27 March 2019 | 13:00 UTC
Attendees | see attendance tracker |
Attendees - staff | Joke Braeken, Ria Otanes |
Apologies | see attendance tracker |
Agenda |
Documents |
Recordings |
Chat | From Barrack Otieno to Everyone: (01:51 PM) Hi Joke good to e-see you seems i am early From Me to Everyone: (01:53 PM) hi Barrack. Hello everyone. Welcome From gudrunpoulsen to Everyone: (01:55 PM) Hi everyone :-) From Me to Everyone: (01:56 PM) hello! From barbarap to Everyone: (01:56 PM) Hello everyone From Alejandra Reynoso [.gt] to Everyone: (02:00 PM) one minute is ok :) From Hiro Hotta to Everyone: (02:04 PM) Hiro has just joined From Me to Everyone: (02:06 PM) hello Hiro, welcome sorry, I failed to share the survey results on screen here we go :) From gudrunpoulsen to Everyone: (02:15 PM) Has the response been good? Very good. Thank you. From Barrack Otieno to Everyone: (02:22 PM) agenda looks great so far i will work with Mustafa to encourage African ccTLDs to play an active role as requested by Katrina in the last meeting From Barrack Otieno to Everyone: (02:24 PM) the meeting is quite close to the Africa Internet Summit hence most African delegates will fly straight from Uganda. From Young-eum Lee to Everyone: (02:24 PM) Thanks for the explanation. From Me to Everyone: (02:25 PM) that sounds great Barrack From gudrunpoulsen to Everyone: (02:25 PM) That’s very interesting Barrack. From Katrina to Everyone: (02:26 PM) DoH DNS over HTTPS From gudrunpoulsen to Everyone: (02:28 PM) no old From Barrack Otieno to Everyone: (02:28 PM) the Africa Region would benefit greatly from a session on DOH similar to what we did in the GAC Not sure if this can fit in Techday though From sveta to Everyone: (02:32 PM) :) or at least make it shorter. From Young-eum Lee to Everyone: (02:33 PM) agree with Katrina From Barrack Otieno to Everyone: (02:34 PM) i suggest we consider making it short From sveta to Everyone: (02:34 PM) What another topic we can discuss instead of that optional session? From Katrina to Everyone: (02:34 PM) HIT/CC they are at this time From Katrina to Everyone: (02:36 PM) we CAN have something at the same time - but if the topic is interesting for ccTLDs, then we can attend HIT/CC if the topic is not interesting, we better have something that is relevant to ccTLDs From sveta to Everyone: (02:37 PM) +1 Katrina From Young-eum Lee to Everyone: (02:37 PM) Agree. From gudrunpoulsen to Everyone: (02:41 PM) I agree with Joke :) From Barrack Otieno to Everyone: (02:43 PM) yes i will will work on that with Mustafa From gudrunpoulsen to Everyone: (02:44 PM) I think that sounds good :) From sveta to Everyone: (02:46 PM) yes From Young-eum Lee to Everyone: (02:46 PM) Hard to hear Barbara. :-( From Katrina to Everyone: (02:47 PM) could you recap Barbara's great suggestion? it was difficult to hear :) From sveta to Everyone: (02:47 PM) Could you repeat Barbara’s suggestion? agree with Joke. From barbarap to Everyone: (02:49 PM) Agree with Joke! Would get very valuable additional info From Young-eum Lee to Everyone: (02:49 PM) Thanks for clarifying my suggestion, Joke. From gudrunpoulsen to Everyone: (02:51 PM) I agree with Joke. It should be before the meetings start. From barbarap to Everyone: (02:51 PM) It was useful From Barrack Otieno to Me: (Privately) (02:52 PM) it was usefull even in planes they remind us how to buckle up all the time :-) From Barrack Otieno to Everyone: (02:52 PM) it was usefull even in planes they remind us how to buckle up :-) From Barrack Otieno to Everyone: (02:53 PM) where can we get the session presentations? Alejandra? From Me to Everyone: (02:54 PM) hello Barrack. The presentations from the Kobe meeting are uploaded on the ICANN public schedule they will be available shortly as well on the ccNSO website Let me look up the link for you https://ccnso.icann.org/en/meetings/kobe64 go to “presentations” From Barrack Otieno to Everyone: (02:55 PM) Great thank you From Me to Everyone: (02:56 PM) I will follow up with the meeting notes from this call via email. From Katrina to Everyone: (02:58 PM) thank you! bye! :) From Me to Everyone: (02:58 PM) thank you all. Goodbye! From Barrack Otieno to Everyone: (02:58 PM) Thank you bye From barbarap to Everyone: (02:58 PM) Thank you and bye From gudrunpoulsen to Everyone: (02:58 PM) Thanks to you too :) From Sean Copeland to Everyone: (02:58 PM) Thank you From sveta to Everyone: (02:58 PM) thank you!! From Hiro Hotta to Everyone: (02:58 PM) thanks, bye |
Notes & Action items | ACTION ITEMS:
Group members have until April 5th to review the Term of Service proposal and to submit comments or suggestions, if any.
