2009-10-30 - Expressions of Interest in New gTLDs

2009-10-30 - Expressions of Interest in New gTLDs


Board directed staff to study the potential impact of a call for formal "expressions of interest" as part of the new gTLD application process, and provide a plan for Board consideration at ICANN's next Board meeting, in December 2009.


Whereas, work continues on the remaining issues that need to be resolved by the community prior to the launch of ICANN's next round of New gTLDs;

Whereas, ICANN encourages comment on Version 3 of the Draft Applicant Guidebook for New gTLDs (on which the comment period remains open until 22 November 2009);

Whereas, the ICANN community has expressed interest in evaluating a process for calling for "expressions of interest" from organizations with serious interest in applying for a new gTLD;

Whereas, such a call for "expressions of interest" could give ICANN and potential applicants important information about the level of interest in the program and likely strings to be applied for, which could assist the resolution of the remaining issues and assist ICANN in planning for the coming new gTLD round;

Whereas, as a part of the IDN ccTLD Fast Track process, ICANN issued a call for expressions of interest, which assisted ICANN and the community in planning the launch of IDN ccTLDs;

Whereas, the community has requested that ICANN conduct further economic studies related to new gTLDs; it is noted that receiving "expressions of interest" (possibly with some financial deposit) will likely contribute to a better understanding of: 1) the economic demand for new gTLDs; 2) the number of gTLDs that are likely to be applied for; and, 3) relevant industry data;

Resolved (2009.10.30.13), the ICANN Board directs staff to study the potential impact of a call for formal "expressions of interest," and provide a plan for Board consideration at ICANN's next Board meeting, in December 2009. The plan should include possible options and a risk analysis relating to the proposed action.

Implementation Actions

  • Study and report to Board
    • Responsible entity: ICANN new gTLD staff
    • Due date: December 2009
    • Completion date: December 2009

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