Action Items ICANN67 Planning Committee Calls

Action Items ICANN67 Planning Committee Calls

All ICANN67 Planning Committee call Action Items and notes will be posted on this page.

27 February

Notes on ICANN67 remote meeting: 

Heidi Ullrichto confirm with Maureen that a single issue call of the ALAC be held after the CPWG call during the week of the 2 March. 

JZ to contact the chairs of At-Lage ICANN67 session to discuss need for ground rules for chairing during ICANN67. 

20 February

Notes on ICANN 67 remote meeting

  • Heidi's ideas:

1) Determine the bilateral meetings such as sessions with BOARD, GAC, etc

2) Weekends- are we planning to hold calls on weekends?

3)Perhaps do a weekend of capacity building; then during the week, focus on policy, attending GNSO meetings, bilaterals, Board meeting, plenaries

  • OCL ideas:

Types of meetings :

  • OCL- Informational meetings - webinar
  • RALO meetings- RALO to arrange them at the time of their choice
  • Sessions ICANN 67- our own sessions we can do them at a later time not necessarily  in ICANN's time
  • ICANN 67 with OTHER communities during the  ICANN 67 week
  • Others- we need more information before deciding. 
  • Comments and suggestions: 
    • Maureen mentioned the zoom room can be divided into break outs – good for certain type of meetings
    • Jonathan suggested : We could use more video. We could also have people record their presentations for download so that they don’t have to stream them

    • Maureen: Exec summaries are useful to be developed
    • Maureen asked if we keep talking points if we go 2-3 week program
    • Jonathan DNS 101 is a presentation where is more like a webinar type of session
    • Joanna's session is a HIT type of session- part of ICANN's schedule
    • Interpretation, transcriptions are a  must- just like in F2F meetings
    • Question for Ash: Jonathan asked if ICANN has a "zoom license'
    • will ICANN be organizing local hubs in countries around the world?

13 February 2020

04 February 2020

  • Heidi Ullrich  to check with CT on departure dates for additional LACRALO Board Members.
  • Gisella Gruber to move Regional Leaders Meeting to Saturday afternoon. 
  • For the GAC/ALAC Meeting: 1) There will be an intersessional call between our Small Group on SubPro and GAC Focus group on new gTLD; To review its results would be one item on the joint ALAC/GAC agenda in Cancun. 2)Other items for joint meeting in Cancun: EPDP, Capacity Building, Contacts and cooperation on national level.

23 January 2020

  • Gisella Gruber to arrange a 45min TTF Session 
  • Maureen and ALT - Plus to develop key messages for the GAC/ALAC joint meeting.
  • Heidi Ullrich to work with Maureen to invite Maarten and Leon to some of the At-Large meetings.
  • DANIEL NANGHAKA to lead the organization of the Booth outreach activities. 
  • Maureento lead ALAC prioritization of ALAC questions to the Board  in order of importance.
  • Heidi Ullrich to work with with jonathan.zuck on sourcing ICANN information on DNS Abuse. 
  • Gisella Gruber to work with Maureen on scheduling a pre-ICANN67 At-Large webinar. 
  • Heidi Ullrich to invite PTI Board members to present on the pre-ICANN67 At-Large webinar. 
  • Maureen and Yesim Saglam to organize an inter-sessional meeting before ICANN67 with the GAC and NPOC on Communications related issues. 
  • Gisella Gruber and Maureen to organize an ALAC session with the GAC and NPOC on Communications related issues. Maureen to work with Pua and Joan.
  • Gisella Gruber and jonathan.zuck to work with relevant Meetings Staff on the showing of Meant to be Broken (likely associated with LACRALO Networking Reception).
  • Claudia Ruiz  to reserve an office room at ICANN LA for Maureen and Jonathan during the CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 29 January. 

16 January 2020 


09 January 2020 

  • joanna.kulesza and Gisella Gruber to work on the timing of Joanna's session which has been requested to take place during the week to maximise on participation 

Three sessions to be scheduled: 

  • At-Large policy session on DNS Abuse/Cybercrime over the weekend, lead by JZ

Two roundtables:

  • DNS Abuse Deep dive, led by JZ
  • Joanna’s on cybercrime/security during the week

  • ICANN Academy WG to be scheduled (NOT an AI on the call as such but adding here to make sure it takes place)
  • AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting to be scheduled (NOT an AI on the call as such but adding here to make sure it takes place)

12 December 2019

  • Maureento follow up on ICANN Plenary session topic submission

GAC Survey submitted by Yrjö with suggested agenda and outcomes.

  • GAC Communication session: schedule meeting prior to ICANN67 as follow up on Montréal meeting

Note - additional topics and groups added below (included is date on which added to the list)

4 December 2019

  • Yesim Saglam to set up weekly ICANN67 Planning Committee calls: suggest either set date and time or weekly Doodles: WEEKLY, Thursdays at 17:00 UTC
  •  jonathan.zuckto provide talking points for the Saturday 7 March 2020 morning session, based on the Plenary session topics, to include possible background/briefing information as well. 
  • Suggestion from Natalia: May we discuss joint meetings with RIRs and ALSs (special invitation for them) for the discussion of common topics and participation, membership, common ways for Capacity building work etc?

Important note - At-Large Community encouraged to participate in the Pre-ICANN67 Prep week Webinars

Topics for discussion:

  • EPDP Phase 2: Alan Greenberg hadia.elminiawito confirm their views on session
  • Subsequent Procedures: Brief background and Update required. WT5 now rolled into SubPro. New gTLDs: Fears and concerns on next round - consensus building useful exercise.
  • Cybersecurity/DNS Abuse/Geopolitics led by Joanna. Suggested panelists: León Sanchez & Merike Kaeo, SSAC Board Liaison: joanna.kuleszato clarify how she wishes to run this session. To be developed within At-Large
  • holly.raiche session: DoH and Dot: Issues involved for end users for. Suggested presenters: Adiel Akplogan, Paul Hoffman and Rod Rasmussen (added 12.12)
  • Gisella Gruber to schedule a one hour session for the Issue of Mobilization and Individual users (AI from ICANN66)

Note: Universal Acceptance Roundtable to be arranged at ICANN68 in Kuala Lumpur

Additional topics:

  • Post ATLAS III
  • Post At-Large Review Implementation with the ALS Mobilization plan 

Suggested Groups:

  • ALAC & Board: Wednesday 11 March from 08:30-09:30 NEW TIME
  • ALAC Questions to the Board to be developed
  • GAC: Survey to be completed to request slot AND proposed agenda and outcomes of session: Joanna/Yrjö to follow up

  • SSAC - 45min - Andrei to submit via Google Survey 
  • ccNSO - 45min: Sunday 8 March at 17:00 (in progress)
  • GNSO - to be developed and how to progress. Getting Rafik - other than Keith - down to the working level
  • ATRT3 - update
  • GDD, Organisation readiness with Cyrus Namazi: confirm what GDDs priorities are at present
  • ICANN Executives: Göran Marby, Maarten Botterman, León Sanchez
  • GSE session to be a workshop format
  • Joint ALAC/NCSG Outreach Event (90min) - confirm with Olivier and Bruna how they wish to progress (further to the session in Montréal) 
  • ALAC/GAC/NPOC Communication Session: JOINT meeting at ICANN67 as well as follow up on Montréal, prior to ICANN67 (added 12.12)

Additional Guests:

  • Jan Aart Scholte and Hortense Jongen on Transparency and Accountability project: update
  • Joint Communications Session
  • Brian Gutterman on Registrants Issues

Social Activities:

  • Silvia Vivanco LACRALO Networking Event: LACRALO Leadership to start working on this event