Action Items: 2017-07-10 NARALO Teleconference

Action Items: 2017-07-10 NARALO Teleconference

  • @At-Large Staff to followup with Constituency Travel (CT) on their cut off dates for travel plans for the substitute (for Garth Bruen) as the NARALO ALAC representative. The cut off date is August 14th for submission of letters of intent. (Note: If CT needs an earlier date, NARALO will move up deadline dates).
  • Formal vote on August 14th for the adoption of the new rules of procedures for NARALO, copies of current rules to be distributed - key discussion on August Monthly Call.
  • Request of @At-Large Staff and senior management as to why ICANN made a unilateral decision and abandon the HUBS in favour of the READ OUTS: evan.leibovitch to work with Former user (Deleted) to provide comments on the NARALO community view on the decision.
  • @At-Large Staff requested to clarify ARIN San Jose Discretionary Funds for susannah.gray