2009-10-30 - Document Publication Operational Policy

2009-10-30 - Document Publication Operational Policy


Board approved a Document Publication Operational Policy and directed that it be reviewed annually.


Whereas, in May 2009, the Board requested that its Public Participation Committee (PPC) draw up a document publication operational policy for ICANN international public meetings.

Whereas, at its meeting in July 2009, the Board further requested that the document produced by the PPC be put out for public comment;

Whereas, the policy was put out for public comment for 30 days < http://icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-08sep09-en.htm >, during which the PPC also held an online public consultation session. Changes and additions to the policy were suggested in a summary and analysis of public input and these were discussed by the PPC;

Whereas, the PPC provided to the Board a completed Document Publication Operational Policy for approval, noting that the policy itself contains a requirement to review annually its efficacy, assisted by a report produced by staff, in the light of the experiences gained at the ICANN international public meetings;

Whereas, the intent is to provide a clear framework and guidelines for the consistent publication of work across the organization and so enable timely and wide dialogue throughout the community;

Whereas, the Committee is aware that the introduction of this Document Publication Operational Policy will have a significant impact on the organization and on its pattern of work, and that the introduction of the policy is only the first step in a process aimed at gradually improving ICANN's approach to publishing information for its international public meetings;

Resolved (2009.10.30.02), that ICANN adopts the Document Publication Operational Policy;

Resolved (2009.10.30.03), that the Document Publication Operational Policy be reviewed annually in the light of the experience gained during the previous ICANN international meetings in an effort to continuously improve the policy.

Implementation Actions

  • Annual Review of Policy
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Public Participation Staff and Board or designated Committee
    • Date Due: None specified for annual review
    • Completion Date: Ongoing; staff to schedule

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