RALO Metric Expectations and Requirements Workspace

RALO Metric Expectations and Requirements Workspace


AFRALO Participation Criteria - voluntary criteria

AFRALO Expectations and Requirements


  1. We commit to serving as the main forum and coordination point for input from individual Internet users to ICANN in the African region and to working with the ALAC and ICANN in conducting the following activities:
    1. Keeping the community of individual Internet users informed about the significant news from ICANN;
    2. Distributing (through posting or otherwise) an updated agenda, news about ICANN, and information about items in the ICANN policy-development process;
    3. Promoting outreach activities in the community of individual Internet users;
    4. Developing and maintaining on-going information and education programs, regarding ICANN and its work;
    5. Establishing an outreach strategy about ICANN issues in the AFRICAN Region;
    6. Making public, and analyzing, ICANN's proposed policies and its decisions and their (potential) regional impact and (potential) effect on individuals in Africa;
    7. Offering Internet-based mechanisms that enable discussions among members of At-Large structures; and
    8. Establishing mechanisms and processes that enable two-way communication between members of At-Large Structures and those involved in ICANN decision-making, so interested individuals can share their views on pending ICANN issues.

AFRALO Operating Principles


7. Meetings

7.1. The AFRALO shall hold once every year an Annual General Meeting, in addition to any other meetings in that calendar year, and not more than fifteen (15) months shall elapse between the date of one Annual General Meeting and that of the next.
7.2. The Annual General Meeting or a Meeting shall be held at a venue accessible to all members physically and/or electronically and shall be called by the Chairperson with at least thirty (30) days notice, said notice specifying the time, date and venue of the Meeting and a draft agenda.
7.3. A quorum at any Annual General Meeting or Meeting shall be one third (1/3) of the Members, or seven (7) members, whichever shall be greater. The quorum for any vote of the members, whether held during a Meeting or at any other time, shall be a simple majority of the whole Membership, excepting as provided in Clause 7.5. below.
7.4. The Secretariat shall announce the results of any decision that has been made to the entire membership within 4 days maximum using the AFRALO mailing list.
7.5. At any meeting where at least one half (1/2) of members are present, a motion to amend, change, or repeal the Operating Principles may be initiated. Two-thirds of the whole membership must consent for the motion to carry.
7.6. All Meetings shall be public.

8. Decision Making

8.1. Unless otherwise specified herein, to the extent possible all decisions shall be made by consensus; if a consensus cannot be reached then a vote shall be held. Only those ALSes that have been accredited prior to the opening of a vote shall have voting rights. Each accredited ALS will have one (1) vote. In case of equal votes, the President has the casting vote.
8.2. Where a vote is held, it may be carried out using such electronic and or on-line means (including web applications, e-mail and/or video or tele-conferencing) as determined appropriate by the members.




Agreed Responsibilities of the APRALO

The Signing Organizations agree that during the term of this MOU they will work in conjunction with ICANN to support At-Large activities within the Region,


5.1. Helping to inform individual Internet users in the Region about ICANN news, meetings, policy development activities, and opportunities for ICANN


5.2 Helping to promote outreach activities in the community of individual Internet users in the Region, to advance understanding of and participation in issues addressed by ICANN that affect individual Internet users;

5.3 Offering Internet-based mechanisms that enable discussions among members of At-Large structures in the Region and with those involved in  ICANN decision-making, and encourage interested individuals to share  their views on pending ICANN issues.

5.4 Selecting two individuals as representatives of the members to serve on the ALAC.

5.4.1 The APRALO will choose two (2) individuals to serve as representatives to the At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC), in the terms specified in the ICANN Bylaws. To the extent possible, the ALAC representatives shall be selected by consensus; if a consensus cannot be reached then a vote shall be held. Only those ALSes that have been accredited prior to the election will be able to vote. Each accredited ALS will have one (1) vote.

The selected representatives must be Members of different ALSes, must have their principal residence in different countries of the Region and their citizenship must be different. Selected representatives will have the responsibilities described in the ICANN Bylaws.

