At-Large Metrics 14-05-2012 Summary Minutes EN
At-Large Metrics 14-05-2012 Summary Minutes EN
- Participants:
- EN: Cheryl Langdo n-Orr, Maureen Hilyard, Holly Raiche, Roosevelt King, Andrew Molivurae, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Cintra Sooknanan, Adetokunbo Abiola, Hadja Ouattara, Rudi Vansnick, Alan Greenberg, Fatimata Seye Sylla, Olivier Crepin-Leblond,
- ES: Sergio Salinas Porto, Jose Arce, Sylvia Herlein Leite, Carlton Samuels
- Apologies: Tijani Ben Jemaa, Roxana Goldstein
- Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Heidi Ullrich, Matt Ashtiani
- Interpreters: Sabrina and Veronica
- Welcome and Attendance conducted
- CLO: We need to identify all tasks in terms of should do, could do, and must do.
- CLO: I ask the individuals concentarte of the minimum participation requirements (rule 21). I am delighted to see the comments and analysis on this rule. We need to go over and discuss these comments and rules. However, to support this work, we need to understand that rule 21 is not necessary the only rule that will have an effect on our work.
- CLO: Regarding Rule 3, the officers of the ALAC are - chair, vice chairs, rapporteur, and RALO representative. We do not need to worry @ about these listings as we are already intending to clarify those titles.
- RK: I think the rules need to be clearly defined so they cannot be interpreted anambiguously
- CLO: The metrics WG is here to define the rules.
- AG: We are not here to deal with anambiguity - this is not the goal of this WG. However, your point is well taken
- CLO: The ALAC itself wishes to lead by best practice, this is why it is going to develop a template for SOIs.
- OCL: the ALAC will attempt to ensure that our SOIs are as clear as possible. We wish to develop a system that is easy to manage and efficient. This will ensure that the system is effective and accessable. Specifically, each person will be able to update his/her own SOI.
- CLO: We need to ensure that the RoPs make note of how SOIs and COIs are to be filed. Specifically, continuous disclosure and other aspects.
- CLO: I need it to be known that all members are bound by minimum participation requirements. We need these rules to be understood and agreed to, as well as accessable, understandable, etc.
- CS: I have been uncomfortable with the notion of a qualitative committment in online forums. How can we measure qulitative comments? We have no indication, based on the comment, if the participant has read the material or is the participant actually understands the material. I am unsure how we can clarify this.
- DT: I agree with Carlton. We need to substantiate that ALAC memebers have both read and understood the documents. I am just unsure how we can do this. I am also unclear of rule 3's interpretation of officers necessarily coming from the ALAC.
- CLO: This rule is left over from the UN GA. We have done since these rules were written, is have an ExCom. I think it is fair to say that if a participant is on the ExCom, the participant should also be on the ALAC.
- CLO: Our rules all speak about expectations of the ALAC
- CLO: Anyone representing teh At_Large community should be acting in the best interest of teh community.
- CLO: Memebrs are expected to attend meetingds and contribute at those meetings
- CLO: We expect them to particiapte in vote, discussionns, and call to consenssu
- CLO: We expect them to communicate
- SSP: I think there should be minimum rules for functioning of the EXCOM and there should be someone who can do the monitoring outside the ALAC
- CLO: 100% of attendance does not mean active participation. We need quality in addition to quantity.
- DT: ALSes need to be made aware of what they are voting for. Moreover, if it is not being made clear by the regional leaderships, the ALAC and/or Staff need to step in.
- AI: Matt to post the documents Alan sent him on the wiki space
- CLO: Between now and Prague, we need to focus on what has to be in the ALAC RoP Review to be finalized by Prague