Group members have until April 5th to review the Charter (in particular the section on the Terms of Service) and to submit comments or suggestions, if any.
Draft Feedback on feedback to be shared with the group once the survey closed. MPC asked to review the draft, and to sign off on it.
Barbara to follow up with Alejandra via email regarding additional cross-community topic proposal (on DoH).
Secretariat to send out call for presenters for the ccTLD News Session. Include the focus on policy for this meeting. Call should stay open until mid April.
NOTES MPC | 27 March 2019 | 13 UTC
By chair Alejandra.
After the discussions in Kobe, a second proposal was sent out to the group. Highlights:
Alejandra intends to inform the council during the next council call on 18 April on the progress made regarding this topic, including the charter adjustment for the section on the Terms of Service. Barbara: this does not match with the charter: will that not create issues later? It would be better to list the second column as “2nd term start”, 3rd column as “3rd term start”. Alejandra confirmed that this proposal is simply to kick off the staggering of the terms. Katrina prefers to be in group 1, since she has been part of this group for a long time. Alejandra reminds everyone that there will be an annual check whether members intend to step down or stay onboard. First proposal mentioned to have long-standing members all in group 1, but in the second proposal, the long-standing members are spread over the 3 groups.
Action item #1: Group members have until April 5th to review the Term of Service proposal and to submit comments or suggestions, if any.
Action item #2: Group members have until April 5th to review the Charter (in particular the section on the Terms of Service) and to submit comments or suggestions, if any.
No further comments
Satisfaction survey closes today.
Action item #3: Draft Feedback on feedback to be shared with the group once the survey closed. MPC asked to review the draft, and to sign off on it.
1st planning meeting took place in Kobe, where the first icann block schedule and the production timeline for ICANN65 were shared with the SO/AC planning committee. The ccNSO is represented by Katrina and Alejandra.
Proposals received to date will be forwarded to SO/AC planning committee for further discussion.
Current draft working plan, nothing confirmed. MPC will be meeting in person on Thursday
Young-eum asked what the SO/AC Roundtable is. It is a closed meeting for SO/AC chairs.
What are the cross-community sessions? Intended audience is all SO/ACs. HIT for limited number of SO/ACs Barbara suggests DoH / DNS over https as a topic for a cross-community session.
Action item #4: Barbara to follow up with Alejandra via email regarding additional cross-community topic proposal (on DoH).
45 min currently not filled in: could be used for a legal or marketing session, or for a PTI update.
Action item #5: Secretariat to send out call for presenters for the ccTLD News Session. Include the focus on policy for this meeting. Call should stay open until mid April.
Suggestion to have a post-meeting wrap-up with members meeting session chairs. Young-eum: Shall we have the meeting with the session chairs at the same time with the MPC? Yes, both groups will benefit from that. Also continue the pre-meeting and/or onsite planning sessions with session chairs.
The next planning meeting with other SO/ACs is scheduled for 25 April. Suggestion is for the MPC to meet after that. By then the call for volunteers will be closed as well. The group decided in Kobe to always meet on Wednesdays, at 13 UTC. May 1st is holiday in many countries, so the next MPC meeting will take place on Wed, 8 May | 13 UTC. |