5.5 Periodically reviewing the results of the Parties’ cooperation under the MOU and, when appropriate, recommending improvements in the MOU.


6.  Meetings

6.1      The APRALO shall hold once every year an Annual General Meeting, in addition to any other meetings in that calendar year, and not more than fifteen (15) months shall elapse between the date of one Annual General Meeting and that of the next.

6.2      The fiscal year shall be from July 1 to June 30.

6.3      The Annual General Meeting or a Meeting shall be held at a venue accessible to all members physically and/or electronically and shall be called with at least thirty (30) days notice and shall specify the time, date and venue of the Meeting and an agenda.

6.4      A quorum at any Annual General Meeting or Meeting shall be one third (1/3) of the Members, or seven (7) members, whichever shall be greater.

6.5      The Chairperson shall announce the results of any decision that has been made to the entire membership in a timely manner. 

6.6      At any meeting where at least one half (1/2) of members are present, a motion to amend, change, or repeal the Operating Principles may be initiated. Two-thirds of the whole membership must consent for the motion to carry.

6.7      All Meetings shall be public.


7. Decision Making

7.1      Unless otherwise specified herein, to the extent possible all decisions shall be made by consensus; if a consensus cannot be reached then a vote shall be held. Only those ALSes that have been accredited prior to a vote will be able to vote.  Each accredited ALS will have one (1) vote.

APRALO Operating Principles

3.1    This body is formed with the following objectives:

3.1.1   to provide a forum and promote and encourage Asia/Pacific Internet users’ participation and involvement in ICANN in an open, accountable and transparent manner;

3.1.2   to promote, understand and advocate for individual Internet users and to provide a forum for outreach, co-ordination and exchange of information and knowledge for persons who live in the Asia Pacific region as defined herein;

3.1.3   to act as an interface between individual Internet users and ICANN and to promote skills development and information exchange related to the Internet amongst Members;

3.1.4    to bridge the digital divide and encourage users in developing countries to participate in APRALO.

3.1.5   to select  two individuals as representatives of the Members of APRALO to ALAC;

3.2      APRALO shall be certified by ICANN and abide by the by-laws of ICANN regarding individual users’ participation and involvement.  



5. Agreed Responsibilities of the EURALO
The Signing Organizations agree that during the term of this MOU they will work in conjunction with ICANN to support At-Large activities within the Region,
5.1. Helping to inform individual Internet users in the Region about ICANN news, meetings, policy development activities, and opportunities for ICANN
5.2 Helping to promote outreach activities in the community of individual Internet users in the Region to advance understanding of, and participation in, issues addressed by ICANN that affect individual Internet users;
5.3 Offering Internet-based mechanisms that enable discussions among members of At-Large structures in the Region and with those involved in ICANN decision-making, and encourage interested individuals to share their views on pending ICANN issues.
5.4 Selecting two members to serve on the ALAC

5.4.1 The EURALO will choose two (2) individuals to serve as representatives on the At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) and other bodies as appropriate in the terms specified in the ICANN Bylaws. The voting rights shall be determined by the EURALO. The selected representatives must be members of different ALSes, must have their principal residence in different countries of the region and their nationalities must be different, save always that the EURALO may define additional diversity requirements.Selected representatives will have the responsibilities described in the
ICANN Bylaws.
5.5 Periodically reviewing the results of the Parties’ cooperation under the  MOU and, when appropriate, recommending improvements in the MOU.
5.6 To help ensure participation by any interested individual in the European Region, the EURALO will encourage the formation and accreditation of additional At-Large Structures and their participation in the EURALO.

5.7 The EURALO recognizes that ICANN has established criteria and standards for the accreditation of ALSes. The EURALO will encourage organizations to apply for certification and assist with certification, including by: a. Reviewing ALS applications from organizations in Europe upon  submission to ICANN and recommending whether or not the organization should be accredited as an ALS;b. Providing European ALS applicants with EURALO information; Memorandum of Understanding Between ICANN and the Signing Organizations in the European Region;c. When ALS certification is verified by the ALAC for European applicants, these applicants will be granted membership in the EURALO.


