AC Chat 2017-01-05 Finance and Budget Subcommittee WG Teleconference
Ā Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the ALAC Subcommittee on Finance and Budget (FBSC) Call on Thursday, 05 January 2017 at 14:00 UTC.
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard:Happy New Year
Ā Ā Allan Skuce:Happy New Year everyone
Ā Ā Andrei Kolesnikov:hi! happy new year
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:I can hear you either way Tijani.
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Happy 2017, All!
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:i all
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:some one has a bad echo
Ā Ā Seun Ojedeji:Hello
Ā Ā Seun Ojedeji:Happy New Year
Ā Ā Nadira ALARAJ:hi all
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Do we have a scoring/evaluation methodology for the submissions.Ā Ā
Ā Ā Wale Bakare:Happy year 2017 to all
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:What is the yardstick
Ā Ā Ali Almeshal:hello everyone
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:Good question, but i think the answer is no
Ā Ā Harold Arcos:Happy New Year everyone from sunny Caracas
Ā Ā Javier Rua-Jovet:Hi to all. Ready!
Ā Ā Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:Hello everyone and bonsoir Ć tous
Ā Ā Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:Happy new year 2017
Ā Ā Javier Rua-Jovet:Still Xmas Season in Puerto Rico!Ā Ā Today is Epiphany Eve, tomorrowĀ Ā Three Kings Day!Ā Ā Harold, es lo mismo en Caracas?
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Bonjour/Bonsoir!
Ā Ā Javier Rua-Jovet:good transition!
Ā Ā Harold Arcos:AsĆ es @Javier
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar:scrolling rights of the displayed page is enabled
Ā Ā Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello All
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar:welcome Dev!
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:What about discussion from aĀ Ā Working Group?
Ā Ā Javier Rua-Jovet:@HaroldĀ Ā Ā”Pues Feliz VĆspera de Reyes!
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar:Please visit the link for FY18 Budget Development Workspace:
Ā Ā Humberto:hello. I apologize for being lat
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar:welcome Humberto!
Ā Ā Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Re: mailing list translation, some work have been done by ICANN IT staff with regular feedback from the TTF - a new version of the tool is ready for testing and feedback
Ā Ā Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:please who is speaking now ?
Ā Ā Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Alan is speaking now
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:FY17 Additional Budget request page -
Ā Ā Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:Thanks Dev
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:At-Large received a significant amount in FY17 :)
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):thx for the update Dev is it good progress?
Ā Ā Alberto Soto:+1 Tijani
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:@DevĀ Ā I know thatĀ Ā TTFĀ Ā is informed on theĀ Ā work on the translation butĀ Ā I don't think the rest of the community are aware.Ā Ā I think a short report to ALAC is needed on the TTF work in progress
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:PerhapsĀ Ā ALAC members should join the TTF
Ā Ā Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Cheryl - good progress - a lot of the existing bugs noted atĀ Ā have been fixed.
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):phew.... good to hear...Ā Ā thx
Ā Ā Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Cheryl - we need to do a round of testing to ensure those bugs are indeed squashed and note if there are any showstopper bugs remaining
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):indeed and understood @development
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):argh auto correct struck again...Ā Ā sorry @ dev
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:@olivier can discuss how the GNSO got funding for their liasion position
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, Rob.
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Normally organizations have a strategic plan and the budget requests are tied to core expected outcomes
Ā Ā Robert Hoggarth:Hello Heidi and All.Ā Ā Happy New Year!
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Rob, happy new year!
Ā Ā Javier Rua-Jovet:Great question and clarification.Ā Ā A fine line between Panel vs Outreach.
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:@Heidi are you saying a major effort at IGF Geneva should not be submitted via this committee?Ā Ā
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard:ICANN's strategic plan is integral to the requests
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, I would think that if a plan is submitted early enough, that we may be able to work with Government engagement and GSE.
Ā Ā Nadira ALARAJ:@Glenn and it seems they are not part of CROP
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:It also depends on what activities you wish to do at the IGF.
Ā Ā Daniel K. Nanghaka:CROPP is limited to regional outreach and engagement
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg:Question of requests from WGs, they can be "adopted by a RALO and handled that way, or through the ALAC. The latter is probably better.
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:If a global workshop was being proposed - yes - submit that
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:How was the NCUC Booth funded at the IGF?
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:NoteĀ Ā 23 Atlarge participated at IGF Mexico
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Most of us participated with panels
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, would At-Large like to use the ICANN booth or have their own?
