Sunday, 20 June 2010
ALAC and Regional Leadership
Working Session 1
Time: 09:00-18:00
Meeting Room: Level 3/Room 300 |
- At-Large Outreach/Inreach (09:00-11:00) (Moderator: Cheryl Langdon-Orr)
- Promoting ICANN and At-Large (09:00-10:00)
- Barbara Clay (ICANN VP of Marketing and Communications - TBC)
- Global Partnerships and At-Large - (Presentation by Deputy General Manager for Global Partnerships Mandy Carver)
- At-Large Outreach (with particular focus on preparing the re-scheduled At-Large Webinar)
- Presentation by Sylvia Herlein Leite and Siva Muthusamy
- Reinvigoration of At-Large Working Groups (10:00-11:00) (Moderator: Cheryl Langdon-Orr)
- Coffee break (11:00-11:15)
- Confluence Wiki - Part I: Introduction and initial training (11:15-12:30) (Trainers: Carole Cornell, ICANN Director of Project Offices, and Emma Rush, Theme and Training Manager, Adaptivist)
- Working Lunch: Accountability and Transparency Review Team (12:30-14:00)
- Confluence Wiki - Part II: Additional training (14:00-14:30) (Trainers: Carole Cornell, ICANN Director of Project Offices, and Emma Rush, Theme and Training Manager, Adaptivist)
- ALS Survey feedback and analysis (14:30-15:30) (Moderator: Sebastien Bachollet)
- Discussion with David Olive, VP of Policy (15:30-16:00 - TBC) (Moderator: Alan Greenberg)
- At-Large Improvements (16:00-17:30) (Moderator: Alan Greenberg)
- Review of implementation
- Next steps
- Allocation of reporting on non-At-Large meetings and review of report posting instructions (17:30-18:00) (Moderator: Sebastien Bachollet)
Monday, 21 June 2010
Law Enforcement Amendments to the RAA
Time: 17:00-18:30
Meeting Room: Gold Hall |
Agenda: TBC
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Monthly APRALO Meeting
Time: 07:00 - 08:00 (05:00 - 06:00 UTC)
Meeting Room: Level 3/Room 300 |
Agenda: Please add your items below.Standing Agenda Items: |
> a. ALAC Statements are being prepared for the following consultations:
Proposed Agenda Items
- 4. Update from the Brussels Meeting (15 minutes)
- 5. ALAC/Liaison Updates (Cheryl, James, Vivek)(10 minutes)
- 6. Discussion on the APRALO Chair Position (Les)(20 mins)
- 7. Review of the ALS Survey 2010 results (Pavan, Les)(20 mins)
- What are the implications of the survey results for APRALO?
- 8. Discuss Rajnesh's Ideas for greater ALS Involvement (Rajnesh, Les, Fouad) (15 minutes)
- 9. AOB (5 minutes) |
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
ALAC: Policy Discussion - Part I
Time: 08:00-09:30
Meeting Room: Level 3/Room 300 |
- Vertical Integration (08:00-08:30)(Moderator: Alan Greenberg)
- Discussion with Mike O'Conner and/or Roberto Gaetano, co-chairs of the Vertical Integration WG and Margie Milam, Senior Policy Counselor (TBC)
- Compliance: Information and Feedback (08:30-08:50) (Moderator: Alan Greenberg)
- Recent Enforcement Activities (David Giza, Senior Director, Contractual Compliance)
- RAA Amendments (08:50 -09:30) (Moderator: Sebastien Bachollet)
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
ALAC: Policy Discussion - Part II
Time: 09:30-11:00
Meeting Room: Level 3/Room 300 |
- Vertical Discussion - Finding consensus (09:30-10:00) (Moderator: Alan Greenberg)
- Discussion of the New gTLD Guidebook version 4 (10:00-11:00) (Moderator: Alan Greenberg)
- With participation by Karen Lentz, Manager, Business Research and Content
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
ALAC Meeting with the GAC
Time: 11:00 -12:30
Meeting Room: Level 4/400 |
- Morality and Public Order (Moderator: Sebastien Bachollet)
- New gTLDs
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
ALAC and Regional Leadership Workshop on ALAC Improvements
Time: 16:00-18:00
Meeting Room: Level 3/Room 300 |
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
AFRALO/AfrICANN Joint meeting
Time: 18:00-19:30
Meeting Room: Level 3/Room 300 |
- Introduction and Purpose of Meeting (Moderator)
- Results of Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support for developing countries
- Presentations (TBC)
- Experience of African applicants of new gTLDs
- Roundtable discussion on proposed Statement to the Board
- Wrap-up and next steps (Rapporteur; Dave Kissoondoyal)
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
EURALO Monthly Meeting
Time: 18:00-20:00 (16:00 - 18:00 UTC)
Meeting Room: Level 2/Room 201 AB |
Agenda:Standing Agenda Items: |
Additional Agenda Items:
- 5. EURALO Secretariat Position (Wolf)(10 mins)
- 6. Review of the ALS Survey 2010 results (Wolf)(10 mins)
- a) Analysis of current EURALO membership and participation
- b) In-Reach: How can we improve the participation of our ALSes? (Wolf)(15 mins)
- 7. Discuss EURALO membership for individual members (Wolf)(20 mins)
- What are the advantages of individual membership?
