

This page is for you to publish your meeting reports for Wednesday. Please log in with your email address and password ad use the "edit" button to add your report.

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Friday, 12 March 2010

Fellowship Morning Breakfast Workshop

Time: 0730 - 0900
Location: Impala
Author: Sylvia Herlein Leite

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GNSO Open Council Meeting

Time: 0800 - 1230
Location: Tsavo A
Author: Wolf Ludwig, Carlton Samuels

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Regional Secretariats Meeting

Time: 0830 - 1000
Location: Batian
Author: Sebastien Bachollet, Dave Kisoondoyal

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DNSSEC Workshop

Time: 0900 - 1200
Location: Aberdere
Author: Les Allison

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ccNSO Members Meeting

Time: 0900 - 1400
Location: Shimba
Author: Rudi Vansnick, Ron Sherwood

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AFRALO Monthly Meeting Special Session

Time: 1000 - 1130
Location: Taifa
Author: Didier Kasole

-visibilite des afRALO

  • recrutement des ALS
  • AOB

1.1 Adoption de l'ordre du jour
1.2 - tour de table

  • Alioune B Traore - ISOC MAli
  • Didier ISOC DRC , Secretariat Afralo
  • Fatimata president afRALo
  • Tijani vice president afRALO
  • Amr Elsodr Tele -med International Egypte
    _ charles GAYE isoc LIBERIA- mOUSSA DEBRE, from bURKINAFASO : fELLOWSHIP pas encore als
  • Guebre Moussa MPIC Burkina Faso
  • Moataz Shaarang OFOK NGO - Egypt
  • Heidi , MAthias directeur At-large Afrique
  • Towela Nyirenda Jere - Nepad
    1.3 La presidente Fatimata a ouvert la reunion en souhaitant la bienvenue a
    tous et en encourageant les
    paerticipants n'etant pas encore des ALS a faire leur application.

Point 1 Participation et engagement des ALS

Actuellement il y a 22 ALS inscrits, une ALS Nigeriane et une Kenyanne ont
fait leur demande
22 ALS, dernier en date Libarie, Nigerai a fait l'inscription, le Kenya a
prevu un atelier
de sensibilisation à Nairobi

Tijani a souligner que les ALS devrait participer aux reunions
telephoneiques mensuelle
et aux travaux de AfRALO

ON a conctater un calme plat apres les reunions telephonqies, Yaovi a
proposer que
le secretariat envois des mails de rappel pour reactiver les ALS

La presidente a demander de faire des propositions concretes, ce que Yaovi
a accepter
de faire

ON a soulinge qu'il faudrait aussi montrer aux ALS qu'ils ont interet à
particper à la
prise des decisons car ces decisions vont leur etre appliquées. Dans le
meme sens les participants
ont renforcé l'idée d'informer la communauté
Les prochures Afralo sont disponibles sur papier et en version pdf, les ALS
pourrait les
Il a été propose un seminaire pour la participation.
On a aussi specifier le minimum necessaire de participation en peu de mots
(sans ALS pas de AfRALO):

  • participer aux telepconferences
  • lire les mails

Point 2 Recrutement des ALS

Il a ete proposer de faire une cartographie des ALS existants pour chaque
pays, identifié des
personnes clef qui font fonctionner les associations.
Chaque pays devrait essayer d'encourrager ses voisins en ciblant des
personnes resources

O a souligné l'importance d'utiliser les autres media tel la radio, la
cynergie existe
deja dans certain pays et qu'il fallait en profitter.
La bonne nouvelle est que pour le moment ICANN a developper des podcast
facile a telecharger
et utiliser.
On a insister que les messages soient en anglais "facile"

On va continuer de travailler sur le capacity bulding

La visiblité passe par la participation, on a souligne qu'il faut à la fois
sur la visibilité locale et globale en mettant a profit les activités

Il a aussi été recommandé un rapport annuel de chaque ALS et la mise à jour
annuel des contacts. |

GNSO Vertical Integration Working Group Meeting

Time: 1230 - 1330
Location: Impala
Author: Baudouin Schombe

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Presentation: Final WG Reports of the Following Reviews - Board, NomCom, SSAC

Time: 1300 - 1400
Location: Lenana
Author: Dave Kissoondoyal

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Framework for FY11 Operating Plan and Budget

Time: 1400 - 1500
Location: Tsavo A
Author: Sebastien Bachollet

Author: Darlene Thompson

There will be little growth in revenue so they will have to cut and delay where possible. This still allows a contribution of $2 million to the reserve fund. Community feedback will be solicited by forum, calls and on-line.
Budget Background

  • Revenue increased 44.5% in 4 years; largely a result of contractual increases (FY11 revenue growth projected to be less than 3%)
  • New services and projects have caused expenses to grow at a level close to revenue
  • Also during period:

o Grew reserves to $45M

o Reduced registrar fees by $0.25 to $0.18

  • Challenge for Board, Community and staff in FY11 will be to prioritize existing and new work in low/no growth environment.

Growth areas:

  • IANA excellence
  • Security focus
  • DNSSEC project
  • Palo Alto and enhanced in DC

Reduced needs:

  • New gTLD: delay where possible and some work completed

Others flat or cut

Note: Travel support for the ICANN Community will be flat (not cut or increased). |

ccNSO Council Meeting

Time: 1600 - 1730
Location: Shimba
Author: Rudi Vansnick, Ron Sherwood

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Open Session - ICANN Board Public Participation Committee

Time: 1600 - 1730
Location: Aberdere
Author: Sebastien Bachollet, Carlton Samuels, Dev Teelucksing

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Fellowship Morning Breakfast Report
Author: Olivier Crépin-Leblond

Janice Douma Lange kindly asked me to introduce myself and a brief history of how I got involved with ICANN processes.
Thereafter, we received two presentations:

  • Nelly Stoyanova - Bulgaria - Government - GAC member

Nelly gave us an insighful presentation on how she was involved with ICANN, since the Paris Meeting, as an advisor to the Bulgarian GAC representative. She also advised us that when a government change came into effect, she was required to brief the new minister about ICANN, starting again from scratch - as in an ICANN 1-2-3. Countries such as Bulgaria have very limited resources to sustain GAC members and often do not see any political benefit in sending GAC representatives so it is important to educate government ministers into the ICANN processes.

  • Sarmad Hussain - Pakistan - Academic

Presentation from PAN Localization, of a booklet named "From Protocol to Production: Implementing the IDNs" which provides a detailed explanation of how IDNs work, how they've been designed in the IETF's IDNA working group, and touches on the many "exclusions" and intricacies which have been designed to reduce phishing and misuse of the new scripts, including bidirectional scripts and multi-script utilisation.
A truly exceptional piece of work resulting from several years of work, and presented by an organisation which is one of ALAC's most recent ALSes. www.panl10n.net

Clearly there's gold in them thar fellows and ALSes!

contributed by ocl@gih.com on 2010-03-11 09:36:28 GMT