Draft Sessions Schedule for Summit
Draft Proposed Space and Meetings Table (AL.SU/0908/1/1)
The following is a staff-generated listing of the meetings, without details, to evaluate space and technical requirements. It is tentative subject to working group decision.
Interpretation |
Interpretation |
AV Requirements |
URL for |
Day |
Description |
No of Persons |
ES |
FR |
Duration (hrs) |
Room Design |
Scribe |
Audio Stream |
Audio Recording (all lang) |
Remote Chat / Adobe Connect |
Meeting |
1 Morning |
Introduction and Orientation |
100 |
Y |
Y |
4 |
Concentric Circle Style - Centre with room for 3 pax |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
1 Afternoon |
Opening Plenary Session |
100 |
Y |
Y |
4 |
Concentric Circle Style - Centre with room for 3 pax |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Thurs/Fri |
Closing Plenary Session |
100 |
Y |
Y |
4 |
Concentric Circle Style - Centre with room for 3 pax |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
2 |
Working Group 1 1st Session |
25 |
Y |
Y |
4 |
Theatre - Dais 3 pax |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
Working Group 1 2nd Session |
25 |
Y |
Y |
4 |
Theatre - Dais 3 pax |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
2 |
Working Group 2 1st Session |
25 |
Y |
Y |
4 |
Theatre - Dais 3 pax |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
Working Group 2 2nd Session |
25 |
Y |
Y |
4 |
Theatre - Dais 3 pax |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
2 |
Working Group 3 1st Session |
25 |
Y |
Y |
4 |
Theatre - Dais 3 pax |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
Working Group 3 2nd Session |
25 |
Y |
Y |
4 |
Theatre - Dais 3 pax |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
APRALO General Assembly |
25 |
N |
N |
8 |
Theatre UNGA Style- Dais 6 Pax |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
AFRALO General Assembly |
25 |
N |
Y |
8 |
Theatre UNGA Style- Dais 6 Pax |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
LACRALO General Assembly |
25 |
Y |
N |
8 |
Theatre UNGA Style- Dais 6 Pax |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
NARALO General Assembly |
25 |
Y |
N |
8 |
Theatre UNGA Style- Dais 6 Pax |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
EURALO General Assembly |
25 |
N |
N |
8 |
Theatre UNGA Style- Dais 6 Pax |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Workshop 1 (public) |
75 |
Y |
Y |
2 |
U |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Workshop 2 (public) |
75 |
Y |
Y |
2 |
U |
Y |
Y |
Y |
-1 to end |
Daily Coordination/Conf Support Meetings |
10 |
N |
N |
1 |
Circular table / open square |
N |
N |
N |
N |
1 (evening) |
Opening Social Event |
100 |
N |
N |
1 |
Reception style |
N |
N |
N |
N |
- Other than day 1, all dates are tentative
- Daily Coord meetings start the day before the first session and conclude the last day meetings take place. These must take place before meetings start for the day and incorporate AL Staff. necessary ICANN Meetings staff, and AL members acting as coordinators / chairs of meetings
- The two workshops will be general interest to the whole ICANN meeting, focussing on user (all user) interest issues. The Summit will be the host but these should be mainstream parts of the whole conference.
Outline Agenda from 2007
> Saturday
> 0830 – 1100
>> 1.INTRODUCTION (T1=2h30)
>> 1.1.Welcome greetings from ICANN leadership and Summit organizers
>> 1.2.Introductions from each ALS rep (1 minute each) (90')
>> 1.3.Introductions from ALAC members and Board rep (20')
>> 1.4.Introductions of other participants and staff (10')
>> 1.5.Q&A (30')
> 1100 – 1130 Break
> 1130 – 1300
>> 2.1.Purpose, structure and history of ICANN (60')
>> 2.2.Introduction to ICANN, ACs, SOs and constituencies. Chair of each (60')
>> 2.3.Introduction to ICANN staff related to At-Large and public participation (in 1.4)
>> 2.4.Q&A with ALAC on the its role and current issues (30')
> 1300 – 1400 Lunch
> 1500 – 1700
>> 3.ORIENTATION ON ICANN ISSUES (presentation and/or papers send in advance)
>> 3.1.gTLDs
>> 3.1.1.News
>> 3.1.2.Whois
>> 3.1.3.RAA
>> 3.1.4 ICANN Ombudsman Office
>> 3.2.ccTLDs
>> 3.3.IDNs
>> 3.4.IP addresses
>> 3.5.Security
>> 3.6.Q&A (30')
> 1700 – 1730 Break
> 1730 – 1900
>> 4.1.Each RALO (and its ALAC reps) meets separately for social introduction
> Sunday
> 0730 – 0900 Breakfast
>> 4.2.Resolution of RALO-internal matters that may be helped by in-person meetings
>> 4.3.Refinement of specific regional objectives for advancement at Plenary
> 0900 – 1230
>> 5.1.Panel discussion on ICANN's approach to public participation (90')
>> 5.2.Advancement of ALAC-defined issues of public interest (15')
>> 5.3.Advancement of RALO-defined issues of public interest (35')
>> 5.4.Advancement of other public issue (10')
>> 5.5.Development of consensus on priority items (20')
>> 5.6.Q&A (30')
>> 5.7.Creation of Summit "working groups" on priority items (10')
> 1230 – 1330 Lunch
> 1330 – 1530
>> 6.1.Determination of short-term (ie, during the Summit) objectives
>> 6.2.Drafting of policy and/or direction to ALAC and/or direction to ALSs *
> 1530 – 1700
>> 7.1.Interim reports on Working Group progress
>> 7.2.Discussions of regional concerns for consideration by Working Groups
> 1700 – 1730 Break
> 1730 – 1930
>> 8.1.Incorporation of issues raised at regional breakouts
>> 8.2.Continuing work on developing action items for Closing Plenary**
> *Monday or Thursday (probably the Thursday so that reports and outcome statements can be prepared for report back to the Board)
> 1600 – 1900
>> 9.1.Presentation and discussion of items developed by each Working Group
>> 9.2.Consensus (preferable) or vote to approve/reject working group action items
>> 9.3.Consensus about whether or not to propose follow up Summit(s)
>> 9.4.Staff report/review of communications and educations facilities aimed at At-Large
>> 9.5.Briefing on upcoming ALAC review and the role of ALSs in that process
>> 9.6.Closing comments and thanks
vanda - one issue we could add to the list of ICANN issues is the Fellowship Program. the program is relevant to outreach in each region and participants that have been part of the fellow program may become a member of regional AlS's. We, at fellowship program are trying, depend upon the result of travel policy, may open to ALS participants, so have information about fellowship program may be of interest of the summit attendees.
vanda - I understood ICANN meetings have change to not have improtnat meetings on Friday, so the reports to the board , I beleive shall be sent on Wednesday nigth to be available Thursday morning at public forum.Hence, we need to plan the second round not to Thursday but at least on day before.
contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2008-09-30 20:42:22 GMT