- What is the NARALO ruling regarding voting rights for individual members? How could the EURALO inclusion look like?
- Propose bylaw changes for adoption at next EURALO GA
- 8. Preparation of next EURALO GA autum 2010 - When? - Where? Key topics?
- 9. Update from the ICANN Brussels Meeting (all) (5 mins)
- 10. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC (Sebastien, Patrick, Adam) (10 mins)
- 11. Recent/Upcoming activities of EURALO members (all)(5 mins)
- 12. Announcements and Upcoming Events (Wolf)(5 mins)
- 13. Any other Business (5 mins) |
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
At-Large Regional Secretariats
Time: 09:00-10:30
Meeting Room: Level 3/Room 300 |
*Agenda:*Meeting Chair: Les Allison |
- 1. Review of recent RALO activities (15 minutes)
- 2. Discuss starter pack with documents for new RALO members (10 minutes)
- what information such as policy documents, websites and further documentation should be distributed to new members?
- 3. Discuss Secretariat Improvements Plan (20 minutes)
- 4. Discuss possible "re-accreditation" process for ALSes (Wolf)(15 minutes)
- 5. Discussion on Results of the ALS Survey 2010 (30 minutes)
- What implications do the results have on the RALOs?
- How can we engage more ALSes and follow up with them based on the results?
- Next steps |
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
EURALO Showcase
Time: 10:30-12:00
Meeting Room: Arc Foyer |
- Wolf Ludwig, Chair of EURALO - Introduction of Rod Beckstrom, CEO, ICANN
- Rod Beckstrom, CEO, ICANN - Welcoming Comments
- Antti Peltomaki, Deputy Director-General, Information Society and Media Directorate-General, European Commission - Keynote speaker (TBC)
- Dennis Jennings, Vice Chair, ICANN Board of Directors - How At-Large is integrated into ICANN
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chair of ALAC - At-Large background and achievements
- EURALO ALSes - Overview of Activities
- Jean-Jacques Subrenat, ICANN Board of Directors - How At-Large involvement in ICANN has improved ICANN's role internationally
- EURALO ALSes - Overview of Activities, cont'd
- Sebastien Bachollet, EURALO Representative, Vice-Chair of the ALAC - Concluding Remarks
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
ALAC & Board Meeting
Time: 12:30-13:30
Meeting Room: Level 3/Rooms 314-316 |
- Post-Affirmation of Commitments Changes in ICANN - Toward an Internationalized and Globally Trusted Future: How At-Large can Contribute
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
ALAC/At-Large meeting with Registrars: An exploration of our roles in ICANN: Working towards better understanding, trust and collaboration. Time: 15:00-16:00
Meeting Room: Level 3/Room 300 |
- Introduction and Welcome - 5 mins (Mason Cole and Cheryl Langdon-Orr)
- Changing roles and expectations - 30 mins
- From GNSO and ALAC Review processes and recommendations
- Community involvement in PDP and WG activities
- Resultant from AoC and AoC Review Team activities
- Collaboration opportunities - 10 mins
- Registrant Rights Charter
- Industry best practice models / Codes of Practice
- Other
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Affirmation of Committments - Promoting Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice: What does it mean for building a Consumer Agenda in ICANN?
Time: 16:00-17:30
Meeting Room: Level 3/Room 300 |
- Introduction (Moderator: Rosemary Sinclair)
- How ICANN groups can build a consumer agenda for ICANN.
Thursday, 24 June 2010
ALAC & Regional Leadership Wrap-up Meeting
Time: 08:00-09:30
Meeting Room: Level 3/Room 300 |
- Staff Briefing on FY11 Budget (Kevin Wilson, Chief Financial Officer) (08:00-08:30)
- Regional Leader's Feedback (08:30-08:45)
- Feedback and Reporting and Next Steps with Respect to Key Items (08:45 - 09:30)
Friday, 25 June 2010
ALAC Executive Committee
Time: 14:00-17:30
Meeting Room: Level 2/Room 201 AB |
- Allocation of responsibilities for follow-up
- Meeting with Kevin Wilson to review travel support discussions
- Meeting with Kevin Wilson to discuss At-Large FY11 budget allocation