NARALO Monthly Action Items 09 March 2015
NARALO Monthly Action Items 09 March 2015
- Eduardo DIaz to post a solicitation for content information on the planned NARALO newsletter.
- Heidi Ullrich to check with SI staff on whether a de-briefing webinar will be held following the week of meetings in Istanbul. If not, At-Large is to request one. - Completed. Waiting response (as of 9 March 2015)
- Prior to the next monthly call, NARALO members to consider questions that the independent examiner should be asking re the effectiveness of ALSes and At-Large and identify individuals (approx. 2 -4 ) on the effectiveness of NARALO. Views of experiences and newcomers would be valuable. Staff to put out a solicitation on the NARALO Mailing LIst. (volunteers: Glenn Mcknight)