Pre-ICANN69 ccNSO sessions
Read more about the pre-ICANN69 ccNSO sessions, including information on how to participate
These webinars have been completed. There were two options to participate:
Wednesday, 2 September 2020 (19 UTC)
Thursday, 3 September 2020 (8 UTC)
Recordings and a copy of the presentation slides have been posted here.
During this webinar, the ccNSO Chair and other Councillors will provide you with an overview of the election process and address the need to replace Councillors at reasonable and regular intervals. Moreover, you will receive further information about the required skill sets for Councillors, the time commitment and working methods of the ccNSO Council.
The 3-year term for five members of the ccNSO Council will end in March 2021. On 9 September 2020, the ccNSO will open a call for nominations to fill those seats. Read the announcement about the call for nominations here (available shortly).
Recordings and a copy of the presentation slides have been posted here.
There were two options to participate:
- Tuesday, 22 September 2020 (11 UTC)
- Wednesday, 23 September 2020 (19 UTC)
Recordings and a copy of the presentation slides have been posted here.
Are you new to the ccNSO, or would like to learn more? During this 1-hour webinar, the ccNSO Council Chair will help you to gain an understanding of the work of the ccNSO, what to expect from the ccNSO at the Virtual ICANN69 Annual General Meeting, as well as how ccTLD community representatives can participate in the important work that affects you and your region.
Recordings and a copy of the presentation slides have been posted here.
Prep Week is the initiative from ICANN org that consolidates all pre-ICANN Public Meeting webinars. With this initiative, ICANN org not only hopes to improve community preparation, but also to increase awareness of plenary topics and enhance briefings and readout sessions. ICANN69 Prep Sessions will take place between 5-9 October 2020. You may find the current schedule with confirmed sessions here.