6 Rights and Duties of Members


6.1 Members are obliged to maintain an e-mail address and to communicate the e-mail address to The Association, as well as other details of his, her, or their particulars as the Board so decides.

6.2 All members are entitled to attend any meeting or event organised by The Association.

6.3 The Association will inform its members about its activities and programmes, especially via its Internet page and its mailing lists.

6.4 Every member is obliged to inform The Association without delay any changes of its particulars.

6.5 The Association is not responsible for damages resulting from undelivered communications due to missing or incorrect particulars of Members that have not communicated changes as required in this Article 6.

6.6 Each organizational Member of the Association shall notify the Board, in writing, whether electronic or otherwise, of which natural person shall be the primary point of contact for official notifications required as a consequence of Membership. It shall be assumed that the said person shall also be responsible for casting the votes of the Member in all the Association’s business. Such appointment shall be for any period of time the particular organization shall specify, and may be revoked in writing, whether sent electronically or otherwise. An alternate, or alternates, may be similarly designated.



Agreed Responsibilities of the LACRALO

The Signing Organizations agree that during the term of this MOU they will work in conjunction with ICANN to support At-Large activities within the Latin America & Caribbean Region, including:

5.1 Helping to inform individual internet users in  the Latin America & Caribbean Region about ICANN news, meetings, policy development activities and opportunities for ICANN participation.

5.2 Helping to promote outreach activities in the community of individual internet users in the Latin America & Caribbean Region to advance understanding of, participation in, issues addressed by ICANN that affect individual Internet users;

5.3 Offering Internet-based mechanisms that enable discussions among members of At-Large structures in the Region and with those involved in ICANN decision-making, and encourage interested individuals to share their views on pending ICANN issues.

5.4 The LACRALO will choose two (2) individuals to serve as representatives to the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC), in the terms specified in the ICANN Bylaws. Only those ALSes who have been accredited prior to the election will be able to vote. Each accredited ALS will have one (1) vote. The selected representatives must be members of different ALSes, must have their principal residence in different countries of the region and their nationalities must be different. Selected representatives will have the responsibilities described in  the ICANN Bylaws.

5.5 Periodically reviewing the results of their cooperation under the MOU and, when appropriate, recommending improvements in the MOU.

LACRALO Operating Principles

2. The LACRALO will promote the formation of user groups and their  accreditation by the ALAC. Nevertheless, mechanisms will be maintained to ensure that the regional users not integrated into ALSs can express their opinion on the development of ICANN policies.
3. The LacRALO will be multilingual from its inception. All documents will be written and all discussions will be held in English and Spanish. It is planned to add Portuguese and French in the near future and to periodically reassess the need to add other languages used in the region.
4. The governing body of the LacRALO will be a General Assembly composed of two (2) representatives of each accredited ALSs, freely appointed or removed by each ALS, which shall inform the Secretary of the appointments made.
Said individuals shall also act as official contacts of the ALS vis-à-vis the LACRALO for the duration of their appointment.
The General Assembly shall, to the extent possible, operate by consensus.If a consensus cannot be reached, each ALS accredited in the General Assembly shall be entitled to one vote and those votes shall decide by simple majority any matter put to vote. In the event of a tie vote, the person chairing the meeting shall have the casting vote.
The General Assembly shall elect a President, whose term shall be for one year, with the possibility of reelection. The process of election of thePresident of the Assembly shall take into account the level of participation, leadership, commitment, and knowledge of the work of the Assembly. In the event of a tie in the course of deliberations, the President shall cast the deciding vote.
His duties will consist of, among other things, establish a link between the discussions in ALAC and the contributions made by the region, represent the region in the ALAC face-to-face meetings and chair the debates of the Assembly held through discussion lists, teleconferences and face-to-face meetings.
5. The General Assembly shall be entitled to set up various ad hoc task forces to deal with specific topics.
6. The LACRALO shall be assisted by a Secretariat; the duties of said Secretariat may be performed by an ALS member appointed by the General Assembly.
7. The Secretariat shall have administrative and informative functions. IT will be responsible for maintenance of the communications systems and the proper flow of information on matters under discussion among all the ALSs belonging to the LacRALO, and any other responsibilities assigned to it by the General Assembly.
8. The LACRALO shall elect two (2) individual to serve as representatives before the At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) on the terms specified in the ICANN By-Laws. Only those ALSs that have been accredited prior to the election shall be entitled to vote in the election.
Each accredited ALS shall be entitled to one vote. The selected representatives shall be members of various ALSs, have their main places of residence in countries of the region, and their nationalities must be distinct. The representatives shall be responsible for the duties stipulated by the ICANN By-Laws.
In the case of the election, the affiliation, residency and nationality shall also be taken into account with respect to the person acting as a representative vis-à-vis the ALAC on behalf of the LAC appointed by the NONCOM.
9. The term of office of the two representatives elected by the LACRALO vis-à-vis the ALAC shall not exceed two (2) years and they may not be re-elected.

