AC Chat: 2017-04-13 Finance and Budget Subcommittee WG Teleconference
AC Chat: 2017-04-13 Finance and Budget Subcommittee WG Teleconference
Ā Evin Erdogdu:Welcome to the ALAC Subcommittee on Finance and Budget (FBSC) Call on Thursday, 13 April 2017 from 16:00 UTC - 17:00 UTC.
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Hi All
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Will be on call but muted
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu 2:Hello Glenn! Thanks.
Ā Ā Becky Nash:Hello everyone Becky and Taryn from ICANN org finance are on the call
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu 2:Welcome!
Ā Ā Javier RĆŗa-Jovet:Hi all.Ā Ā Will be muted I seem to be generating an echo.
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:The problem with budgets is the lack ofĀ Ā footnotesĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:for example
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:151173FY18 Ongoing Community Engagement, Intersessional Meeting for GNSO NCPH
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:alsoĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:148549Ā Ā FY18 ICANN.org/AtLarge Enhancements
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:Maureen was on the auction proceeds call
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:naralo has three members on the call
Ā Ā Javier RĆŗa-Jovet:We have the NARALO Chair in this call!
Ā Ā Alberto Soto:Hello all, hola a todos!!
Ā Ā Javier RĆŗa-Jovet:@Evin, hi!Ā Ā pls note in attendance that Glenn, NARALO Chair is inĀ Ā call
Ā Ā Nadira ALARAJ:Hello all
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu 2:Welcome everyone!
Ā Ā Harold Arcos:Hi everyone, Saludos a todos
Ā Ā Javier RĆŗa-Jovet:Thanks!
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:@ollivierĀ Ā has NCUC approached you to repeat the NCUC and EURALO outreach. They are doing it on the Friday and Saturday
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:I am muted
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:very noisy
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:better now
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:Has Maureen joined the call?
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:Has some one reached out to Maureen?
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu 2:Yes - we are trying to reach her. Thanks Judith!
Ā Ā Alfredo Lopez:Buenos dias a todos
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu 2:Welcome, Alberto!
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu 2: Public Comment on ICANN's Draft FY18 Operating Plan and Budget, and Five-Year Operating Plan Update:Ā https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_public-2Dcomments_fy18-2Dbudget-2D2017-2D03-2D08-2Den&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HedNXfBayuWxdPer7COiCJBd39KxvJQIgCaiDYF2Tm8&m=7HdvbdXAGrhMIgIC84W1g3jnSofJX6llUuVLgJIFLgY&s=VnRlBqLm5PdhVWW2io4_ua6oJyn4q1d0DR-8e19zUd4&e=
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard:Sorry I'm late..
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu 2:No worries. Welcome Maureen!
Ā Ā Taryn Presley:Please note - The Staff Report on Public Comment will be published on 1 Jun, not 25 May. Apologies that the slide was not updated.Ā https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_public-2Dcomments_fy18-2Dbudget-2D2017-2D03-2D08-2Den&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HedNXfBayuWxdPer7COiCJBd39KxvJQIgCaiDYF2Tm8&m=7HdvbdXAGrhMIgIC84W1g3jnSofJX6llUuVLgJIFLgY&s=VnRlBqLm5PdhVWW2io4_ua6oJyn4q1d0DR-8e19zUd4&e=
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:I assume the deficit will draw on the reserves
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:welcome maureen
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:orĀ Ā will the deficit impact our communities withĀ Ā across the board cuts?
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:I am referring to the slides earlier on which indicated a deficit
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:can'
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:tĀ Ā remember the slide
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:In short no deficit
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:a shortfall in income but expenses are lowerĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:148549Ā Ā Ā Ā FY18 ICANN.org/AtLarge Enhancements
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:ALAC estimate 135KĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:to 150K
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Software?
Ā Ā Harold Arcos:Among the risks he commented that there are projects that probably will not have financing but that were considered in the fiscal year; Remember or know what projects you are referring to?
