28 May 2019

28 May 2019


Members:  Abdalmonem Galila, Mohamed Salah, Sergo Karakozov, Anna Karakhanyan, Jean Nahum Constant, Kristina Kakobyan, Giovanni Seppia, Maxim Alzoba (GNSO Council)

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Steve Chan (GNSO), Ariel Liang (GNSO), Kimberly Carlson

Apologies:  Ajay Data


  1.  Welcome and roll call
  2. Roadmap slides
  3. Discussion of tables and review of Table on Bylaws change (example)
  4. Next steps
  5. Next meeting
  6. AOB


Recordings:  Zoom Playback

Chat Transcript:

11:00:51 From Kimberly Carlson : Welcome to today’s ccNSO IDN PRT call on 28 May, 2019 at 17:00 UTC. Attendance will be taken by those in Zoom. Apologies from Ajay Data. All calls are recorded and posted on the public wiki. As a reminder, please mute you phones and microphones when not speaking to avoid background noise.
11:23:23 From Joke Braeken : If you wish to follow the live note-taking for today’s IDN PRT meeting, go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wIWYTLlRZi26zk5b6tI1hhrB3ZD0zm8MLWiFe10oXFc/edit?usp=sharing
11:24:54 From Kimberly Carlson : There is a meeting scheduled for the PRT in Marrakech, Thursday block 2 (1030-1200)
11:26:03 From Kimberly Carlson : If you are unable to attend in person, remote participation will be available
11:27:17 From Joke Braeken : thanks Kim, the update during the Members Meeting is scheduled during day 1, Tue 25 June (13:30-15:00), during the policy session. consult the agenda here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ccnsowkspc/pages/108404498/ccNSO+Members+Meeting+ICANN65
11:30:47 From Giovanni Seppia : Can we simplify the table?
11:31:36 From Giovanni Seppia : As we are expected to just list the items, can we list the item and ask if we like to include it or not?
11:32:11 From Giovanni Seppia : I would remove the proposed mechanism column
11:32:18 From Anna Karakhanyan : I didn’t see my comments in your slide…
11:32:20 From Giovanni Seppia : comment rationale should stay
11:32:33 From Abdalmonem Galila : same here ana
11:32:59 From Anna Karakhanyan : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_TeEjocHg6IINeTVI3dgvcskCt9g6PJMK5GEHCKzPX4/edit#
11:33:03 From Anna Karakhanyan : here?
11:35:55 From Giovanni Seppia : I am a bit confused. If the scope of this team is to produce a list of items that need to be reviewed in more details, I believe we should not get into any detail now.
11:37:35 From Giovanni Seppia : Yes, but the rationale should not propose any solution
11:37:51 From Giovanni Seppia : indeed
11:40:51 From Kimberly Carlson : Board report and IDN Roadmap slides can be found on the wiki: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/5x92Bg
11:45:11 From Kimberly Carlson : Next call 4 June at 17:00 UTC
11:45:11 From Giovanni Seppia : Fine with me
11:45:13 From Kristina Hakobyan : tat’s good
11:45:46 From Giovanni Seppia : Thank you!
11:45:51 From Kristina Hakobyan : thank you
11:45:56 From Joke Braeken : by all
11:46:00 From Anna Karakhanyan : Thank you