Action items - NARALO ICANN82 Organizing Committee
Action items - NARALO ICANN82 Organizing Committee
- gregory.shatan will draft a set of for Panelists- Greg will draft set of questions for panelists and will send them to speakers by next Tuesday 27 February
- gregory.shatan will send an invitation to the third speaker first he will contact Ana Cristina F. Amoroso das Neves and if she is not available, he’ll contact Larin Wessinger
- With regards to the Townhall Agenda gregory.shatan will prepare a document or PPT for the review of the FY25 O/E implementation and preparation for FY26.
- For Townhall Agenda item 3. “ Policy and Operational and Governance issues from a North American perspective”. This item will be re-formulated to have something more concrete. gregory.shatan and Kathleen Scoggin to edit 3. To include CIP and onboarding new members
- gregory.shatan, Kathleen Scoggin and gregory.shatan Greg will finalize the poster by Wednesday Feb 26.
2025-02-13 NARALO Monthly & ICANN82 Organizing Committee Call
- Kathleen Scoggin will prepare a set of questions for Panelists. Questions to be added to the google doc:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fQp7So354D8wZ2SCQYaTSR_8b0Ae6v1YSeofWqQBUCE/edit?tab=t.0
- denise.hochbaum and Kathleen Scoggin will connect to edit / improve the poster (there will be a 1 page version and 2 pages version) and social media graphics
- Kathleen Scoggin will prepare a set of questions for Roundtable Panelists.
- gregory.shatan to follow up with invited Panelists (Jeff Bedser ). Deadline to have all speakers confirmed by Tuesday 18th
- gregory.shatan to review and update the NARALO Townhall to be finalized by Tuesday 18 February.
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fQp7So354D8wZ2SCQYaTSR_8b0Ae6v1YSeofWqQBUCE/edit?tab=t.0
- Michelle DeSmyter to organize the next call for Thursday 20th 21 UTC (1 hr)
2025-02-06 NARALO ICANN82 Organizing Committee
- gregory.shatan will clean up the google doc with the Roundtable Description and NARALO Townhall Description. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fQp7So354D8wZ2SCQYaTSR_8b0Ae6v1YSeofWqQBUCE/edit?tab=t.0.Roundtable description and speakers deadline is February 07.
- Rookayya Gulmahamed volunteered to be at the booth.
- gregory.shatan will contact Jeff Bedser to invite him to the Roundtable and will copy staff. All Roundtble speakers should be confirmed by Thursday 13 February.
The Roundtable title agreed is “DNS Abuse and AI: Combatting and Enabling Threats.
- Silvia Vivanco will send a formal invitation to Tim Maurer, requesting for Bio and photo for the poster.
- denise.hochbaum will finalize the poster with Greg Shatan.
- All agreed to finalize the Roundtable by next Thursday 13. Promotion should start shortly after.
2025-01-30 NARALO ICANN82 Organizing Committee
- gregory.shatan to contact Chris Wilson from Amazon for the Roundtable
- Kathleen Scoggin to invite speakers to the Roundtable (3 panelist or maximum 4) and edit the Roundtable description accordingly (with Speakers input).
- :https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fQp7So354D8wZ2SCQYaTSR_8b0Ae6v1YSeofWqQBUCE/edit?tab=t.0.Roundtable description and speakers deadline is February 07.
- denise.hochbaum Denise to send the Poster in PDF file to Greg for edit
- denise.hochbaum to add the Room name “Regency A” . and the time in UTC as well as local time.
- Silvia Vivanco will contact someone from SSAC to speak at the Roundtable
- Silvia Vivanco will draft an article for ICANN 82 Newsletter due by Feb 14th- Roundtable description and speakers names and contents shall be provided by then.
2025-01-23 NARALO ICANN82 Organizing Committee
- Kathleen Scoggin to invite speakers to the Roundtable (3 panelist or maximum 4) and edit the Roundtable description accordingly (with Speakers input). :https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fQp7So354D8wZ2SCQYaTSR_8b0Ae6v1YSeofWqQBUCE/edit?tab=t.0. Roundtable description and speakers deadline is February 07.
- gregory.shatan to review and edit the the NARALO Townhall Agenda by January 30th :https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fQp7So354D8wZ2SCQYaTSR_8b0Ae6v1YSeofWqQBUCE/edit?tab=t.0
- denise.hochbaum and Eduardo DIaz will coordinate to prepare the Roundtable draft.
- Joe Catapano to contact University professors to invite as speakers to Roundtable.
- Michelle DeSmyter will schedule the next call for Thursday 30th January at 21 UTC.
2025-01-16 NARALO ICANN82 Organizing Committee
- gregory.shatan to send a “survey” asking NARALO members if they will attend ICANN 82 Seattle in person. (to get a headcount for NARALO events)
- Silvia Vivancoto put the NARALO Townhall Agenda from Puerto Rico as reference in the google doc to start working on the Seattle Townhall Agenda
- Kathleen Scoggin to invite speakers to the Roundtable
Joe Catapano to contact University professors to invite as speakers to the Roundtable.
- denise.hochbaumwill prepare the Poster for the Roundtable.
- Silvia Vivanco will coordinate promotion with ICANN org comms team.
Michelle DeSmyter will schedule the next call for Thursday 23 January at 19 00 UTC.
- Round Table: Greg happy to moderate session
- Kathleen Scoggin Adrian Schmidt to manage the speakers and invitations to this round table.
- Town Hall
no further information
- Networking Event at SPIN
- Gisella Gruber to confirm alcohol age at SPIN (21 years - SPIN will request ID checks if necessary)
- Michelle DeSmyter Brenda Brewer to schedule next call on Thursday 16 January at 19:00 UTC
NARALO organizing committee call December 12
- The topic "DNS Abuse and AI" was decided as Roundtable topic
- Silvia Vivanco will open a google doc for the "NARALO ICANN 82 Roundtable Description" to be sent to Adrian and Greg
- Adrian Schmidt and gregory.shatan to approach possible speakers for the Roundtable. (see update Kathleen and Adrian managing)
- Gisella Gruber will look into a private space at "Spin Seattle". Plan A is Monday night and Plan B is Saturday night after the Fellows Social. Guests include NARALO members attending the meeting in persona, NA Fellows- up to 25 Pax (NOTE plan B in place)
- Silvia Vivanco to change order of the events, NARALO Roundtable will be on Block 4 and NARALO Townhall Block 5.
Michelle DeSmyter will schedule the next calls for Jan 09, Jan 23 and Feb 06 at 19 UTC
NARALO Organizing committee call December 5
- gregory.shatan and all members to decide on a topic for the NARALO Roundtable. Possible topic is "AI and DNS"
- Kathleen Scoggin to contact Microsoft re a possible tour /AI discussion to the Seattle office
- Joe Catapano to contact a speaker from Pacific Northwest Universities for the NARALO Roundtable.
- The NARALO ICANN 82 events will take place on Monday March 10.
- Block 4 – 15-16 (60 mins) NARALO Round table
- Block 5 – 16:30-17:30 - (60 mins) - Town Hall
- NARALO Roundtable – topic “ AI and DNS” TBC.
- Gisella Gruber will organize the NARALO Networking event to be held on Monday between 17:30-18:30 at "Spin Seattle" for the Networking reception. see: https://wearespin.com/location/seattle/)
- Michelle Desmyter to schedule the next call for Thursday 12 Dec at 19 UTC.