At-Large Los Angeles Global Stakeholder Engagement Questions Workspace

At-Large Los Angeles Global Stakeholder Engagement Questions Workspace

This workspace has been made available for community members to post their Communications Department related questions. The deadline for posting questions/comments to this workspace will be 25 September 2014.


1. What is being done to make ICANN accessible to global end users (i.e., reduction in acronyms, clear and concise language in publications/website)?

       GSE Response

2. How does the GSE Team identify gaps in stakeholder representation and how does they act accordingly?

GSE Response:

The GSE team is organized on a regional and functional basis to lead ICANN's engagement with the various stakeholder groups and organizations worldwide. The team works closely with Government Engagement, GDD, SSR, and other teams across the organization to encourage greater diversity and participation from these stakeholders and from other organizations that may be underrepresented in ICANN. This supports ICANN's strategic goals to globalize and regionalize ICANN.

At a regional level, GSE tracks participation through the recipients of the regional newsletters, contacts from various meetings, suggestions from the community and through direct contact with interested participants across the civil society/non-commercial, business, government and technical communities. GSE often receives references to new participants from the ICANN community, and this helps fill some gaps. But the team also looks to attract others who may not be familiar with ICANN but may have an interest in ICANN issues, and we do this through the website, targeted outreach, education, awareness and communications. 

At a functional level, this same approach applies. There is a team concentrating on Global Business engagement, as well as a group looking to encourage stakeholders in the civil society/non-commercial and technical/security communities. The Government Engagement team works closely with GSE to encourage participants from countries, territories and IGOs not represented in the GAC. We also communicate with GAC members, government representatives and IGO/NGOs on ICANN issues.

GSE is developing reporting on our regional engagement activities and regularly updates groups such as ALAC and GAC at ICANN meetings, regional and national IGF events, and the community through regular updates on the ICANN website.


3. With reference to the ATLAS Declaration Rec 12, how can ALAC and At-Large work effectively with GSE and Communications to engage with ICANN's current plans for communications and outreach to raise awareness and extend education programmes across underrepresented regions?

      GSE Response


4. With reference to the ATLAS II Declaration Rec. 21, how can ALAC and At-Large work effectively with GSE and Communications to encourage public campaigns on using the Internet for education, information, creativity and empowerment?