Action Item Report - Social Media WG

Action Item Report - Social Media WG

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Shah to be the second guest speaker at the booth on Thursday. 
Shah2024 Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
hadia.elminiawi2024 Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
  • lidebru18 to send the videos for SM to staff. 
lidebru18Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
  • Claudia Ruiz lidebru18 once schedule is published - send 2 messages daily to promote At-Large sessions on Social Media channels - also forward to Rodrigo and or Alex to promote on ICANN platforms
Claudia RuizAction Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
  • When will the contest start - 18 of February -  (after Meeting schedule is out)
Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
  • For all to be Organize / invited / Join the Next CB webinar in February 
Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
  •  Committee - to create some 'teasters' to engage newcomers and to get members to Register for  #ICANN75 in various languages and come up with Hashtags
Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
  • At-Large Social Media Working Group Regional Leads and Members
At-Large Social Media Engagement Toolkit ICANN74
  • ICANN74 Leads:  Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges and Daniel Nanghaka
At-Large Social Media Engagement Toolkit ICANN74
  • Hashtags to use for ICANN74: Join #icann74 at our #atlarge74 session on …
At-Large Social Media Engagement Toolkit ICANN74
  • 7-10 March:
    1. Send individual twitter messages during those sessions that you participate
      1. Use proposed hashtags
Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
  • 20 March
    1. Metrics ready
Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
  • 1 April
    1. SM Final Results and Recommendation Report for ICANN 73
Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
  • Timeline: 
Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
  •  SMWG Co-Chairs to encourage your RALO members to tweet in local languages. 
Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
  • Do not use all caps for social media. 
Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
  • Hashtags to use for ICANN73: Join #icann73 at our #atlarge73 session on …
Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
  • Next call TBD
Action Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group
denise.hochbaumAction Items: At-Large Social Media Working Group