ICANN64 - Kobe 2019

ICANN64 - Kobe 2019

ICANN will hold its 64th International Public Meeting between 09-14 March 2019 in Kobe. Visit the ICANN64 Meeting website for more information about this meeting, including the general meeting schedule, travel and visa information, and information on the venue and hotels.  REGISTER NOW

Meeting information

 Saturday, 9 March
 Monday, 11 March

Time in JST - local

Session title (linked to meeting page)


Adobe Connect

9:00-10:00ICANN64 Welcome CeremonyPortopia Hallhttps://participate.icann.org/kix64-portopiahall
1030-1645 TechDay | (block 2, block 3 & block 4)
Ohwada Ahttps://participate.icann.org/kix64-ohwadaa/

Joint session: ccNSO and GNSO


Ohwada Chttps://participate.icann.org/kix64-ohwadac/
1700-18:30ICANN Public Forum 1Portopia Hallhttps://64.schedule.icann.org/meetings/961912
19:00-21:00ICANN64 Gala (OFFSITE)Venue: Hotel Okura Kobe – 1F Heian Ballroom
 Tuesday, 12 March

Time in JST - local

Session title (linked to meeting page)


Adobe Connect

900-1645Members Meeting Day 1Ohwada Ahttps://participate.icann.org/kix64-ohwadaa/
1100-1200Joint Session: Board and ccNSOOhwada Ahttps://participate.icann.org/kix64-ohwadaa/
1700-1800Meeting with ccNSO Review Independent ExaminerOhwada Ahttps://participate.icann.org/kix64-ohwadaa/
 Wednesday, 13 March

Time in JST - local

Session title (linked to meeting page)


Adobe Connect

900-1645Members Meeting Day 2Ohwada Ahttps://participate.icann.org/kix64-ohwadaa/
1030-1115Joint Session:  ccNSO and GACOhwada Bhttps://participate.icann.org/kix64-ohwadab
1700-1830ccNSO Council MeetingEmeraldhttps://participate.icann.org/kix64-emerald/
 Thursday, 14 March

Time in JST - local

Session title (linked to meeting page)


Adobe Connect

1030-1200Meetings programme committee
13:30-14:45ICANN Board Session on GovernancePortopia Hall