2009-05-21 - Document Posting Deadlines

2009-05-21 - Document Posting Deadlines


Board approved document posting deadlines for the ICANN Sydney meeting and asked its Public Participation Committee to review experiences and propose an operational policy.


Whereas the Board requested the Public Participation Committee to develop a plan for ensuring that all major meeting material be available at least two calendar weeks in advance of meetings, starting with Sydney;

Whereas the Public Participation Committee has found that deadlines for the publication of input documents before ICANN's international public meetings need to be phased in over multiple meetings;

Resolved (2009-05-21-15) that documents for consideration by the Governmental Advisory Committee shall be available 15 working days prior to the beginning of the Sydney meeting on 21 June 2009, and all other documents shall be available 10 working days prior to the beginning of the Sydney meeting.

Resolved (2009-05-21-16) that the Public Participation Committee shall review the experiences gathered with this meeting, and propose an operational policy based on these experiences to the Board, to become effective for the Seoul International Meeting.

Implementation Actions

  • Implement Sydney posting deadlines
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Public Participation Staff
    • Due date: None specified
    • Completion date: June 2009
  • Review and propose operational policy
    • Responsible entity: Board PPC
    • Due date: 30 September 2009
    • Completion date: 30 September 2009

Other Related Resolutions

  • TBD

Additional Information

  • No additional funding provided.

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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