2022-03-02 At-Large Social Media Working Group Call

2022-03-02 At-Large Social Media Working Group Call

Date: Wednesday, 02 March 2022

Time: 20:00 - 21:00 UTC  (For the time in various time zones, click here)

How can I participate in this meeting? 

English Conference ID = 1638

Zoom Link: https://icann.zoom.us/j/96985758439?pwd=ZlpzRWNDdWN5dllCV0xNeHNYWGZvZz09 / Password: SMWGCall#1


EN: Olévié Kouami, JOnathan Zuck, Eduardo Diaz, Alfredo Calderon, Chery Langdon-Orr, Daniel Nanghaka, Denise Hochbaum, Ejikeme Egbuogu, Hadia El Miniawi, Lilian Ivette Deluque, Olévié Kouami, Samwel Kariuki, Shah Rahman, 

Apologies: none received

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Claudia Ruiz

Call Management: Gisella Gruber

Action Items: EN 

Zoom Chat: EN

Zoom Recording: EN

Recording: EN

Transcript: EN 





Allotted Time/Running Time

Roll CallRoll Call by ICANN AT-Large StaffStaff(00:02/ 00:02)


Introductory Remarks by SWWG Co-Chairs

  1. This meeting is preparation for ICANN 73 SM execution (assuming similar SM strategy used in  ICANN72)
    1. Assign responsibilities to spread the work
      1. Create hashtags and mentions; messages, images, links
      2. Define metrics and how to measure them
        1. Why: To measure outreach and engagement
      3. Schedule emails and Twitter messages
    2. Timeline
    3. Use SM ICANN 73 working table:  https://bit.ly/smworkingtableicann73
  2. Resources:
    1. SM ICANN 72 working table: https://bit.ly/smworkingtableicann72
    2. ICANN 72 SM Strategy: https://bit.ly/smstrategyicann72
    3. ICANN 72 SM toolkit: https://bit.ly/smtoolkiticann72
    4. At-Large Wiki Social Media Resources
    5. ICANN 72 At-Large Social Media Results and Reccomendations - ver1.0



(00:08/ 00:10)





  1. Reach consensus on hashtags and mentions to use
    1. Possibilities:
      1. #icann73 
      2. #atLarge73
      3. .@icann **
      4. .@IcannAtLarge **
      5. .@naralo ** (other RALOs as well)
      6. #sm73xx 
        1. Where
          1. sm = social media 
          2. 73 is the ICANN meeting number
          3. xx = session number
          4. For example:
            1. for the first session, "At-Large Leadership Welcome to ICANN73."  use #sm7301

** (notice the "." in front of the mention)

Note: use camel case notation for hashtags. They are easier to read.



(00:10 / 00:20)


  1. Create SM messages for ICANN 73
    1. Propose to use the following resources to develop these
      1. At-Large Meeting Agendas at ICANN 73
      2. At-Large Talking Points at ICANN 73
      3. At-Large Wiki Social Media Resources
      4. Presentation by Jonathan Zuck: "A Few Social Media Tips" (Starts at 27:40)
      5. Session details in ICANN 73 official schedule
        1. For example:
          1. for the first session, "At-Large Leadership Welcome to ICANN73." 
      6. Others?
  2. Designation of a Sub-Group to develop messages
    1. Tasks
      1. Create messages for each session
        1. (for discussion) How many and what type, i.e., invitation, policy, etc.
      2. Insert appropriate hashtags in critical positions
    2. Who (max. three volunteers)
  3. Local languages
    1. All of us:  use translation tools and adjust accordingly



(00:15 / 00:35)


  1. Designation of a Sub-Group for Metrics
    1. Tasks:
      1. Define the metrics (proposed)
        1. Outreach
          1. Twitter
            1. Number of followers/day
          2. Facebook
            1. Number of likes/day
        2. Engamenent
          1. Twitter 
            1. Clicks + retweets + replies + follows + likes
          2. Facebook
            1. Post + reactions
        3. Hashtags Efficiency
          1. Tools to check these require a paid subsctiption
      2. Measure metrics daily through ICANN 73
      3. Reports findings in the SM ICANN 73 working table:  https://bit.ly/smworkingtableicann73 



(00:10 / 00:45)


  1. 4 March
    1. All messages and supporting images ready by 24:00 UTC
  2.  5,6 March:
    1. Schedule all Twitter and Email messages for the entire week as applicable
      1. Email 10 minutes before the start of each session
      2. All Twitter messages in the ICANN 73 working table:
        1. ICANN73 SMWG Google Working Sheet
      3. Use the following table to schedule your messages
  3. 7-10 March:
    1. Send individual twitter messages during those sessions that you participate
      1. Use proposed hashtags
  4. 20 March
    1. Metrics ready
  5. 1 April
    1. SM Final Results and Reccomendation Report for ICANN 73



(00:15 / 00:60)