First Temporary Provision: The term of office of the initial members shall be two (2) and three (3) years respectively, and a new representative shall be elected upon expiration of their terms. In that manner, a candidate will be voted for each year. In the case of the first representative elected for two years, re-election for a single two-year term will be possible.



5. Agreed Responsibilities of the NARALO.
The Signing Organizations agree that during the term of this MOU they will work in conjunction with ICANN to support At-Large activities within the North American Region, including:
a) Helping to inform individual Internet users in the North American Region about ICANN news, meetings, policy development activities, and opportunities for ICANN participation;

b) Helping to promote outreach activities in the community of individual Internet users in the North American Region to advance understanding of, and participation in, issues addressed by ICANN that affect individual Internet users;
c) Offering mechanisms that enable discussions among members of At-Large structures in the Region and with those involved in ICANN decision-making, and encouraging interested individuals to share their views on pending ICANN issues;
d) Through the NARALO General Assembly, selecting two persons to serve on as members of the ALAC for such terms as are specified by ICANN’s by-laws. Selected individuals may be unaffiliated individuals or members of different At-Large Structures based in different countries in the North American region. To the maximum extent feasible, the selected individuals should represent the geographic and cultural diversity of the region. They will have the responsibilities described in the ICANN By Laws and the NARALO Operating Principles;

e) Periodically reviewing the results of their cooperation under the MOU and, when appropriate, recommending improvements in the MOU;
f) Providing advice to the ICANN At Large Advisory Committee about the certification and, if necessary, decertification of different ALSs and the use of outreach and communication tool across
the region.
g) Encouraging organizations to apply for ALS certification and assisting with such certification, including by:
i. Reviewing ALS applications from organizations in North America upon submission to
ICANN and recommending whether or not the organization should be certified as an
ii. Providing NA ALS applicants with NARALO information and, if recommended by the NARALO for certification, provisional membership in the NARALO whilst the ALS application is under consideration by the ALAC; and,
iii. When ALS certification is verified by the ALAC for NA applicants, these applicants will be granted membership in the NARALO.
h) Determining the extent to which ALSs in the North American Region not a party to this Memorandum of Understanding must consent to be bound by its terms in order to participate in the
governance and activities of the NARALO, and any procedure to be used to signify the same, as well as the procedure by which an ALS may revoke its consent once given.

