17 June 2019
Members: Katrina Sataki, Stephen Deerhake, Dejan Djukic, David McAiuley, Jian Zhang, Young Eum Lee, Svitlana Tkachenko, Jannet Ibanez, Sean Copeland
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kimberly Carlson
Apologies: Mirjana Tasić
- Welcome & Roll Call
- Continue discussion on Special IFR (http://bit.ly/2KXUOMr)
- ccNSO Council Actions with Respect to Selection of ccNSO Appointed Members
- Next steps WS 2 recommendations
Recording: Zoom replay
Guideline_ ccNSO Council Actions with Respect to Selection of ccNSO Appointed Members-gs-hh.pdf
Chat transcript:
06:01:18 From Kimberly Carlson : Welcome to today’s GRC teleconference on 17 June at 12:00 UTC. Attendance will be taken by those in Zoom. Apologies from: Mirjana Tasić and David McAuley will be late. As a reminder, this call is recorded and recording will be posted on the public wiki space. Please also remember to mute your phones and microphones when not speaking to avoid background noise while others are speaking.
06:02:18 From Jian Zhang : yes
06:02:31 From sveta : +
06:04:15 From Kimberly Carlson : there is not a F2F session for the GRC in Marrakech
06:04:40 From Katrina : yeah, I thought so
06:06:27 From Jian Zhang : i agree with Bart
06:06:59 From Jian Zhang : coordination team role needs to be further clarified
06:07:51 From David McAuley : Yes, sorry to be late
06:08:11 From joke.braeken : Hello David. if you would like to follow the live-note taking today, go to http://bit.ly/2XbG6YH
06:08:14 From Dejan Djukic : Sorry, muted
06:08:22 From joke.braeken : thanks Dejan
06:09:01 From Kimberly Carlson : Link to the Google doc: http://bit.ly/2KXUOMr
06:17:22 From bart.boswinkel : Maybe we should map out the timelines propeorly
06:17:37 From bart.boswinkel : for full process, starting with the RAP!!
06:17:56 From bart.boswinkel : critical points are:
06:19:13 From bart.boswinkel : - last step RAP
06:19:31 From bart.boswinkel : Board decision/ CSC note to call for further action
06:19:48 From bart.boswinkel : Decision on action both COuncils
06:21:20 From David McAuley : Yes - a lot of days indeed
06:21:41 From David McAuley : even 14 sounds more than enough IMO
06:21:50 From David McAuley : but much better than 30 IMO
06:29:32 From David McAuley : good point, Katrina, to mention CSC in this doc, especially if they resolve and the need to close arises
06:30:06 From Young-eum PC : good to address the contingencies.
06:35:33 From David McAuley : ccNSO seems to capture it all
06:36:57 From David McAuley : I agree with what Bart is saying on this topic
06:39:56 From David McAuley : fold #4 into #5?
06:40:14 From David McAuley : that seems an elegant solution, Bart
06:41:05 From Young-eum PC : consolidating 4 and 5 makes sense
06:41:38 From David McAuley : agree
06:41:53 From sveta : yes, it’s clear
06:44:14 From David McAuley : I agree with Katrina, don't see the issue
06:45:31 From David McAuley : I think we can l;eave it as is
06:45:42 From sveta : May be 2 sentences would be easier to understand
06:46:11 From Young-eum PC : The addition seems to emphasize that even if the request was for an earlier closing date, the council gets the final say.
06:46:48 From David McAuley : good point
06:46:51 From joke.braeken : i believe working day
06:46:51 From David McAuley : business day
06:46:53 From Young-eum PC : business day
06:46:59 From joke.braeken : ok :)
06:47:07 From David McAuley : but in international context they all have indefiniteness
06:47:28 From David McAuley : either would be fine with me
06:48:29 From joke.braeken : in the travel fund guideline, we use “working day"
06:48:40 From Young-eum PC : I agree with Bart's interpretation
06:49:59 From David McAuley : we could say
06:50:28 From David McAuley : 'days' and factor in weekends so 10 working days would become 14 days and lessen confusion
06:51:33 From David McAuley : good point Bart
06:54:50 From David McAuley : example seems ok
06:54:56 From Young-eum PC : I think it helps people understand the process
06:55:25 From David McAuley : agree with Young-eum
06:57:04 From David McAuley : very good point, Katrina - the seats come with some specific requirements
06:58:45 From bart.boswinkel : Maybe change the sentence: follow the the Council vote, unless specific requirement of the call of volunteers dictate otherwise
07:02:11 From David McAuley : bye Bart
07:02:35 From Young-eum PC : "taking into account.... as much as possible" seems to be allowing for arbitrary judgement. Bart's suggestion provides some ground for digressing from the council vote
07:02:44 From David McAuley : what section?
07:03:57 From Young-eum PC : Agree with David
07:04:23 From David McAuley : does zoom ever allow users to scroll?
07:05:02 From joke.braeken : hello David, no, that is not an option with zoom
07:05:23 From David McAuley : Thanks Joke
07:05:26 From joke.braeken : Documents are not loaded into the room like with AC, but documents are shared via a screen-share.
07:05:57 From Kimberly Carlson : Here is the document if you want it on your own computer
07:06:09 From David McAuley : I guess guideline
07:06:27 From David McAuley : or procedure with small p
07:10:27 From Young-eum PC : Also, the posted suggestions are 'suggestions,' not adament requests for correction.
07:11:38 From David McAuley : ok
07:11:49 From Young-eum PC : ok
07:13:55 From Kimberly Carlson : http://bit.ly/2KXUOMr
07:14:03 From David McAuley : OK - thanks Kim
07:14:30 From David McAuley : yes
07:15:00 From Stephen Deerhake : End of July works...
07:15:09 From David McAuley : Kim that is special IFR link
07:15:17 From David McAuley : end of july fine
07:15:30 From David McAuley : can you send link to ws2 on list
07:15:38 From Kimberly Carlson : yes
07:15:43 From David McAuley : thanks
07:15:45 From Kimberly Carlson : I will email
07:15:58 From Young-eum PC : Thanks everyone!
07:16:07 From Kimberly Carlson : Thanks all, bye. Safe travels for those attending ICANN65
07:16:09 From David McAuley : thanks Katrina and all, bye