2009-08-27 - Nominating Committee Chair Appointment

2009-08-27 - Nominating Committee Chair Appointment

Board appointed 2010 Nominating Committee Chair.


Whereas the BGC is tasked each year with recommending to the Board a candidate to serve as the Nominating Committee ("NomCom") Chair;

Whereas the BGC called for expressions of interest from all who would be interested in serving as the 2010 NomCom Chair;

Whereas the BGC considered and discussed all legitimate expressions of interest; and

Whereas the BGC recommends that the Board appoint Wolfgang Kleinwächter as the 2010 NomCom Chair.

Resolved (2009.08.27.04), that Wolfgang Kleinwächter is appointed as Chair of the 2010 NomCom, to serve until the conclusion of the ICANN annual meeting in 2010, or until the Chair's earlier resignation, removal, or other disqualification from service.

Implementation Actions

  • None
    • Responsible entity: None
    • Due date: None specified
    • Completion date: None

Other Related Resolutions

  • TBD

Additional Information

  • No additional funding provided.

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