ccNSO Members Meeting | ICANN69
Joke Braeken
Aleksey Khapchenko
| |
Governance Session |
Tue, 13 Oct | 10:00-11:30 UTC
Session Chair: Chris Disspain (.uk)
The goal of this session is to consult the ccNSO membership regarding some topics that have a direct impact on the governance structure of the ccNSO, specifically on the expected interaction and roles and responsibilities of the Council and ccNSO membership. The topics to be addressed include the 2004 internal Rules of the ccNSO, and the decision making in the context of the ccNSO as Decisional Participant. The results of the session will provide the basis for further work on the aforementioned topics by the ccNSO Council and the ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee (GRC).
The session will be an interactive one, with an introduction by Katrina Sataki followed by a discussion with the ccNSO membership, moderated by Chris Disspain.
The current Rules of the ccNSO were adopted in 2004. Since then, the ccNSO has adapted to the evolving ways in which ICANN operates, and it has grown from 45 members to the 172 members we have today. Along the way, there have been significant developments that have had a bearing on how the ccNSO operates. We wish to continue the discussion around the Rules of the ccNSO that was begun during ICANN61 in Puerto Rico in March of 2018. You can see the transcript of that initial discussion here (page 34 to 49), and you can see the related slides as well.
Q&A with the ccNSO Council candidates |
Tue, 13 Oct | 12:00-13:30 UTC
Session Chair: Biyi Oladipo (.ng)
This Q&A session will provide the ccNSO members and broader ccTLD community an opportunity to interact with the candidates for the ccNSO Council and ask them questions. Read more about the ccNSO Council elections here.
The list of candidates:
Africa: Hadji Mmadi Ali
Asia-Pacific: Anil Kumar Jain, Boyoung Kim, Jiankang Yao
Europe: Irina Danelia
Latin America – Caribbean: Jenifer Lopez
North America: Sean Copeland
Joint Meeting: ICANN Board and ccNSO Council |
Tue, 13 Oct | 14:00-15:00 UTC
The ICANN Board of Directors and the ccNSO aim to have an open discussion, around the following topics, chosen by the Board and the ccNSO respectively:
The Board has chosen the following topic : Enhancing the effectiveness of the Multistakeholder model: key issues and opportunities for acceleration.
Background: The results of the most recent public consultation, and work that has progressed with dependencies to enhancing the effectiveness of the MSM (such as the ATRT3 report and work on prioritization and budgeting).
The topic chosen by the ccNSO: Changes necessary to sustain ICANN’s model.
- Considering that travel restrictions may last for several years, what would need to change in the board, the staff and the various SOs and ACs?
- Even when international travel becomes possible again, should one or more of the ICANN meetings remain virtual to i) reduce carbon emissions and ii) improve accessibility and participation as time/ expense to travel to a physical meeting?
The impact of COVID-19: the ccTLD experience
Session Chair: Yuri Takamatsu (.jp) | Moderator: Irina Danelia (.ru)
This session will focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the business side of ccTLDs.
The main topic of part 1 will be (regional) ccTLD domain name registration trends. Presenters include Patrick Myles (CENTR), who will speak about the CENTRstats Global TLD Report 2020/2, followed by contributions from Alex Corenthin (.sn), David Curtin (.ie), Ai-Chin Lu (.tw) and Alejandra Reynoso (.gt). The goal of part 2 is to have a moderated panel discussion around the various factors that drive these trends.
Q&A with the ICANN Board Seat 12 candidates
Thu, 15 Oct | 12:00-13:30 UTC
Session Chair: Byron Holland (.ca)
This Q&A session will provide the ccNSO members and broader ccTLD community an opportunity to interact with the candidates for the position of ICANN Board seat 12 and ask questions. The candidates are Nigel Roberts and Katrina Sataki. Purpose of the session is to inform the members in preparation of the election, which is scheduled to be held in November 2020. Read more about the ccNSO Board Seat 12 Nominations Process here.
Joint meeting: ccNSO & GNSO Councils
Tue, 20 Oct | 10:30-12:00 UTC
- Welcome
- IDNs
- ccNSO PDP4
- GNSO IDNs Operational Track1 & Policy Track2
- FY21 Budget and Ops Plan coordination
- Empowered Community Mechanisms in Annex D of the ICANN Bylaws
- Closure
Q&A with the ccTLD-related ICANN Board members
Tue, 20 Oct | 12:30-13:30 UTC
Session Chair: Jordan Carter (.nz)
The ICANN Board of Directors consists of sixteen voting directors, including two directors nominated by the ccNSO. Currently these two Board members are Chris Disspain and Nigel Roberts. Chris’s term ends at the end of ICANN69. Patricio Poblete will replace Chris. In addition, other ICANN Board members with an association with a ccTLD are invited to this session: Becky Burr, Danko Jevtovic, Rafael Lito Ibarra.
ccNSO Council Meeting
Wed, 21 Oct | 12:30-14:00 UTC
The agenda and all background materials will be posted on the Council Workspace.