At-Large Session Reports from ICANN80
Yesim Saglam
Aleksey Khapchenko
Harold Arcos
At-Large Session Reports
- ICANN80 Schedule
- At-Large ICANN80 workspace
- At-Large ICANN80 Talking Points
- At-Large Wrap-Up session Zoom Info (Thursday)
Objective is to keep these reports brief and focused on what At-Large should do in terms of next steps. Reports to be presented during the Thursday At-Large Wrap-Up session.
Using the Reporting Format outlined below, Rapporteurs are encouraged to edit the session they are reporting on directly on this Wiki Page. Should the Rapporteurs run into any issues submit their report, please email At-Large Staff and we can post on their behalf.
Report Format:
What happened?
- Item 1
- Item 2
What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session?
- Item 1
- Item 2
What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?
- Item 1
- Item 2
Session | Date/Time (local) | Rapporteur | Report | Photos (Optional) |
Example Title | Date/Time | @example name | Use template: What happened? Example: This session discussed.... What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? Example: At-Large is interested in... What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)? Example: At-Large needs to... |
Session | Date/Time (local) | Rapporteur | Report | Photos (Optional) |
GDS: SubPro IRT Work Session (1 of 3) | Monday, 10 June at 09:00 | Justine Chew | What happened?
What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? It looks like the string application fee is going to be significantly costly. Applicant support is going to be a key factor towards the goal to expand registry pool to effectively include underserved, undeveloped / indigenous communities, small businesses, non-profit orgs as potential applicants. What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)? No specific action as yet. Discussion continues at session 2 and/or session 3 as we/community (i) need time to study what was presented and (ii) await more specific details from ICANN org on the way they are costing the implementation for the Next Round. | Zoom Archive English audio archive |
GAC Discussion: New gTLD Program Next Round | Monday, 10 June at 10:45 | @Chandana Das | What happened? The session began by reiterating GAC’s continued advocacy for (a) the ASP to focus on underserved regions to ensure global diversification and foster the overall quality of international representation in the new gTLD program; (b) financial support in the form of lowering application fees to ensure that resource constraints do not hinder the accessibility aspect of the new gTLD program; (c) non-financial support, such as help with preparing an application, to encourage greater rate of successful applications. The session then segued into comprehensive discussions on: (a) funding plan for the ASP and (b) outreach and engagement plan. The session highlighted the following items as topics of special interest for GAC (and provided updates on the current status of the actions taken therein): (a) Geographic Names (b) Reserved and Blocked Names; (c) GAC Advice and Early Warning (d) Private resolution of contentions sets. What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session?
What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?
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GNSO: RDRS Standing Committee Work Session | Monday, 10 June at 10:45 | @Jasmine Ko | What happened? This session presented the milestones of RDRS pilots over the past 6 months including success criteria, latest metrics, notable system enhancements and trends. It discussed insights of the current results for evaluation with the number of Domain Lookups as an entry door of the system. It focuses on evaluating the tools and how we might evolve with them. What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? At-Large should look into the success criteria of RDRS if it successfully informs the GNSO council and ICANN Board to make decisions regarding SSAD recommendations. It gives reference on At-Large for improving communication with other groups within the ICANN community, and also improves decision-making process in consistency. RDRS is also an significant topic for At-Large to input end-user feedback that could affect the decision-making process of registrars and other relevant stakeholders (who are non-end user) What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)? At-Large needs to keep updated with the issue matters and engage by reviewing and commenting on any upcoming platform or public consultations that are open for input. As end-user (consumer data) perspective is needed. | |
GNSO: IDN EPDP Working Session | Monday, 10 June at 13:45 | satish.babu | What happened? This session discussed the next steps in the adoption of Phase 2 Initial Report of EPDP on IDNs. The EPDP started looking at the comments received, starting with the non-substantive comments. Regular meetings will resume from 27 June 2024 until the Team can close all the comments received at the report finalized. The current expected date of completion by end of October 2024. What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? At-Large has earlier submitted its inputs to the public comment to the Phase 2 initial report. At this point there's nothing that At-Large needs to do from its side. What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)? At-Large needs to look at the status of its inputs submitted earlier when the Phase 2 Final Report is released. In the meantime, the EPDP Team from ALAC will continue to work processing the inputs received to the public comments and finalize the Phase 2 report. | |
Joint Meeting: ICANN Board and GAC | Monday, 10 June at 13:45 | Justine Chew | What happened? The GAC raised 9 topics for discussion with the ICANN Board: 1. GNSO Statements of Interest What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? Selectively:- 1. GNSO SOI: The Board supports the GAC's position of ensuring full transparency for participation in ICANN; has asked Org to develop an Ethics Policy for community input.
