that any recommendations should take the form of ALAC Advice to the Board.
- The new gTLD Working Group is to draft text for a motion to be made by the WG on the issue of PICs to be presented to the ALAC by Thursday. Pen Holder: Rafid Fatani. Evan Leibovitch.
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
At-Large Accessibility Working Group
- WG to continue the SWOT and SMART analyses
- Silvia Vivanco to set up a page with 3 child pages: Landing page, SMART, SWOT and existing priorities
- Gisella Gruber to coordinate the WG's Conference calls: every 3 weeks. A Doodle shall be sent for a standing call every 3 week. 1900- 2200 UTC
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to follow up with [ name of blind person from SF] and ask her if she would like to participate in the Advisory group
- Silvia Vivanco to capture and replicate what was agreed in today's meeting (in the charts) and put it in the WIKI page
ALAC Meeting with the Board
- The ALAC to liaise with the RIRs and get lessons from them on their use of the knowledge management system.
- The ALAC, working with the relevant staff, is to find out the details whether what ICANN is doing on the opening of regional offices is already doing what the recommendation requests.
- Heidi Ullrich to coordinate with Raymond A. Plzak and other interested Board Members to add any who wish to the relevant At-Large mailing lists as internet individual users.
ALAC Work - Part I
- Ariel Liang to create a wiki page for the draft motion on the PICs being developed by Evan Leibovitch and Rafid Fatani.
LACRALO Monthly Meeting
Silvia Vivanco to coordinate with Rodrigo de la Parra a special purpose Webinar on the Latin American Strategy.
- ramon.soto will send a survey to ascertain LACRALO's members professional expertise
- ramon.soto will send an email to the mailists to start a mapping of the Regional Events.
sergio.salinasporto to send a report with the results of the Governance WG with specific dates to finalize the final report.
ramon.soto will prepare a PPT on the Transition of the IANA Stewardship Function which will be sent to the LACRALO mail lists for feedback. Once consensus is reached the PPT will be used to give presentations at the local/regional level in the LACRALO countries.
ALAC Meeting with the GAC
No Action Items.
ALAC Work - Part II
- Susie Johnson to locate document – RIR process for developing a proposal. Link to document: https://www.nro.net/nro-and-internet-governance/iana-oversight/timeline-for-rirs-engagement-in-iana-stewardship-transition-process
At-Large Ad-hoc WG on the Transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function
- Silvia Vivanco to send the main points resulting from the brainstorm session to WG members.
Wednesday, 15 October
RALO Leadership & ALT Working Breakfast
- The ALAC, in collaboration with Heidi Ullrich, is to work on defining what additional staff needs they require.
APRALO Monthly Meeting
- All ALSes are requested to provide inputs for the new Website to Ali Al Meshal who will work with the Technology Taskforce.
- Siranush Vardanyan to send a Metrics survey to all ALSes. The time-frame was set between Marrakech and the ICANN summer meeting.
At-Large Policy Roundtable
No Action Items .
NARALO Monthly Meeting
- garth.bruen and Glenn McKnight to do a summary for a presentation on a NARALO Vice-Chair during the next NARALO monthly meeting .
- Heidi Ullrich to report re Expanded Mentoring Program if this is tailored to First Nations in a sustainable manner
- Silvia Vivanco to send the link to “Events near you” (in ICANN’s website) to the NARALO list.
- Chris Mondini to send the North American Newsletter to Silvia Vivanco who will distribute to the NARALO mailing list for feedback.
At-Large IDN Policy Working Group
- From a Scope; start with writing, socializing with SO-ACs (Edmon/Satish)
- Sarmad Hussain to send a list of languages (TBC)
- IDN WG to solicit volunteers from ALSes for the generation panel (Sarmad to help draft, and the group will email it to ALSes).
At-Large Regional Leadership Meeting
- The RALO Officers are to work on a clear definition of Subject Matter Experts throughout the community.
- ramon.soto to send the LACRALO survey to all Regional Secretariats. The RALO Secretariats will use this as an example to draft their respective surveys.
- ramon.soto to discuss with Alan Greenberg and Dev Anand Teelucksingh a possible link between ATLAS II Recommendations 26 and 29 in terms of technology – tracking technology issue.
ICANN Academy
- To set up a motion to transform the Academy WG to a Standing CWG.
Future Challenges Working Group (FCWG)
Proposed output:
The WG agreed on deliverables:
- Immediate task: there will be a call for a discussion led by holly.raiche.
- evan.leibovitch will send a report of today's meeting to the list.
- Gisella Gruber to organize a call once a month
At-Large CROPP Meeting
- Staff to follow up with Dev Anand Teelucksingh on Action Items from the CROPP Taskforce Meeting.
Thursday, 16 October
ALAC & Regional Leadership Wrap-Up Meeting, Part 1
- The AIs from the IDN WG are to be reviewed during the next ALAC Call.
ALAC & ccNSO Council Meeting
- The ALAC to follow up with Observation 8 in the ATLAS II Declaration (Observation 8: Obtain openness and transparency from each country’s ccTLD (or Country Code) operator.)
- Ariel Liang to add the members of the ccNSO leadership to the ALAC – IANA issues WG mailist.
ALAC & Regional Leadership Wrap-Up Meeting, Part 2
No Action Items .
Friday, 17 October
ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) Meeting
- Silvia Vivanco to to work with LACRALO (Dev) and IT staff to push the issue of the LACRALO mailing list translation tool forward.
- Gisella Gruber to arrange a single issue call with relevant IT staff, Alan, Dev, staff, and any interested members of TTF.