ICANN75 - Kuala Lumpur 17-22 September 2022 (AGM)

ICANN75 - Kuala Lumpur 17-22 September 2022 (AGM)


Meeting information

Schedule Website: https://75.schedule.icann.org/ NOW AVAILABLE

Participant tools: https://75.schedule.icann.org/participation-tools

Venue Map: https://75.schedule.icann.org/maps#/?center=300,211.5 

Health & safety FAQs:   https://75.schedule.icann.org/health-safety

Zoom Backgrounds:  https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/JxL2Bg

*NEW Live interpretation for sessions marked with * will be provided in EN, ES and FR. (interpretation | participation tool)

 Saturday, 17 September

Time in UTC

Session title (linked to meeting page)


Agenda / Information

7:00-8:00 UTCDNS Abuse Standing Committee Conference Hall 1
8:30-9:30 UTCIGLCConference Hall 1
 Sunday, 18 September

Time in UTC

Session title (linked to meeting page)


Agenda / Information

1:00-2:00 UTCccNSO Technical Working Group302/303

2:30-4:00 UTCccNSO Council Preparatory Meeting302/303
5:15-6:30 UTC

  1.  PDP3 Review Mechanism
  2. Customer Standing Committee

7:00-8:00 UTCPDP4 IDN302/303
8:30-9:30 UTCSOPC 302/303
 Monday, 19 September

Time in UTC

Session title (linked to meeting page)


Agenda / Information

2:30 UTC

Tech Day ( Part 1 of 4)

Conference Hall 3 (ccNSO)

Tech Day (Part 2 of 4)

Conference Hall 3 (ccNSO)

Tech Day (Part 3 of 4)

Conference Hall 3 (ccNSO)

Tech Day (Part 4 of 4)

Conference Hall 3 (ccNSO)
 Tuesday, 20 September

Time in  UTC

Session title (linked to meeting page)


Agenda / Information

1:00-2:00 UTC PDP3 Update Consultation*Conference Hall 3 (ccNSO)
2:30-4:00 UTCccNSO News (1 of 2)*Conference Hall 3 (ccNSO)
5:15-6:30 UTCJoint session:  ccNSO & GAC *Grand Ballroom 1
7:00-8:00 UTCIANA & CSC update to ccTLDs*Conference Hall 3 (ccNSO)
8:30-9:30 UTC
  1. PDP3 Working Group
  2. ccNSO: Informational Meeting
RM 301
Conference Hall 3 (ccNSO)

 Wednesday, 21 September

Time in  UTC

Session title (linked to meeting page)


Agenda / Information

1:00-2:00 UTC Joint meeting:  ICANN Board and ccNSO*Hall 7BCQuestion from the Board:

What collaborative actions should the Community, Board and Org be undertaking to further progress achieving our strategic priorities?”

2:30-4:00 UTCPlenary: Internet Fragmentation, the DNS and ICANNHall 7BC
5:15-6:30 UTCccNSO and Universal Acceptance*Conference Hall 3 (ccNSO)
7:00-8:00 UTCccNSO Governance Session*Conference Hall 3 (ccNSO)
8:30-9:30 UTC

ccNSO News (2 of 2)*

Conference Hall 3 (ccNSO)
 Thursday, 22 September

Time in  UTC

Session title (linked to meeting page)


Agenda / Information

1:00-2:00 UTC 

ICANN Public Forum

Hall 7BC
2:30-4:00 UTCICANN Annual General MeetingHall 7BC
5:15-6:30 UTCGeopolitical ForumHall 7BC
7:00-8:00 UTCccNSO Council Public Meeting*Conference Hall 3 (ccNSO)
8:30-9:30 UTC

Meetings Program Committee

Conference Hall 3 (ccNSO)