At-Large Social Media WG 2016-02-04 Chat Transcript

At-Large Social Media WG 2016-02-04 Chat Transcript

Ā Ā Terri Agnew:Welcome to the At-Large Social Media WG on Thursday, 04 February 2016 at 16:00 UTC

Ā  Terri Agnew:meeting page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/r0DvBQ

Ā  Terri Agnew:For English, please use adigo code 3535

Ā  Terri Agnew:For French, please use adigo code 1838

Ā  Raitme Citterio:Hello Ariel

Ā  brahim ousmane mustapha:hello everyone

Ā  brahim ousmane mustapha:how to get french channel

Ā  Terri Agnew:If you need us to dial out to you on the telphone, private chat me. If you are dialing in yourself use adigo code 1838Ā  phone numbers: http://adigo.com/icann/

Ā  Glenn McKnight:hi all

Ā  Raitme Citterio:Hi all

Ā  George Edwards:Hello.

Ā  Ariel Liang:Hi All

Ā  Raitme Citterio:Hello Dev

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone

Ā  Terri Agnew:Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong has joined on audio

Ā  Raitme Citterio:@dev "slack"It is an excellent tool for real-time communication for groups and can serve as a real-time support for healing content for social media channels

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:At-Large YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/icannatlarge

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Flickr At-Large page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/at-large/albums

Ā  John Laprise:do we have processes in place to prevent the loss of account information going forward?

Ā  Ariel Liang:Yes - now the passport and user account is recorded

Ā  Terri Agnew:Welcome Beran Gillen

Ā  Beran Gillen:hello everyone

Ā  Beran Gillen:sorry

Ā  Beran Gillen:had internet issueass

Ā  Beran Gillen:issues

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello Beran

Ā  Beran Gillen:hi Dev

Ā  Glenn McKnight:@Beran can you send me the AFRALO guide so I can convert it to EBOOK

Ā  Terri Agnew:Welcome Glenn McKnight

Ā  Glenn McKnight:Dev I have a comment when Ariel finishes

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:ok

Ā  Glenn McKnight:So we are not using SLACK?

Ā  Raitme Citterio:QuestionĀ  "slack could be used to communicate with remote hub for both the questions and to share material to be posted on social networks"Ā Ā  Question

Ā  Glenn McKnight:Is BufferĀ  limited in size

Ā  Glenn McKnight:sorrry

Ā  Glenn McKnight:it was me

Ā  Terri Agnew:as a reminder, please mute when not speaking

Ā  George Edwards:no.

Ā  George Edwards:the hand raise was from before.

Ā  Glenn McKnight:i am back

Ā  Glenn McKnight:muted

Ā  Glenn McKnight:muted

Ā  Glenn McKnight:What is the hashtag for this event?

Ā  John Laprise:Have you considered a first night tweetup for ICANN so that active users at ICANN can meet ftf

Ā  Beran Gillen:@Glenn

Ā  Beran Gillen:sorry i dont have it , check with Barrack he is the best person

Ā  Ariel Liang:@John can you elaborate? Perhaps on the call?

Ā  Beran Gillen:add me to the buffer team @Ariel

Ā  Beran Gillen:i just joined buffer on my berangillen@yahoo.com

Ā  Ariel Liang:Will do @Beran - than you!

Ā  Glenn McKnight:@beran i ask Barrack

Ā  Beran Gillen:what did he say

Ā  Beran Gillen:yea i saw that when i was setting up my account just now

Ā  Beran Gillen:pretty cool

Ā  Raitme Citterio:As for the problem of high resolution photos is might use a recipe IFTTT

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks Beran

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:indeed, Raitme, maybe a IFTTT recipe could be done

Ā  Glenn McKnight:@RaitmeĀ  IFTTT?

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:from Flickr to Buffer

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:https://ifttt.com/

Ā  Maritza Aguero:Hi all!

Ā  Glenn McKnight:sorry

Ā  Raitme Citterio:@dev i searching recipe

Ā  Maritza Aguero:@Glenn the hastags that are on twitter: #ICANN55 #Marrakech

Ā  Glenn McKnight:We are adding the twitter hashtag to the invites from Daniel

Ā  Raitme Citterio:@dev check https://ifttt.com/recipes/search?q=flickr+to+buffer

Ā  Maritza Aguero:DonĀ“t know if are the official ones

Ā  Beran Gillen:ok thanks Ariel

Ā  Terri Agnew:Welcome Harold Arcos

Ā  Harold Arcos:Thanks Terri, greetings

Ā  Terri Agnew:#ICANN55

Ā  Maritza Aguero:Ok thanks

Ā  John Laprise:No look at engagement numbers RT Fav

Ā  Glenn McKnight:@all the devil is in the details

Ā  John Laprise:I'm sure ARIN would share their method if we asked...

