2009-09-12 - Affirmation of Commitments

2009-09-12 - Affirmation of Commitments

The ICANN Board directs the President and CEO to finalize the terms of the Affirmation of Commitments by the U.S. Department of Commerce and ICANN and to execute the agreement consistent with the advice provided by the Board; the Board also withheld approval notice pending a public announcement of the agreement.

Whereas, the Joint Project Agreement (JPA) between the United States Department of Commerce (DoC) and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) will expire by its own terms on 30 September 2009;

Whereas the DoC and ICANN desire to institutionalize and memorialize the technical coordination of the Internet's Unique Identifiers, including in particular the DNS, as set forth in ICANN's Bylaws at Article 1, Section 1 (http://www.icann.org/en/general/bylaws.htm#I);

Resolved (2009-09-12-01), the ICANN Board hereby directs the President and CEO to finalize the terms of the Affirmation of Commitments by the United States Department of Commerce and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers and to execute such agreement consistent with the advice provided before and during the Board's retreat held in Marina del Rey, California on 11-12 September 2009.

Resolved (2009-09-12-02), the ICANN Board agrees that this approval shall be held from the preliminary report and minutes of this meeting (as it is permitted to do according to ICANN Bylaws provision, Article III, Section 5, paragraph 3), until such agreement is fully executed and publicly announced.

Implementation Actions

  • Finalize and sign the Affirmation of Commitments
    • Responsible entity: ICANN President and CEO
    • Due date: 30 September 2009
    • Completion date: 30 September 2009

Other Related Resolutions

  • TBD

Additional Information

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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