Action items - NARALO ICANN82 Organizing Committee

Action items - NARALO ICANN82 Organizing Committee

  • gregory.shatan will draft a set of for Panelists- Greg will draft set of questions for panelists and will send them to speakers by next Tuesday 27 February
  • gregory.shatan will send an invitation to the third speaker first he will contact Ana Cristina F. Amoroso das Neves and if she is not available, he’ll contact Larin Wessinger
  • With regards to the Townhall Agenda gregory.shatan will prepare a document or PPT for the review of the FY25 O/E implementation and preparation for FY26.
  • For Townhall Agenda item 3. “ Policy and Operational and Governance issues from a North American perspective”. This item will be re-formulated to have something more concrete. gregory.shatan and Kathleen Scoggin to edit 3. To include CIP and onboarding new members
  • gregory.shatan, Kathleen Scoggin and gregory.shatan   Greg will finalize the poster by Wednesday Feb 26.

2025-02-13 NARALO Monthly & ICANN82 Organizing Committee Call

2025-02-06 NARALO ICANN82 Organizing Committee

  • gregory.shatan will contact Jeff Bedser to invite him to the Roundtable and will copy staff. All Roundtble speakers should be confirmed by Thursday 13 February. 
  •  The Roundtable title agreed is “DNS Abuse and AI: Combatting and Enabling Threats.

  • Silvia Vivanco will send a formal invitation to Tim Maurer, requesting for Bio and photo for the poster.
  • denise.hochbaum will finalize the poster with Greg Shatan.
  •  All agreed to finalize the Roundtable by next Thursday 13. Promotion should start shortly after.

2025-01-30 NARALO ICANN82 Organizing Committee

2025-01-23 NARALO ICANN82 Organizing Committee

2025-01-16 NARALO ICANN82 Organizing Committee

  • gregory.shatan to send a “survey” asking NARALO members if they will attend  ICANN 82 Seattle in person. (to get a headcount for NARALO events)
  • Silvia Vivancoto put the NARALO Townhall Agenda from Puerto Rico as reference in the google doc to start working on the Seattle Townhall Agenda
  • Kathleen Scoggin to invite speakers to the Roundtable
  • Joe Catapano to contact University professors to invite as speakers to the Roundtable.

  • denise.hochbaumwill prepare the Poster for the Roundtable.
  • Silvia Vivanco will coordinate promotion with ICANN org comms team. 
  • Michelle DeSmyter  will schedule the next call for Thursday 23 January at 19 00 UTC.


  • Round Table: Greg happy to moderate session 
  • Town Hall

no further information

  • Networking Event at SPIN

NARALO organizing committee call December 12 

  • The topic "DNS Abuse and AI" was decided as Roundtable topic
  • Silvia Vivanco will open a google doc for the "NARALO ICANN 82 Roundtable Description" to be sent to Adrian and Greg
  • Adrian Schmidt and gregory.shatan to approach possible speakers for the Roundtable. (see update Kathleen and Adrian managing)
  • Gisella Gruber will look into a private space at "Spin Seattle". Plan A is Monday night and Plan B is Saturday night after the Fellows Social. Guests  include NARALO members attending the meeting in persona, NA Fellows- up to 25 Pax (NOTE plan B in place)
  • Silvia Vivanco to change order of the events, NARALO Roundtable will be on Block 4 and NARALO Townhall Block 5.
  • Michelle DeSmyter will schedule the next calls for Jan 09, Jan 23 and Feb 06  at 19 UTC

NARALO Organizing committee call December 5

  • gregory.shatan and all members to decide on a topic for the NARALO Roundtable. Possible topic is "AI and DNS"
  • Kathleen Scoggin to contact Microsoft re a possible tour /AI discussion to the Seattle office 
  • Joe Catapano to contact a speaker from Pacific Northwest Universities for the NARALO Roundtable.
  • The NARALO ICANN 82 events will take place on Monday March 10.
    • Block 4 – 15-16 (60 mins) NARALO Round table 
    • Block 5 – 16:30-17:30 - (60 mins) - Town Hall 
    • NARALO Roundtable – topic “ AI and DNS” TBC.
  • Gisella Gruber will organize the NARALO Networking event to be held on Monday between 17:30-18:30 at "Spin Seattle" for the Networking reception. see: https://wearespin.com/location/seattle/)
  • Michelle Desmyter to schedule the next call for Thursday 12 Dec at 19 UTC.