Ā Ā Harold Arcos:*she
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:perhaps the hardware was for the icann.org site
Ā Ā Taryn Presley:Note: The question was asked by the NCSG at ICANN 57 and in the clarifying questions. ICANN staff responded at ICANN 57 and in the responses to clarifying questions which can be found here:Ā https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_en_system_files_files_draft-2Dfy18-2Doperating-2Dplan-2Dbudget-2D12apr17-2Den.pdf&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HedNXfBayuWxdPer7COiCJBd39KxvJQIgCaiDYF2Tm8&m=7HdvbdXAGrhMIgIC84W1g3jnSofJX6llUuVLgJIFLgY&s=OmeoBmA3MJmy7RG0Br6Beeay2wzIPkXGzdMjdik1wF0&e=
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:YesĀ Ā but the damage was already done
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:It really is important to note that the ALAC and At-Large Community are being repeatedly wrongly accused of squandering ICANN resources.
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:hence the sensitivity of this issue
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:exactly olivier
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:YesĀ Ā thisĀ Ā website issue was targetted by certainĀ Ā members in the community as an example ofĀ Ā waste and favouritism
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:Glad to see that CROPP is going forward and set to start in july 17. this will enable naralo to use this for the IGF USA
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Judith don't assume thatĀ Ā we have not yet heard from theĀ Ā community on ourĀ Ā priorities yet
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:i saw it in the presentation
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:@Glenn of course if the community wants to, does no mean it has to
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Just making sure that the FY 18 CROPP outreach plan hasn't been created yet
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:yes. i know.Ā
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:NoteĀ Ā that this documentĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/proposed-opplan-budget-portfolio-project-fy18-08mar17-en.pdf
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Has a total column that has errors
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu 2:At-Large Workspace: ICANN's Draft FY18 Operating Plan and Budget, and Five-Year Operating Plan Update:Ā https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EWQeBg
Ā Ā Becky Nash:I did not fully understand the question on assets
Ā Ā Taryn Presley:@Glen - Thank you for the feedback. Staff will review. Is there a specific area that you see errors?
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu 2:Thank you, Becky and Jessica!
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Becky!
Ā Ā Becky Nash:by everyone we will drop off now.Ā
Ā Ā Alberto Soto:Thanks Becky!
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:great idea tijani
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:The documentsĀ Ā didn't appear very late in 2016 and the question is the value
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:I would suggest a process similar to DIPLO training ofĀ Ā Curators.Ā Ā Ie. Assignments etcĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:actual trainingĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:This pilot doesn't teach you how to do policy
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:They were precises ofĀ Ā documents
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Tijani/Judith - I have: Consider asking that the DDPP be extended and expanded to include training in the development of policy advice statements
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Gordon and I were part of the pilotĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:I will ask Gordon to respond
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:This type of activity could be carried out under a wider At-Large mentoring program
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Yes on the Onboarding session
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Dev and I are going to do some short videos on policy process, policies etc in Joberg for his excellentĀ Ā OnboardingĀ Ā materialsĀ
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Judith, I understand your point. I can raise this with the relevant staff
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:and the Regional Leadership team can raise it on their next call with Rob/Dan
Ā Ā Nadira ALARAJ:@Judith, the best way, is to teach through hands-on, so intermediate senior ALAC member will guide through the comments before their contribution.Ā
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:+1 Nadira!
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:This type of training could be done during the f2f General Assemblies
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:in a break out session and then report back
Ā Ā Humberto Carrasco:sounds good
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:NARALO would like to thank ICANN for supporiting theĀ Ā NARALO GAĀ
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:bye
Ā Ā Javier RĆŗa-Jovet:bye
Ā Ā Alberto Soto:Thanks, bye!!!
Ā Ā Humberto Carrasco:bye!!!!
Ā Ā Nadira ALARAJ:Yes Heidi
Ā Ā Nadira ALARAJ:Thank you all
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:bye all
Ā Ā Harold Arcos:Thanks to interpreters!
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu 2:Goodbye everyone!
Ā Ā Harold Arcos:Bye everyone...