21 October 2019

21 October 2019


Members:   Katrina Sataki, Stephen Deerhake, David McAuley, Dejan Djukic, Mirjana Tasic, Svitlana Tkachenko, Sean Copeland, Alyssa Moore

GNSO Guests:  Rafik Dammak, Keith Drazek, Heather Forrest, Juan Manuel Rojas, Maxim Alzoba, Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Tatiana Tropina,Segun Akano

Staff:   Bart Boswinkel, Julie Hedlund (GNSO), Ariel Liang (GNSO), Kim Carlson



1. Welcome
2. Document:
   • Where are we (update)?
   • What are we are presenting to the Councils?
   • What questions do we want answered?
3. Next steps
4. AOB
5. Closure

Recording:  Zoom replay

Documents: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NnaaoWKJWUu0Cw3pphuvT0wycmMIXhQmYyy0daPmnbI/edit?usp=sharing

Chat transcript:

06:08:53 From Heather Forrest : Great, thanks, Ariel
06:09:27 From Ariel Liang : No problem
06:09:30 From Heather Forrest : @Katrina - I think we need to summarise for the GNSO leaders the proposed plan for Montreal
06:10:02 From Rafik Dammak : +1
06:14:45 From Heather Forrest : +1 grave issue if we can't resolve and get to this point of needing the Joint consultation guidelines
06:15:05 From Keith Drazek (Verisign) : Procedurally, I like the idea of both GNSO and ccNSO approving this concurrently in Montreal, if our respective timelines permit and we agree on the substance.
06:17:20 From Heather Forrest : 18.12(a)(iv): (iv) After a public comment period that complies with the designated practice for public comment periods within ICANN, if a public comment period is requested by the ccNSO and the GNSO, a Special IFR shall have been approved by the vote of (A) a supermajority of the ccNSO Council (pursuant to the ccNSO's procedures or if such procedures do not define a supermajority, two-thirds (2/3) of the Council members) and (B) a GNSO Supermajority.
06:17:32 From Heather Forrest : note requires the supermajority vote of both Councils
06:17:39 From Katrina Sataki : yes, I know
06:18:01 From Katrina Sataki : I'm just asking if that's ok
06:22:02 From Keith Drazek (Verisign) : No questions from me yet
06:23:08 From joke.braeken : questions from the ccNSO to the ICANN Board: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/108405176/jointmeetingwithBoard_ICANN66.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1571060331000&api=v2
06:24:49 From Katrina Sataki : escalation points are in CSC's Remedial Action Procedure
06:26:57 From Ariel Liang : This version of timeline that Heather is presenting does not include a public comment period
06:27:05 From Ariel Liang : There is another version that includes a public comment period (below)
06:28:44 From David McAuley (Verisign) : Day total is 136 if a pub comment period happens
06:30:34 From Heather Forrest : Good point, Keith - let's assume so
06:32:05 From Rafik Dammak : Sorry, I am having connection problems so I missed several parts of the call in the last minutes
06:32:35 From Heather Forrest : The October council meeting won't cover this specific guideline, but the Sunday GNSO Council session can focus on this 18.12 guideline
06:35:13 From Ariel Liang : Joint Council meeting is on Monday at 12:00-13:30
06:35:26 From Ariel Liang : GNSO working session has 20-min allocation to the Drafting Team work (on Sunday)
06:35:42 From Heather Forrest : Joint councils on Monday means that GNSO can vote on the Wednesday
06:35:49 From Heather Forrest : Sounds like it works out pretty well
06:37:44 From Heather Forrest : I'm sorry - I misunderstood - I thought ccNSO was already ready to go
06:38:13 From Heather Forrest : Katrina gets all the credit for the idea of voting in Montreal symbolically together - sorry if I misunderstood the ccNSO's timeline
06:38:29 From Wolf-Ulrich Knoben : How about a common Statement at the Public Forum on Thursday?
06:40:17 From Heather Forrest : Nothing further from me
06:40:22 From Stephen Deerhake : I'm happy with it.
06:40:52 From Heather Forrest : DT will continue to work with GNSO Council leadership to prepare for a vote in Montreal by GNSO Council
06:41:16 From Heather Forrest : Thanks very much Keith and Rafik for joining today - very much appreciated
06:42:28 From Keith Drazek (Verisign) : Sounds great, thanks to you all. It sounds like the GNSO DT and ccNSO GRC are in agreement on the substance, and I highly doubt we'll run into any challenges at the GNSO Council level.
06:43:28 From Heather Forrest : thanks, everyone
06:44:58 From Keith Drazek (Verisign) : Thanks all, much appreciated!
06:44:58 From Ariel Liang : Thanks everyone!
06:45:01 From David McAuley (Verisign) : Thanks all
06:45:01 From Heather Forrest : Bye all!
06:45:02 From Rafik Dammak : bye all
06:45:04 From Maxim Alzoba : Thanks all and bye
06:45:05 From julie.hedlund : Thanks so much Katrina and all!
06:45:05 From Sean Copeland : Thank you and bye
06:45:05 From Kimberly Carlson : Thank you bye