Operating Principles

2. The NARALO will function as long as the Memorandum of Understanding between ICANN  and the NARALO remains valid.
3. Participation to NARALO discussions is open to every user and group of users and their participation will be promoted.
4. The NARALO will be multilingual from its inception. Public documents will be produced in English and French.
5. The governance of the NARALO will be exercised by a General Assembly, formed by 2 representatives of each member ALS and 2 members from among the unaffiliated
individuals. Each year the General Assembly shall elect a Chair and a Secretariat. Each member of the General Assembly shall be allowed to cast a vote. The election can take place
by electronic mail, online balloting, written balloting, or any other means deemed convenient and accurate by the Secretariat. The Chair shall act as moderator and facilitator
of the work of the NARALO. The Chair shall be empowered to issue Calls for Statements of Interest for service on the ALAC and to sign and receive any official correspondence to and
from ICANN or the At-Large Structures. The Chair and Secretariat shall be ineligible to serve on the ALAC or ICANN's Nominating Committee in any year in which they serve for
6. The General Assembly will be able to set up ad-hoc Task Forces to deal with specific issues.
7. The General Assembly and its Chair will be supported by a Secretariat. The role of the Secretariat could be exercised by a person or an organization, as long as they fulfill the
language requirements.
8. The Secretariat will have administrative and informative functions. It will be responsible for maintaining a working communications system and for ensuring the information flux about
the issues under discussion between the NARALO participants. The person(s) fulfilling the Memorandum of Understanding Between ICANN and the Signing Organizations in the
North American Region function of Secretariat to the NARALO shall be ineligible to simultaneously serve as the Chair of the General Assembly.
9. The NARALO will chose two (2) persons to serve as members of the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC), in the terms that are specified in the ICANN By Laws. The candidates
shall be unaffiliated individuals or members of different ALSs and must live in the region.
Selected members will have the responsibilities described in the ICANN Bylaws and the RALO documents.
10. These members will serve for terms of two (2) years at most and may not serve more than two consecutive terms. Each new ALAC member selected by the NARALO will be seated at
the close of ICANN's annual meeting. ALAC members filling a vacancy will be seated immediately following their nomination. The first chosen ALAC members will serve one (1)
and two (2) years respectively, to allow for the yearly selection of one ALAC member, and they will be seated at the ICANN meeting where the MOU between ICANN and the
NARALO is signed. If the first chosen ALAC members cannot agree between themselves on the length of their respective terms, a draw will determine which individual serves for one
(1) and two (2) years.
11. At least once a year, on or before the First of July, or whenever a vacancy arises, the NARALO shall issue a call for Statements of Interest from members of the North American
Internet community to serve on the ALAC. The call for Statements of Interest shall be open for at least 30 days. New ALAC members will be selected and announced sufficiently in
advance of ICANN's annual meeting to allow them to be seated as required by Paragraph 10.
12. After the close of the period for submission of Statements of Interest, the NARALO shall convene its General Assembly to select its member(s) for the ALAC. Selection of the ALAC
should be made through a "rough consensus" process. "Rough consensus" does not require that all participants agree although this is, of course, preferred. In general, the dominant view
of the NARALO shall prevail. (However, it must be noted that "dominance" is not to be determined on the basis of volume or persistence, but rather a more general sense of
agreement.) Consensus can be determined by electronic mail, online balloting, written balloting, or any other means deemed convenient and accurate by the Secretariat. Note that
51% of the NARALO does not qualify as "rough consensus" and 99% is better than rough. It is up to the Chair of the General Assembly to determine if rough consensus has been
reached. (This definition of "rough consensus" is substantially similar to that found in paragraph 3.3 of RFC 2418).
13. In the event that the Chair determines that rough consensus does not exist for the selection of one or more candidates for ALAC seats, the General Assembly will vote. In the event of a
tie, the Chair will cast an extra vote.
14. Rough consensus, as determined by the Chair, will generally be used within the NARALO to manage its current affairs (e.g. producing recommendations to ICANN).
Memorandum of Understanding Between ICANN and the Signing Organizations in the North American Region

15. These Operating Principles will take effect when adopted by not less than 70% of the active North American At-Large Structures. They may be amended at any time by an affirmative
vote of not less than 70% of active North American At-Large Structures.
16. When an ALS does not vote in 3 consecutive NARALO elections or does not contribute a comment on ICANN policy through collaboration on the NARALO discussion list in 12
consecutive months, it automatically loses its voting rights and active status within the NARALO. The ALS may regain its voting rights and active status if within the next year it
votes or participates to online discussions, otherwise the Chair will submit to ALAC a request for de-certification of that ALS.