At-Large Webinar - Schedule

At-Large Webinar - Schedule

Possible Approach for Creating an At-Large Outreach Presentation

Putting on an ICANN presentation requires two independent tracks of activity: producing the content, and publicizing to the community. The possible steps for each, below, assume a presentation on 9 June. Dates should be adjusted to suit the ExCom after the actual presentation date is determined.

Content Production Track Task




Agree on Purpose and Communication Goal

1 day

19 April

>> · What do you want the audience to do because they heard this?
>> · What is the “Call to Action”? (Example: Ask newcomer to contact local ALS? Form an ALS? Come to Brussels? Other?)
>> · How will the success of the presentation be measured? (Number attending? Times downloaded? Number of new participants? Other?)**



Outline the Content

1 week

26 April

  • Internal review of outline


23 April

  • Finalize Outline


26 April

Select presenter(s)


26 April

  • (optional) If multiple authors, assign sections to authors?
  • Are authors the same as or different from the

presenters? | | |

Write according to Outline, First Draft

2 weeks

10 May

Internal Review of First Draft

1 week

17 May

Write according to Outline, Second Draft (incorporate comments)


24 May

Internal Review of Second Draft


28 May

Final pass


4 June

  • Add pictures, refine formatting in PowerPoint



Distribute to insiders / Upload to Connect


7 or 8 June



9 June

Revel in Glory and Fame

*15 minutes(1


9 June

(1|https://st.icann.org/static/]Per Andy Warhol; exact duration may vary.

Publicity Track




Establish Exact Presentation Date


ASAP; no later than 27 April

  • Doodle poll?
  • Executive decision?



Negotiate ICANN Support

3 days

30 April

  • Clear date against conflicting community events



  • Get Connect session time and URL established with IT



  • Specify that IT is to record audio and screen



  • Arrange Secretariat support for presenters



Write Announcement

2 weeks

14 May

  • First draft

1 week

7 May

  • Internal review

2 days

11 May

  • Incorporate comments/ Finalize announcement

3 days

14 May

Announce to community

At least three weeks before presentation

18 May

ICANN home page



ICANN blog



At-Large Facebook page






Individual At-Large Twitter feeds