2009-02-03 - GNSO Improvements - Term Limits

2009-02-03 - GNSO Improvements - Term Limits


Board approved proposed Bylaws amendment instituting term limits for GNSO Councilors.


Whereas, the GNSO Council recommended term limits for GNSO Council members in November 2006; and

Whereas, the ICANN Board approved the recommendation of term limits for GNSO Council members as part of its approval of the GNSO Improvements Report on 26 June 2006; and

Whereas an amended bylaws provision establishing term limits has been posted and public comments solicited and duly considered by the Board; and

Whereas the Board finds that term limits will enhance inclusiveness and enable more people to become involved in Council activities.

It is hereby resolved (2009-02-03-05.01) that the Board approves a modification to the ICANN Bylaws, Article X, Section 3, which shall take effect following the end of the ICANN Board's 2009 Annual General Meeting, to prohibit a GNSO Council member from serving more than two consecutive terms. Moreover, a former Council member must remain off the GNSO Council for one full term prior to serving any subsequent term. It is further resolved that an exception is permitted in a "special circumstance" (such as with respect to geographic diversity requirements, where no alternative representative is available to serve), in which case a Council member may serve one additional term. A "special circumstance" is approved by majority vote of the GNSO Council.

Implementation Actions

  • Execute Bylaws change
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Office of General Counsel and Policy Staff.
    • Due date: None specified
    • Completion date: 27 August 2009

Other Related Resolutions

  • TBD

Additional Information

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