

This page is for you to publish your meeting reports for Thursday. Please log in with your email address and password ad use the "edit" button to add your report.

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Saturday, 06 March 2010
Sunday, 07 March 2010
Monday, 08 March 2010
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Friday, 12 March 2010

Fellowship Morning Breakfast Workshop

Time: 0730 - 0900
Location: Impala

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ICANN Public Forum

Time: 0830 - 1230
Location: Tsavo A

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GNSO Wrap-up Session

Time: 1300 - 1530
Location: Batian

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ALAC and Secretariats Wrap Up Meeting

Time: 1330 - 1530
Location: Taifa

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High Security Zone ("HSTLD") Advisory Group

Time: 1400 - 1530
Location: Tsavo A

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Internet Governance Forum

Time: 1400 - 1530
Location: Aberdere

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GNSO Travel Drafting Team

Time: 1530 - 1630
Location: Tsavo Annex 2

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Forum on DNS Abuse

Time: 1600 - 1800
Location: Tsavo A
Author: Gareth Shearman

DNS Abuse

Session 1

This session was focused on the situation as it pertains to Africa.

A survey which was conducted on DNS abuse in Africa reported only minor attacks.

In general Cybercrime in Africa originates in Cybercafes and often utilizes pirated copies of Windows XP

Africa is now building the capacity to deal with DNS security. The community of DNS operators is just now being built.

Strengthening security is one way the region can help ICANN

It will help if tools are developed to make DNS more understandable

A plan for disasters (both physical and political) must be developed.

DNS crimes against women are an issue.
Assault against women (primarily harassment and stalking) is frequently perpetrated over the Internet.

Session 2

There is much concern about the recent talk of the lack of security.
Nominet and the ccTLD operators are very concerned about Internet security

Britain has been working to remove illegal sites.

Many .fraudulent UK sites were actually registered in Asia.

Speaker from the US Red Cross:

They use the Web to enhance their humanitarian work.

Whenever a disaster occurs, they have to commit scarce resources to fighting the flood of fraudulent sites that are instantly created to try and cash in on the situation