AFRALO Nairobi Showcase 2010

AFRALO Nairobi Showcase 2010


The idea to organize an AFRALO outreach event at the ICANN meeting in Nairobi, Kenya in March 2010 was born during the ICANN Annual General Meeting in Seoul, South Korea in October 2009. With the recent signing of the Affirmation of Commitments (AoC), ICANN committed itself to the principle of global participation and the Nairobi Outreach Event could be an important step to increase ICANN's profile in the region and to draw new participants into its policy processes. Members of AFRALO and the ALAC Executive Committee agreed to form a working group to draft a project proposal and draft schedule and to find sponsoring sources outside of ICANN.

Members of the Working Group

Tijani Ben Jemaa
Didier Kasolé
Dave Kissoondoyal
Cheryl Langdon-Orr
Fatimata Seye Sylla
Mohamed El Bashir


Funding Sources

Several organizations that can be approached for funding have been identified, among them are:

The World Bank Group
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
United Nations Conference on Development and Trade (UNCTAD
Internet Society (ISOC)
KENIC - The dot KE Registry

Draft Programme

Suggestions for Draft Programme

Click here to submit your own suggestion for the Programme of the Nairobi Outreach Event

Capacity Building Proposal

Tijani Ben Jemaa drafted a project description for a Capacity Building event. Click here: Outreach%20project_1%20-%2022%20December%202009.doc to view the updated version from of 22 December 2009.

Workshop Proposal

Mohamed El Bashir submitted a Draft Programme for a three-day workshop. Click here to view it.

Promotional Material

The At-Large Flyer has recently been completed and is ready for print. You may review it in alacafralo:English and alacafralo:French .

Background Material

The AFRALO Working Group on Capacity Building produced a Working Group Paper in advance of the ICANN Sydney meeting. It is available in alacafralo:French and alacafralo:English .