At-Large Survey 2010 - Schedule

At-Large Survey 2010 - Schedule

Schedule for the ALS Survey 2010

Putting on an ICANN presentation requires two independent tracks of activity: producing the content, and analysing and publishing to the community.

Survey Analysis Workteam Members:

Didier Kasole (AFRALO)
Pavan Budhrani (APRALO)
Wolf Ludwig (EURALO)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh (LACRALO)
Sylvia Herlein Leite (LACRALO)
Darlene Thompson (NARALO)

Content Production Track Task




Date Completed

Person(s) Responsible

Present draft survey to RALOs during monthly meetings

1 month

22 April

27 April

At-Large Staff

  • Brief RALOs on timeline and purpose of ALS survey 2010
  • Do you approve the draft questions? Would you like to add additional questions?





Review draft survey with ALAC RALO leaders

1 week

27 April

27 April


  • review of draft survey
  • Would you like to add additional questions?
  • Would you like to additional parts to the survey with specific regional questions?





Finalize and endorse draft survey at Monthly ALAC Meeting


27 April

27 April


Send Final Survey and ALS rep database to BigPulse


30 April

2 May

At-Large Staff

  • possible to sort results by region?
  • possible to have intro page?
  • possible to assign a language to each ALS rep?





Send Final Survey of for translation into French and Spanish


30 April

30 April

At-Large Staff

Create ALS Survey Analysis and Monitoring work team


30 April


At-Large Staff

  • identify regional work team members
  • send out email with draft schedule for work team activities
  • schedule teleconference on May 11 to discuss analysis of results (send out Doodle)


30 April



Send French and Spanish translations to BigPulse


4 May

2 May

At-Large Staff

Run Survey (start 5 May)

13 days

17 May


At-Large Staff

  • Send out announcement to the ALAC announce list
  • Send bulk mail in English, French and Spanish to the ALS representatives



7 May

At-Large Staff

Send first update to work team members on what ALS reps have already submitted responses


11 May


At-Large Staff

  • work team members to contact the ALS reps from their region whose answers are still missing

2 days

12 May


Members of work team

Send second update to work team members on what ALS reps have already submitted responses


17 May


At-Large Staff

  • Work team members to contact the ALS reps from their region whose answers are still missing
  • It is necessary to extend survey until 19 May 2359 UTC?

2 days

19 May


Members of work team

Send final result of ALS survey to work team members


25 May

25 May

At-Large Staff

First teleconference of the work team to allocate different section of the survey and discuss how results will be published


20 May

27 May

Members of work team

  • Work team members to write draft reports on the sections they cover.

4 days

25 May


Members of work team

Present a cursory analysis of the survey during the May ALAC call


25 May

25 May


Second teleconference of the work team to coordinate the work load and to discuss how results will be published


03 June

03 June

Members of the work team

  • Work team members to write the reports on the sections they cover

13 days

09 June


Members of the work team

Third teleconference of the work team to discuss final drafts of the different sections of the report


10 June


Members of the work team

  • Who will write the introduction and conclusion?
  • Who will present the results in Brussels?





Write final report on the ALS Survey 2010

11 days

20 June


Members of the work team

Present final report to the ALAC and the RALO Officers in Brussels


20 June


Representatives of the work team