At-Large Metrics WG 01-05-2012 Summary minutes
EN: Tijani Ben Jemaa, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Maureen Hilyard, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Darlene Thompson, Adam Peake, Rudi Vansnick
ES: Sergio Salinas Porto, Sylvia Herlein Leite
FR: Fatimata Seye Sylla
Apologies: Jose Arce, Alejandro Pissanty, Holly Raiche, Yaovi Atohoun, Cintra Sooknanan, Baudouin Schombe,
Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Heidi Ullrich, Matt Ashtiani
Summary Notes and Action Items
03 May 2012
CLO: We need to define what we expext from the ine individuals within each committee.
CLO: Reviewed agenda and introduced way forward. She discussed the various wiki pages of ALAC/RALO/ALS expectations, Metrics SC categorization.
OCL: Regarding ALS Metrics and Requirements, we need to put all of the expectations and requirements.
SV: We have this information and will place it online
AI: Silvia to contact the Secretariats to ensure that all necessay information has been placd on the RALO/ALS pages.
TBJ: We should only place the official documents on these pages
CLO: We need to ensure that we are building on the existing work that has been completed. This group must ensure that it comes up with glbally accepted basline requirements that we can all agree to.
AG: YOu have captured most of what I believe. The ALAC must set up rules that allows i to functuin effectively.
CLO: We must be aware of the difficult conversations that need to happen. We must develop understnabale and achievable goals. The RALOs must know that have the same expectations on individuals who are sent to represent their RALOs.
DT: I agree with Alan.
CLO: We have to ensure that we have a unified voice. We should divide takss into a must, should, and could do breakdown.
CLO: Please use the pages on the wiki to make your comments and edit the pages as necessary. Please add what you believe is essential to thoe pages.
CLO: We need to address Rule 21
AG: The history is important to note. It was not thought out completely and it was fault as a result.
CLO: Agreed, which is why we have th choice to get it done correctly now.
DT: We must ensure that these metrics are reviewed and followed closely.
OCL: Please note that we already have a set of metrics already. Please also note that it ts the chair's responsiblity to follow up with those who are not performing.
AP: How can we determine when a volunteer is not doing enought?
GG: We have a current document that was not made by me. - htps://
GG: We need to determine which metrics we want to use.
DT: These are indeed important stats, but sheer attendance should not determine participation. We also need to look at quality in addition to quantity.
CLO: Understood.
AG: One hears that these are volunteers so we can't enforce metrics. I think we need to make it clear that this is why we are setting expectation. That being said, if these are the epectations, and people agree to them, we need to be willing to enforce the rules. To be clear, we need to set reasonable expectations that people are aware of.
CLO: We should look athe the 360 reviews.
CLO: For next steps, I would like to see everyone go through the space.