11 June June 2019 (1430 UTC)

11 June June 2019 (1430 UTC)


Members:  Ajay Data, Anna Karakhanyan, Giovanni Seppia, Kristina Hakobyan, Rubens Kuhl (GNSO), Maxim Alzoba (GNSO) 

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Ariel Liang (GNSO), Kimberly Carlson

Apologies:  Mohamed Salah, Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila


  1. Welcome and roll call
  2. Consolidation/2nd reading section 2.1.1 (principles and 2.2 (inclusion IDNccTLDs)
  3. Discussion comments 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 Board report:  Google form and document
  4. What to present in Marrakech
  5. Next call (18 June)
  6. AOB


Recordings:  Zoom Playback

Chat Transcript:

08:33:13 From Kimberly Carlson : Welcome to today’s ccNSO IDN Policies Preliminary Review Team teleconference on 11 June at 14:30 UTC. Attendance will be based on those in Zoom. Apologies have been received from Mohamed Salah and Abdalmonem Galila. Calls are recorded and will be posted on the public wiki space (https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/OSB2Bg). Finally, as a reminder please mute your phones and mics when not speaking to avoid background noise.
08:36:01 From joke.braeken : To follow the live note taking during today’s call, go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MEw1fdfTkbbY-ws4ekqvpmSl5PoRuTd3pzGSVJUaNUg/edit?usp=sharing
08:36:10 From Maxim Alzoba : 2.2.1 (iii) seem to be limited only to TLDs (right part)
08:38:40 From Maxim Alzoba : it seems to he logical
08:38:43 From Maxim Alzoba : be
08:41:51 From Rubens Kuhl : Sure thing.
08:43:42 From Rubens Kuhl : Very curious that I only connected audio via phone and the phone is muted. Weird Zoom things happen.
08:58:38 From Maxim Alzoba : sorry, I have to drop for the overlapping call
08:58:41 From Maxim Alzoba : bye all
08:59:05 From Rubens Kuhl : I'll send it to the list.
08:59:25 From Rubens Kuhl : I also have to drop the call now, unfortunately.
09:00:02 From Anna Karakhanyan : Bye Maxim
09:09:54 From Ajay Data : pl continue
09:09:56 From Anna Karakhanyan : Bye Rubens
09:09:59 From Ajay Data : let me see my audio
09:13:39 From Anna Karakhanyan : Thank you, Bart
09:21:40 From Anna Karakhanyan : Sorry, something happened with my connection:(
09:23:04 From Anna Karakhanyan : so each IDN ccTLD should be has their own rules
09:23:25 From Anna Karakhanyan : but it can be at least suggested to prevent fishing
09:23:35 From Anna Karakhanyan : thank you for answer
09:23:50 From Giovanni Seppia : Dear All, I need to move to another meeting. Regards to all.
09:24:08 From Anna Karakhanyan : Bye Giovanni
09:26:56 From Ajay Data : I understand that. just mention d to clarify.
09:28:14 From Anna Karakhanyan : I agree. Thank you Ajay
09:28:45 From Anna Karakhanyan : This time is perfect for me
09:29:04 From Kristina Hakobyan : for me it’s ok
09:29:09 From Anna Karakhanyan : 14:30 UTC is very good for me
09:29:58 From Kimberly Carlson : Thanks all, I will send the calendar invite for the 18th at 14:30 UTC
09:30:06 From Kristina Hakobyan : ok, thanks
09:30:15 From Anna Karakhanyan : Thank you ver much!
09:30:34 From joke.braeken : thank you. bye all.
09:30:39 From Kristina Hakobyan : bye all
09:30:41 From Anna Karakhanyan : Bye-bye