13 May 2019
Members: Katrina Sataki, Stephen Deerhake, David McAuley, Dejan Djukic, Mirjana Tasic, Svitlana, Sean Copeland, Mamothokoane Tkachenko
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Julie Hedlund, Ariel Liang, Kimberly Carlson
- Welcome and roll call
- Overview of procedural steps re Initiation of Special IANA Function Review
- IRP Comment - David
- Upcoming RWP call
- Closure
Recording: Zoom replay
Chat transcript:
06:00:53 From Kimberly Carlson : Hello, welcome to today’s GRC call on 13 May at 12:00 UTC. Please remember to mute your phones and mics while others are speaking. Calls are recorded and posted on the public wiki space.
06:02:01 From Kimberly Carlson : If you’re not part of the RWP and wish to join, let me know and I will send you the calendar invite
06:12:42 From David McAuley : if a public comment period is requested by the ccNSO and the GNSO
06:12:50 From David McAuley : that is bylaw language
06:14:22 From David McAuley : (iv) After a public comment period that complies with the designated practice for public comment periods within ICANN, if a public comment period is requested by the ccNSO and the GNSO, a Special IFR shall have been approved by the vote of (A) a supermajority of the ccNSO Council (pursuant to the ccNSO's procedures or if such procedures do not define a supermajority, two-thirds (2/3) of the Council members) and (B) a GNSO Supermajority.
06:15:01 From David McAuley : that subsection (iv) is from 18.12(a)
06:17:00 From David McAuley : nice overview Bart, very comprehensive
06:17:28 From julie.hedlund : Nothing to add.
06:29:22 From David McAuley : also a good idea, coordination team
06:34:21 From David McAuley : +1 re table
06:36:02 From julie.hedlund : +1 Bart
06:36:35 From David McAuley : That sounds reasonable to me as well
06:37:38 From Joke Braeken : Proposed next steps:
Staff to identify the steps where joint action is needed.
Staff to draft templates.
Coordination team: start making some preparations. They need to ensure the process is run properly, they are not involved in the decision-making.
GRC to look what needs to be included in a ccNSO Guideline.
06:38:00 From David McAuley : Yes thanks to Julie and Ariel
06:38:12 From julie.hedlund : Thanks very much Katrina. We’ll drop off now :-)
06:38:19 From Ariel Liang : Thanks very much for having us!
06:40:37 From Katrina : it's not morning, David :D
06:42:12 From Joke Braeken : https://www.icann.org/news/blog/independent-review-process-standing-panel-call-to-action
06:46:13 From Stephen Deerhake : Nice work David!
06:46:31 From David McAuley : Thanks Stephen
06:46:42 From David McAuley : Yes, absolutely Katrina - from Council
06:46:57 From David McAuley : back looking at zoom
06:47:44 From Kimberly Carlson : its a different Zoom meeting: URL for RWP: https://icann.zoom.us/j/904961592
06:47:50 From Stephen Deerhake : Generally I thought it was reasonable...
06:48:01 From Stephen Deerhake : Compared to what ALAC got...
06:48:19 From Stephen Deerhake : No I have a few issues with it actually...
06:48:36 From Stephen Deerhake : And not ranked either!
06:49:24 From David McAuley : I am not up to speed on this but would be happy to help if needed
06:49:53 From Stephen Deerhake : Agree with you there Katrina. It seems very tied to the survey.
06:50:06 From Stephen Deerhake : Little original thinking...
06:52:06 From Stephen Deerhake : Katrina, your take on it is similar to mine. Sorry my early morning humor fell flat... ;-)
06:52:16 From David McAuley : not here
06:52:45 From Stephen Deerhake : I assume we have to leave this call and sign back in to another Zoom?
06:52:51 From Kimberly Carlson : Next call, 27th?
06:53:17 From David McAuley : fine with me
06:53:25 From David McAuley : 27 is holiday is USA
06:53:35 From Kimberly Carlson : 3rd June, I will send the calendar invite shortly. Thank you
06:54:01 From David McAuley : Thanks Katrina and all
06:54:09 From Katrina : bye!