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:We are working on the proposal, IGFĀ Ā has standardĀ Ā stands in their village
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:I think having a separate booth is better
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:@Glenn : NCC booth was entirely obtained through personal connections of the people runnning the booth.
Ā Ā Nadira ALARAJ:+1 Judith of sperate booths
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:Several of the people had worked for the IGF Secretariat before and they therefore got a good deal
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard:At Large booth objectives are more defined than ICANN's
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg:NCUC puts private money into some of their activities. For instance, they give fellowships to attend. I think it comes from grats outside of ICANN. Some that in the past, we have been told we cannot do...
Ā Ā Daniel K. Nanghaka:ooops
Ā Ā Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:Booth for ATLARGE and we can put all RALO materials ...
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard:+1
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard:for all RALOs
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:There are sponsors for NCUC too. In kind sponsors. APC pays for a lot of things for all kinds of activities from Civil Society organisations @ IGF
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg:Manning a boot can be problematic!
Ā Ā Javier Rua-Jovet:@Heidi is there a definition of "global workshop"?Ā Ā Is it a function of wide geograhpic representativity?
Ā Ā Daniel K. Nanghaka:At Large booth shows the strong involvement of Multistakeholderism
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Javier, no firm definiation - but given the global nature of At-Large, perhaps one rep from each region would offer a global perspective.
Ā Ā Javier Rua-Jovet:@Heidi Thnx
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:@rob. Can you tell me about whether I should submit the captioning project again
Ā Ā Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:@Oliver yes DAY 0 for civil societyĀ Ā at IGF MEXICO supported by APC
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:PerhapsĀ Ā we need to seek co-sponsorship for some of ourĀ Ā efforts
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Would a joint effort with the civil society-like groups within ICANN be something you would support ?
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Yes, if you recall we have groups as part ofĀ Ā civil society
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:More colloboration the better
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:that opens up another window if we can go with that approach.
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):agree with you on that Glenn
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:You may wish to discuss this on the next SC on Outreach and Engagement and present a plan to Government EngagementĀ Ā and GSE.
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:@Heidi it is on the agenda and we have been working on the proposal.
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:This month - prior to the deadline for Additonal budget requests
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, for the call being scheduled the week of the 9th?
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:@HeidiĀ Ā yesĀ Ā
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn/Dev, do you wish to invite Mandy and Jean-Jacques Sahel?
Ā Ā Nadira ALARAJ:@Heidi, where I can read about the core budget?
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:@Heidi,Ā Ā yes
Ā Ā Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:ALS can sentĀ Ā more than one request ?
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Glenn.
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Abdeldjalil - Yes, but please discuss with your RALO and their approval.
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Nadira, do you mean the FY18 core budget?
Ā Ā Robert Hoggarth:unfortunately, I also have a hard stop at top of the hour. I am happy to continue this discussion on another call or in 1:1 conversations
Ā Ā Wale Bakare:Please excuse me got an urgent matter to attend to now
Ā Ā Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:well noted @Heidi ,Thanks
Ā Ā Nadira ALARAJ:@Heidi, I'm thinking there is an alocated core budget same each year.
Ā Ā Robert Hoggarth:agree with you 100% on your IGF thoughts Alan
Ā Ā Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:we can have project like ATLARGE @IGF FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM to have pire ALAC PARTICIPATION
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Nadira, this page may help -
Ā Ā Nadira ALARAJ:Thank Heidi
Ā Ā Javier Rua-Jovet:thanks 4Ā Ā
Ā Ā Javier Rua-Jovet:@ Heidi Thanks 4 wrap up!
Ā Ā Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:Thanks Tijani
Ā Ā judith hellerstein:@tijani.Ā Ā That is why the outreach and engagement committee started last week
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):thx everyone,Ā Ā bye for now...
Ā Ā Ali Almeshal:thanks all
Ā Ā Daniel K. Nanghaka:thanks
Ā Ā Robert Hoggarth:thank you Alan.Ā Ā looking forward to following up
Ā Ā Nadira ALARAJ:Thanks all
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard:Thanks for the explanations Rob and Heidi
Ā Ā Daniel K. Nanghaka:bye
Ā Ā Alberto Soto:Thanks All!! Bye!!!
Ā Ā Javier Rua-Jovet:bye
Ā Ā Kaili Kan:Bye
Ā Ā Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:bye
Ā Ā Harold Arcos:Thanks all, byeĀ Ā Have a good day
Ā Ā Allan Skuce:Thanks, Bye
Ā Ā Dev Anand Teelucksingh:bye all