Action Items 14 July 2014

Action Items 14 July 2014

- Susie Johnson to send Garth and Glenn each 100 EN, 25 FR and 25 ES NARALO trifolds ASAP - COMPLETED

- Glenn McKnight to send a note to the NARALO mailing list announcing the results of the NARALO Chair and Secretariat positions for 2014-2015 (one year positions). COMPLETED

- Staff to start the NARALO ALAC Representative selection vote on Wednesday, 16 July. The NARALO vote will be 5 days and the unaffiliated vote will be four days (ending 24 hours prior to the end of the NARALO vote). COMPLETED

-NARALO to start planning an outreach event for the ICANN 51 meeting in LA. Staff to create a workspace for the NARALO Outreach Event. A call for membership of the NARALO LA Outreach WG will be sent shortly.

- NARALO to continue to monitor the progress of the High Level process on Accountability