2009-07-30 - Board Seats Filled by GNSO

2009-07-30 - Board Seats Filled by GNSO


Board approved rules and process for the GNSO's selection of candidates to fill Board seats 13 and 14.


Whereas, in June 2008, the Board formed a special working group (WG-GCR) to make specific recommendations regarding the restructuring of the GNSO Council.

Whereas, as part of a comprehensive set of compromise recommendations the WG-GCR recommended that Board Seats #13 and #14 be selected in alternate elections by the Contracted Party House and the Non-contracted Party House of the GNSO Council.

Whereas, the Board accords significant weight to the WG-GCR's compromise recommendation in that it was formed through a thoroughly discussed and comprehensive community compromise.

It is RESOLVED (2009.30.07.10); The Board approves the original recommendation of the WG-GCR with respect to the election of Board seats #13 and #14. The Contract Party House of the GNSO Council will nominate candidates for Board Seat #13 and select a Board member candidate by a 60% majority of that voting house. The Non-Contract Party House will nominate candidates for Board Seat #14 and select a Board member candidate by a 60% majority of that voting house. There will be no other restriction on the nomination or election of those Board candidates.

Implementation Actions

  • Execute approved recommendation
    • Responsible entity: GNSO Community and ICANN Policy Staff
    • Due date: None specified
    • Completion date: 10 March 2010 - for Board Seat 13;  Board Seat 14 election will take place at the appropriate time.

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