3. Registry Voluntary Commitments (RVCs): The Board has resolved not to accept RVCs that involve restriction of content based on legal analysis (advice & precedents) that ICANN will likely not be permitted under its Bylaws to enforce such commitments even if the registry outsources compliance monitoring. The Board thinks that registries can make commitments for and enforce content restrictions but these cannot be in their Registry Agreement. (NB. registrant restrictions distinguished) What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?
| Zoom Archive English audio archive Archive audio en français Archivo de audio en español 中文音频存档 Архив аудиозаписей на русском языке أرشيف التسجيلات الصوتية باللغة العربية Arquivo de áudio em português |
Navigating the Multistakeholder Approach: The ICANN Community's Role in Global Internet Governance | Monday, 10 June at 15:30 | What happened? This plenary session explored how ICANN and its multi-stakeholder community can effectively participate in the ongoing and increasingly intense United Nations debates and processes related to Internet Governance. The aim is to safeguard the multi-stakeholder approach against possible shifts towards more restricted multilateral decision-making processes that could compromise the fundamental attributes of the global Internet. What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? Community discussions emphasized the relevance of the multistakeholder model, especially is open, inclusive, transparent, accountable, agile, adaptable, nature. Concerns were expressed on the power asymmetries between nations, stakeholders and the need to create fair, equitably, environment that facilitates meaningful discussions. Concern was expressed that if we do not ensure policies are drafted in the public interest and in the interest of a free, open interoperable Internet, we risk losing all the hard work and benefits of the last 30 years. What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)? From At Large we must use all possible avenues and forms of communication with local, regional, and global stakeholders to raise awareness of the issues being discussed and at stake, and the importance of practicing, and strengthening the multi-stakeholder model, promoting the Sao Paulo Multistakeholder Guidelines to enhance the multistakeholder model. Highlight ICANN's value of being able to participate in multilateral spaces, making contributions from the multi-stakeholder construction. To understand the MSHM as a geopolitical tool that allows ICANN to have a greater voice in these multilateral stages. | Click here for Session Recordings |
Session | Date/Time (local) | Rapporteur | Report | Photos (Optional) |
Joint Meeting: GAC and GNSO | Tuesday, 11 June at 09:00 | Justine Chew | What happened? The GAC raised 6 major topics for discussion with the GNSO Council: 1. High Level Government Meeting - GAC Update to Council 4. Diacritics Issue update 6. DNS Abuse Mitigation What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? The GAC is taking the approach of communicating its views and concerns on such matters which are under GNSO Council's purview as well as matters for which the GAC seeks GNSO Council's cooperation for matters under ICANN org's and/or the ICANN Board's purview. What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?
| Zoom Archive English audio archive Archive audio en français Archivo de audio en español 中文音频存档 Архив аудиозаписей на русском языке أرشيف التسجيلات الصوتية باللغة العربية Arquivo de áudio em português |
Second IANA Naming Function Review (IFR2) Team Work Session | Tuesday, 11 June at 09:00 | What happened? The second IANA Naming Function Review (IFR2) is conducting the review of the IANA Function performance per the scope specified in the ICANN Bylaws. The review focuses on PTI's performance of the IANA naming function against the contractual requirements in the IANA Naming Function Contract and the IANA Naming Function Statement of Work (SoW). Peter Koch, and Ashley Heineman, the two Co-Chairs of the IFR2, co-chaired the session.
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GAC Discussions on DNS Abuse and WHOIS | Tuesday, 11 June at 10:45 | @Jasmine Ko | What happened?
The first part of the session discussed the current trends, policy and solutions of DNS Abuse. Cases presented are from The Republic of Chad, National authority of Rwanda and African Top Level Domain organisation. The last part discussed WHOIS Data Protection Policy background, urgent requests for disclosure of registration data, and RDRS with impact of privacy/ proxy services. It highlighted the importance of data protection policy. What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session?
At-Large should look into various good practices from the presentations e.g .potential of the younger economy on how they tackle DNS abuse. While means are getting complicated, accuracy on identifying the type of abuse is more important. We need the right tools for the right problems’ root causes. While African Top Level Domain organisation focus on the local Internet value chain and sustaining automated system. At-Large may reflect on how we respond : do we regard this practice suitable? And for who? It is rare to relate DNS Abuse problems with the Financial sector, and this may increase awareness and engage more stakeholders. The core work of WHOIS is to keep information accessible for security purposes. (Something to be done) to help end users decide whether to trust in a certain domain. The user metrix is giving insights from data on what was happening and why something did not work out well as expected. What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?
