NARALO UA DAY 2024 Organization Call

NARALO UA DAY 2024 Organization Call

Date: Tuesday, 09 April 2024

Time: 19:00 - 20:00 UTC (For the time in carious time zones click here

ZOOM INFO: https://icann.zoom.us/j/98017915508?pwd=Nk4wZFJZQ2szM0wyYS9wa1dEVmJqQT09 / PASSCODE:  f&T!P8!9Y!

How can I participate in this meeting?


EN: Greg Shatan, Nancy Wachira, Rookayya Gulmahamed, Waqar Ahmad,


Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Naela Sarras, 

Call Management: Claudia Ruiz

Action Items:  EN

Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN


  1. Roll call - Staff - 2 mins

  2. Introduction - Greg Shatan- 2 mins

  3. UA Day and time - Greg Shatan

  4. UA Planning document - Greg and all OC members

  5. Tasks assignment for Organizing committee members

      1. Agenda
      2. speakers 
      3. Poster
      4. Announcement and social media promotion
      5. Venue logistics
      6. Online logistics (calendar invites (Audience) and zoom room)
  6. AOB
