4 June 2019

4 June 2019


Members:  Ajay Data, Anna Karakhanyan, Mohamed Salah, GIovanni Seppia, Abdalmonem Galilia, Kristina Hakobyan

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Steve Chan (GNSO), Ariel Liang (GNSO), Kimberly Carlson



1. Welcome and roll call

2. Overview and discussion of comments section 2.1.1 and 2.2 of the Board Report

3. Next steps comments

4. Preparation f-2-f in Marrakesh

5. Reporting to the community & Council

    a. Presentation and questions, if any ccNSO meeting day sessions

    b. Preparing an advisory to the community

6. Next meeting (11 June 2019, 14.30 UTC or 18.00 UTC) Please note the different starting time

7. AOB

8. Closure


Recordings:  Zoom Playback

Chat Transcript:

11:02:48 From Kimberly Carlson : Welcome to today’s IDN PRT call on 4 June at 17:00 UTC. Calls are recorded and posted on the public wiki. Attendance will be taken based on those on Zoom. Please mute your phones and mics when not speaking to avoid any background noise.
11:03:36 From Kristina Hakobyan : I have made just corrections, nothing important)
11:04:26 From Kimberly Carlson : Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_TeEjocHg6IINeTVI3dgvcskCt9g6PJMK5GEHCKzPX4/edit
11:06:31 From Anna Karakhanyan : Hi from … Tbilisi:) ENOG 16:)
11:08:34 From Anna Karakhanyan : Sorry , but I put my comments to Giovanni’s file....
11:13:46 From Giovanni Seppia : HI All, I am in transit in an airport with poor internet. Sorry about it
11:15:34 From Anna Karakhanyan : The same situation:( My hotel connection is not so good, sorry
11:15:36 From Joke Braeken : hello everyone. Could you please mute your line when not speaking?
11:27:33 From Giovanni Seppia : THe size of the country and its population must not matter.
11:27:59 From Giovanni Seppia : If we apply the same principle we should say that .de has more votes than any other European TLD
11:28:27 From Giovanni Seppia : We must not open this box.
11:29:05 From Giovanni Seppia : I believe this is completely out of scope.
11:29:37 From Giovanni Seppia : There are some IDN ccTLD that never participated in any IDN PDP and they are enjoying their delegated IDN
11:32:26 From Giovanni Seppia : I have a very bad audio as I am in an airport
11:33:03 From Giovanni Seppia : What I did is to organise the paper more in line with the Board Report.
11:33:06 From Ajay Data : Giovanni, how do we stroke the balance in between different territories and what parameters should balance them.
11:33:20 From Giovanni Seppia : I also screened it to make sure we just have a list of items and the reasoning
11:33:28 From Giovanni Seppia : this is the scope of this wg
11:33:57 From Kristina Hakobyan : no I’m not, Bart)
11:35:02 From Kimberly Carlson : Anna’s comments in green?
11:36:03 From Giovanni Seppia : Yes, Anna's comments are in green
11:36:32 From Anna Karakhanyan : Sorry, but my connection is really very unstadable:(((
11:37:12 From Giovanni Seppia : I believe we should all look at the points and if we agree, we may provide additional input to the rationale
11:37:33 From Giovanni Seppia : That is what Anna did
11:38:00 From Ajay Data : I agree with Giovanni
11:38:55 From Ajay Data : on Variant point. let’s have some reference to depend on LGRs
11:39:49 From Giovanni Seppia : @ Bart, I will not be at the meeting on Thursday in Marrakech
11:40:00 From Anna Karakhanyan : Unfortunately I’ll not be in Marrakesh...
11:40:05 From Kimberly Carlson : https://65.schedule.icann.org/meetings/1058314
11:40:11 From Kimberly Carlson : We will have remote participatio
11:40:14 From Kimberly Carlson : n
11:40:18 From Joke Braeken : the update during the Members Meeting agenda is scheduled for Tue, day 1 (starting at 14:00, total duration of 20 min)
11:40:43 From Giovanni Seppia : I will be there on Tuesday
11:40:55 From Joke Braeken : agenda of the ccNSO Members Meeting: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ccnsowkspc/pages/108404498/ccNSO+Members+Meeting+ICANN65
11:41:25 From Kimberly Carlson : All sessions will have remote participation, I will send a calendar invite to the RT
11:43:03 From Kimberly Carlson : Remote participation details can be found here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/-h52Bg
11:43:21 From Giovanni Seppia : I am fine with both
11:43:59 From Kristina Hakobyan : Im ok
11:44:37 From Kimberly Carlson : Thanks, 11 June at 14:30 UTC. Will send a calendar invite shortly
11:44:48 From Giovanni Seppia : Thanks to Bart, Kim and Joke for all your work
11:44:48 From Kristina Hakobyan : thanks, Kim)
11:46:54 From Giovanni Seppia : @ All, I need to move to the gate. Thanks everybody.
11:47:03 From Joke Braeken : have a good flight Giovanni
11:47:06 From Kimberly Carlson : Bye, Giovanni
11:48:25 From Kristina Hakobyan : thanks, everybody
11:48:26 From Kimberly Carlson : Bye all, thanks