Ā  Glenn McKnight:@ allĀ Ā  IGF USAĀ  did a great job but they had the George Univesity Communication people do it and David Vorst monitored the results

Ā  Raitme Citterio:@dev I suggest that you take into account as partners to generate content to NextGen@ fellows to feed the account so that then the work of content curation is done

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@raitme: have to look at the IFTTT recipe

Ā  Glenn McKnight:@AllĀ  if you look at Loris Taylor's proposal on social media and First nation reporters for FBSC

Ā  Glenn McKnight:@JohnĀ  they do alot of TWEETUPs with NTEN too

Ā  Glenn McKnight:Reasons to Tweetup

Ā  Glenn McKnight:http://www.usrepresented.com/2014/09/02/ten-reasons-to-participate-in-a-tweetup/

Ā  Raitme Citterio:Thanks @Glenn

Ā  Raitme Citterio:@dev I suggest that you take into consideration as collaborators to generate content to NextGen @ fellows to feed the account so that then the work of content curation is done

Ā  Glenn McKnight:example

Ā  Glenn McKnight:http://www.nten.org/article/member-round-up-tweetups-and-donations-and-data-oh-my/

Ā  Glenn McKnight:muted

Ā  Raitme Citterio:I have some experience organizing Tweetup can be very good ideas for how to generate impact content

Ā  Glenn McKnight:@Raitme are you going toĀ  Marrakesh

Ā  Raitme Citterio:no

Ā  Glenn McKnight:unfortunate

Ā  Glenn McKnight:Each ralo should have someone active in this stuff

Ā  Raitme Citterio:but I can be happy give ideas about

Ā  Glenn McKnight:Lets do a shared slideshow on this and do a short presentation

Ā  Raitme Citterio:ok @dev

Ā  Raitme Citterio:@dev a couple of suggestions to use slack, twitter, flickr by ifttt recipes

Ā  Raitme Citterio:https://get.slack.help/hc/en-us/articles/205346227-Adding-Twitter-to-Slack

Ā  Raitme Citterio:@dev trying again might suggest the idea proposed earlier about using instagram

Ā  Raitme Citterio:maybe?

Ā  Glenn McKnight:I agreeĀ  i vote for only twoĀ Ā  one forĀ  ICANN and one for ALAC

Ā  Beran Gillen:yes

Ā  Beran Gillen:i think we should keep it simple and consistent

Ā  Beran Gillen:we dont want to confuse people with different hashtags

Ā  Glenn McKnight:again and againĀ  tell them the hashtags

Ā  Glenn McKnight:#icann55

Ā  Glenn McKnight:nope

Ā  John Laprise:agree w/Glenn

Ā  Beran Gillen:icann@large

Ā  Beran Gillen:hehehehe

Ā  Beran Gillen:sorry there is an at sign

Ā  Beran Gillen:it wont

Ā  Beran Gillen:sorry

Ā  Glenn McKnight:#icannatmarrakesh-morrocco-africa-not-casablanca

Ā  Beran Gillen:heheheh Glenn you are killing me

Ā  Maritza Aguero:#ICANN55@large

Ā  brahim ousmane mustapha:#atlarge55

Ā  Glenn McKnight:#atlarge-no-diet

Ā  John Laprise:shorter is better

Ā  Beran Gillen:atlargeICANN

Ā  brahim ousmane mustapha:#atlarge55 is shorter i think

Ā  Glenn McKnight:all I created a non profitĀ  account with SLACKĀ  more features

Ā  Glenn McKnight:@brahim sounds good

Ā  Raitme Citterio:good idea @Glenn

Ā  Beran Gillen:i like #atlarge55

Ā  Beran Gillen:@brahim

Ā  brahim ousmane mustapha:thx beran

Ā  Raitme Citterio:slack is an interesting tool for collaborative work for the healing of social media content

Ā  Glenn McKnight:sure

Ā  Glenn McKnight:two telephotos, wide angle and 35 mm

Ā  Glenn McKnight:two video cameras

Ā  Glenn McKnight:I will be bringing a back up drive

Ā  Raitme Citterio:also can be combined with recipes for slack IFTTT

Ā  Raitme Citterio:https://ifttt.com/recipes/search?q=slack

Ā  Raitme Citterio:@dev I suggest that we explore recipes IFTTT to integrate with Buffer, and flick twitter then create one via interaction of content curation for social media event

Ā  Raitme Citterio:using slack

Ā  Raitme Citterio:ok @dev

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:https://sameroom.io/

Ā  Raitme Citterio:great tool @dev

Ā  George Edwards:Skype -- LLMRoadmap

Ā  Glenn McKnight:skypeĀ  gmcknight

Ā  George Edwards:Thank you.

Ā  Ariel Liang:you can add me on Skype: ariel.liang.icann, and I will add you to the group

Ā  brahim ousmane mustapha:skype braoust

Ā  Raitme Citterio:thanks

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:my skype: trinidadtobagocomputersociety