4 September 2019 | 13 UTC

4 September 2019 | 13 UTC


Attendeessee attendance tracker
Attendees staffMaria Otanes, Joke Braeken
Apologiessee attendance tracker
  1. Welcome
  2. Action items previous meeting & administrative announcements, if any
  3. Review Tips & Tricks for presenters & session chairs
  4. Preparations related to ICANN66
    1. Briefing consultation SO/AC planning team
    2. Draft block schedule ccNSO-related sessions
    3. Draft ICANN66 ccNSO Members Meeting agenda
  5. Prep. meetings
  6. AOB
  7. Next Meeting & Closure

MPC agenda | 4 Sept. 2019 13 UTC
draft ccNSO Members Meeting agenda
draft ccNSO Block Schedule

tips & tricks for session chairs
tips & tricks for presenters
how to optimize the involvement

Notes & Action Items

Action Items

AI #1: Sean to email a clip to the MPC, to show what is being done in an American talk show to introduce the presenters
AI #2: Secretariat to clean up the 3 documents with tips & tricks and publish clean version. Send links to the MPC
AI #3: Secretariat to send out call for presenters for the ccTLD News Session. Mention that a limited number of slots is available. No focus on a particular topic: leave the call open, to have more diversity, including regional diversity
AI #4: Barbara and Gudrun to send suggestions to Alejandra on how to shape the prep sessions


To consult the high-level notes taken during the meeting, click here.

Chat00:15:48 Guðrun Poulsen (.fo): Hi everyone!
00:17:55 Allan MacGillivray: Sorry to be late
00:20:06 Joke Braeken: hi Allan, glad you could make it
00:22:03 barbarap: I very much agree with Alejandra, it's very difficult to make changes during the session and it's not fair to the other presenters
00:22:05 Allan MacGillivray: I agree -
00:23:34 Svitlana Tkachenko: yes, explain it in other words
00:25:50 ppoblete: yes
00:26:35 Guðrun Poulsen (.fo): That’s very good Alejandra
00:31:56 Guðrun Poulsen (.fo): Hi all. I’m having the pleasure to chair the news session together with Barbara. I was wondering, what are you thoughts on preparing 1-2 questions for each presenter? Wouldn’t that make the sessions more interactice?
00:33:12 Guðrun Poulsen (.fo): Great - :)
00:33:15 Guðrun Poulsen (.fo): thanks
00:36:16 Svitlana Tkachenko: yes
00:36:20 barbarap: Agree
00:36:21 Hiro Hotta: let's do so
00:36:26 Allan MacGillivray: Are the tips and tricks sent to presenters and session chairs individually?
00:37:20 Allan MacGillivray: Thanks
00:50:46 barbarap: Agree
00:50:50 Guðrun Poulsen (.fo): I agree with Allan :) I think we should have a call for requests
00:51:09 Svitlana Tkachenko: Agree, may be ask people presentation on dns abuse topic
00:52:13 Allan MacGillivray: I think we should leave it open
00:52:15 barbarap: I'd leave it open as well, we already have an presentation on DNS abuse
00:52:31 Svitlana Tkachenko: ok
00:52:43 Hiro Hotta: I think it's better to make it open to solicit more presentation from diverse resions
00:58:27 barbarap: I could participate
00:58:36 Guðrun Poulsen (.fo): I could participate as well :)
00:59:28 Svitlana Tkachenko: During ICANN - 4 October or November ?
01:00:05 barbarap: There's a typo :-)
01:00:16 Joke Braeken: :) thank you
01:01:33 Guðrun Poulsen (.fo): when is the last minute for the presenters to send their presentations?
01:01:42 Hiro Hotta: maybe notation "week##" is not very popular globally
01:01:57 Joke Braeken: the deadline is 2 weeks prior to the meeting
01:02:14 Guðrun Poulsen (.fo): thanks
01:03:48 barbarap: Except from your dog :-)
01:03:59 barbarap: :-)
01:05:41 Guðrun Poulsen (.fo): Great :)
01:05:46 barbarap: Thanks Alejandra and Joke and by to everyone
01:06:05 barbarap: We will do our homework, won't we , godrun?
01:06:17 Svitlana Tkachenko: Thank you!
01:06:19 Hiro Hotta: thanks all
01:06:21 Hiro Hotta: bye
01:06:21 barbarap: bye
01:06:22 Patricio Poblete (.CL): bye!
01:06:25 Sean Copeland: Thank you and bye
01:06:26 Allan MacGillivray: Great day to everyone
01:06:26 Katrina: thank you! bye!
01:06:27 Guðrun Poulsen (.fo): Bye :)