At-Large needs to continue to keep the community updated with trends of DNS abuse and share good practices around the community. We could leverage ICANN strength and maintain engagement (e.g. capacity building) | |
GNSO: Registrars and ICANN: Good RDRS Requests | Tuesday, 11 June at 10:45 | Alan Greenberg | What happened? Example: This session discussed.... What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? Example: At-Large is interested in... What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)? Example: At-Large needs to... | |
GNSO: Transfer Policy Review PDP Working Group | Tuesday, 11 June at 15:30 | steinar.grotterod | What happened? The GNSO-TPR working group continued the "tuning" of text for the proposed recommendations based on input from the Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG). ICANN Org proposed a new ordering of the recommendations in order to make the recommendations more in-line with a transfer process. Consensus in the WG to use the new ordering but link to the previous. What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? The proposed new text and the reordering of the recommendations are OK. What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)? At-Large will continue actively in the GNSO-TPR meeting. The final report will be ready for public comments in August 2024. |
Session | Date/Time (local) | Rapporteur | Report | Photos (Optional) |
ccNSO: Universal Acceptance Awareness ccTLDs Session | Wednesday, 12 June at 09:00 | What happened? ccNSO's session of the ccNSO Universal Acceptance Committee (UAC), focusing on its work plan and promoting the use of its library and mailing list. The UAC also discussed the relevance of Universal Acceptance Day for ccTLDs, survey results, and next steps to explore ccTLD readiness for the UA. UA Day 2024 Statistics were displayed, showing more than 133 events of different types, taking place in more than 65 countries. Tentative UA Day 2025 timeline was presented. Results of survey available in: What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? Most of the UA Day events were organized by different ALSes in each of the participating countries and of course promoted for end users. At-Large representatives can advocate for the development and implementation of end users solutions to Universal Acceptance challenges, ensuring that the needs and experiences of individual Internet users are considered in policy discussions and technical standards development.
What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)? At-Large members can contribute to advancing Universal Acceptance principles by raising awareness, providing feedback, and actively participating in initiatives aimed at addressing universal acceptance challenges from the perspective of individual Internet users. | ||
GDS: SubPro IRT Work Session (2 of 3) | Wednesday, 12 June at 09:00 | What happened?
What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session?
What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?
| Zoom Archive English audio archive | |
ccNSO: Policy Update Session | Wednesday, 12 June at 10:45 | laura.margolis | What happened? ccNSO session was about analyzing and investigating potential gaps in the ccNSO Policy Framework regarding the Delegation, Transfer, Revocation, and Retirement of Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs). This session follows up on a similar discussion held during ICANN79. What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? There are no At-Large specific takeaways from this session, but the session generally progresses the review process. What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)? Continue to monitor developments in ccNSO policy frameworks and provide feedback on proposed changes to ensure that they align with the interests and needs of At-Large internet users. Promote capacity building initiatives within the At-Large community to enhance understanding of ccNSO policy | |
GNSO Council Meeting | Wednesday, 12 June at 13:45 | Justine Chew | What happened? Click here to view a curated version of the meeting agenda. What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? Click here to view a summary report. What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)? None at this point. | Zoom Webinar Archive English audio archive |
GNSO: CPH Registration Data Implementation Discussion | Wednesday, 12 June at 15:30 | Session cancelled | What happened? Example: This session discussed.... What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? Example: At-Large is interested in... What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)? Example: At-Large needs to... |
Session | Date/Time (local) | Rapporteur | Report | Photos (Optional) |
GDS: PPSAI IRT Work Session | Thursday. 13 June at 09:00 | What happened? Example: This session discussed.... What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? Example: At-Large is interested in... What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)? Example: At-Large needs to... | ||
GDS: SubPro IRT Work Session (3 of 3) | Thursday, 13 June at 09:00 | What happened? This 3rd session of the IRT concentrated on 2 topics:
What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? The level of fees are of concern, and risks being unaffordable by potential applicants that we would like to see apply for a gTLD, even with Applicant Support. What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)? Awaiting for more details to be shared by ICANN org on how they have developed their budgets and costings to derive the 2 fees. | Zoom Archive English audio archive |