2 October 2019 | 13 UTC
2 October 2019 | 13 UTC
Attendees | see attendance tracker |
Attendees staff | Joke Braeken, Ria Otanes |
Apologies | see attendance tracker |
Agenda |
Documents |
Recordings | https://icann.zoom.us/recording/share/aHEUS63StvJjddJ3DgH6HvbhfoUc027KaAXiP_mtC9ewIumekTziMw recording with the integrated audio transcript: |
Chat | meeting_saved_chat.pdf |
Notes & Action Items | Action Items
Presenter to mention ICANN66 GAC onboarding on PDP-retirement during the newcomer webinar
Transition to new MPC chair: Alejandra to announce the selection of Barbara Povse (.si) as new MPC chair to the ccNSO Council. Barbara to be appointed by the ccNSO Council during the ICANN66 face to face ccNSO Council meeting. Notes To consult the high-level notes taken during the meeting, click here. |