BCEC Summary Minutes - 9 April 2010

BCEC Summary Minutes - 9 April 2010

Participants BCEC: Annalisa Rogers, Christopher Wilkinson, Hong Xue, Baudouin Schombe, James Corbin

Apologies: Rajnesh D. Singh, Veronica Cretu

Missing: Yaovi Atohoun, Jacqueline Morris, Myles Braithwaite

Participants ABSdt: Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Cheryl Langdon-Orr,Carlton Samuels, Ron Sherwood, Alan Greenberg

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger, Seth Greene

1. Welcome and introduction
Badouin, Christopher, Annalisa, Cheryl, James introduced themselves.
Cheryl: I will not have a vote in this proces. I am just assisting you and see my role as a neutral Chair.
Christopher: what is the differenece between...
Alan: the group will work independently once it has been established. The SoI will be made available which is not the case in the NomCom. This is more transparent than the NomCom but it puts more pressure on the BCEC members. BCEC members are expected to act on their own behalf and not be guided by the regional ALS reps who elected them.
Hong: Contrary to the NomCom, the BCEC does not make selections per se. The BCEC only suggests Candidates to the electorate.
Alan: The rules do not ask the ALAC to endorse the members of the BCEC
Cheryl: However, the ALAC did endorse the members of the BCEC during their meeting on 11 March
Olivier: BCEC and the NomCom have another thing in common, which makes them very important: they both build the ICANN community. Another important difference bw the NomCom and the BCEC is that the BCEC does not focus on regional representative, they just look for the best man/woman for the job. The NomCom tries to fill in gaps.
Tijani: Only have of the members are participating today. This is an important issue as the availability of the members of the committee is crucial.
Carlton: would like to re-emphasize what Hong and Olivier said
James: I agree with what has been said and I am looking forward to working in this committee.
Annalisa: How many candidates are we expected to present?
Alan: There is no exact number, it shouldn't be too large but there is not limit
Christopher: there is a risk that some of the candidates will have submitted their candidatures to the NomCom. It would not be a good use of our time if we select candidates that are already NomCom candidates. I would suggest that we have a substantial number of candidates. The SoI requirements are sufficiently eloborated to limit the slate to serious candidates.
Hong: I have a confidentiality obligation to both the BCEC and the NomCom. I suggest that candidates should be communicated to the NomCom to make sure applications are not duplicated
Alan: the BCEC will have information that can not be disclosed to people outside. This year we are in a difficult situation because the process has not been endorsed by the Board yet. Theoretically we could select a candidate by June but without the consent of the Board to the process, this person could not be seated.
Tijani: The aim is to select the best candidates but there are two steps to this process. First step: selection of 3- 7 candidates by the BCEC, second step: election of the candidates by the ALAC plus RALO Chairs.
Olivier: there was a discussion on the nomenclature of this commission. The BCEC receives statements of interests from applicants and selects candidates.
CLO: We will publish the received SOIs so everybody will see the applications received. During the next meeting we will discuss the process in detail. What I would like to do now is look at the documents at hand. They are currently being reviewed by ICANN's legal department.
First document: BCEC Principles
CLO: All BCEC and Staff members, consultants etc. will be bound by the confidentiality and ethnics requirements. I see everybody is agreeing to that.
CLO: It is true that we are asking for lot of time commitment from the candidates.
CLO reads from the BCEC operating principles.
Tijani: in addition to the four documents at hand, you should also read the White Paper.
AI: the members of the BCEC will read the Draft BCEC operating principles, Draft Statement of Interest, Draft Confidential Applicant Reference Form, Mandatory and Desirable Applicant Criteria and the Board Director White Paper
Alan: We need to remember to put in a provision that the BCEC members can not submit SOIs.
Christopher: the SOI should include a question on whether a applicant has submitted a candidature to the NomCom. We should archive the SOI so that candidates do not have to re-submit their candidatures.
AI: Staff to prepare a Doodle for weekly, 90 minute BCEC meetings
Alan: I think we could ask the NomCom to share the SOI with the BCEC.
CLO: One of the questions for the next call could be: Should there be a generic email address for potential candidates to ask questions?
AI: CLO will put up a skeleton agenda and everybody can add their suggestions