21 May 2019

21 May 2019


Members:   Anna Karakhanyan, Abdalmonem Galila, Sergo Karakozov, Mohamed Salah Moselhi, Kristina Hakobyan, Giovanni Seppia 

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Steve Chan (GNSO), Ariel Liang (GNSO), Kimberly Carlson



1 . Welcome and Introductions
2 . Review Terms of Reference: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/108404646/26%20April%202019%20ToR%20Preliminary%20review%20IDNccTLD%20recommended%20policy%20final.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1557925748000&api=v2
Nominations chair, Internal organization and weekly calls
3 . Work plan
4 . Background material
i. https://ccnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-26sep13-en.htm ( IDN ccPDP 2 Board Report, 2013)
ii. https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/fast-track-2012-02-25-en ( Fast Track Implementation plan and related material)
iii. https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/root-zone-lgr-2015-06-21-en , https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/idn-variant-tld-implementation-2018-07-26-en , Board resolution on LGR: https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2019-03-14-en#2.a
5  Discussion on approach, expectations: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/meetings/kobe64/presentation-roadmap-idn-cctld-policy-12mar19-en.pdf ( Roadmap presentation)
6 . Next meeting
7 . AOB


Recordings:  Zoom Playback

Chat Transcript:

1:01:38 From Kimberly Carlson : Hello, welcome to today’s ccNSO IDN Preliminary Review Team on 21 May at 17:00 UTC
11:04:02 From Giovanni Seppia : Hi Kim, the last phone number is mine as I had audio issues with the laptop
11:04:13 From Kimberly Carlson : Ok thanks
11:09:55 From Kristina Hakobyan : very good initiative, Bart
11:12:14 From Steve Chan : Label Generation Rule = LGR
11:16:03 From Giovanni Seppia : All crystal clear! thanks!
11:17:01 From Kimberly Carlson : Today’s slides/presentations will be posted on the wiki: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/yh92Bg
11:23:59 From Steve Chan : FYI, there is a public comment currently open for the Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ-LGR), version 3. The RZ-LGR is what is used to determine the variants for a particular IDN string: https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2019-04-25-en
11:27:33 From Anna Karakhanyan : Thank you , Steve for providing with the link!
11:37:40 From Ajay Data : thanks Bart.
11:54:58 From Giovanni Seppia : Thanks in advance Bart for preparing the overview. I am fully supportive of this way forward
11:57:19 From Giovanni Seppia : I volunteer
11:58:46 From Giovanni Seppia : Fine with me
11:59:07 From Giovanni Seppia : Yes
12:00:34 From Kristina Hakobyan : I'm ok
12:01:36 From Giovanni Seppia : Thanks all, I need to join another call
12:01:39 From Ajay Data : thank you
12:01:51 From Giovanni Seppia : And thanks a lot Bart. Next time I hope we will speak!
12:01:59 From Mohamed SALAH MOSELHI : thank u bart
12:02:07 From Mohamed SALAH MOSELHI : thaks everyone
12:02:07 From Anna Karakhanyan : Thank you very much!
12:02:11 From Kristina Hakobyan : thank you