Zoom chat: 2023-09-26 NARALO Monthly Teleconference
00:20:29 Alfredo Calderon: Replying to "Hi All, I was a bit ..."
That usually happens when you have more that one meeting in your calendar.
00:20:31 Silvia Vivanco: Welcome David
00:20:42 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Will note Glen’s apology, thank you!
00:20:43 David Mackey: Replying to "Hi All, I was a bit ..."
Naw, too many emails in my inbox lol
00:21:30 José Medina: Greetings from Puerto Rico
00:22:15 Silvia Vivanco: Bienvenido Jose Medina
00:22:35 Silvia Vivanco: NARALO Outreach and engagement plan FY24 : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=110256418
00:23:02 David Mackey: Reacted to "NARALO Outreach and ..." with
00:25:25 Alfredo Calderon: Replying to "Hi All, I was a bit ..."
Use Google Calendar and share ICANN At-Large Calendar.
00:29:43 Waqar Ahmad: Reacted to "NARALO Outreach and ..." with
00:30:32 Alfredo Calderon: Dr. Jose Medina
00:31:39 Adrian Schmidt: More than happy to help. Thank you Greg
00:33:33 Silvia Vivanco: Welcome Heidi
00:36:27 avri doria: If there is one thing being on the Board has taught me is that no one can ever be up to speed on everything at ICANN. Always something to learn.
00:38:27 Heidi Ullrich, Org: Metrics will be important as we implement the ALS and Individual Mobilization Reports.
00:43:14 Marita Moll: DId I miss something. $2000?
00:43:35 Marita Moll: Where is that coming from
00:43:49 David Mackey: @Marita from conversation last month
00:44:07 Marita Moll: Oh, okay, missed that mtg
00:44:16 David Mackey: Reacted to "Oh, okay, missed tha..." with
00:46:07 Marita Moll: Was there something that didn't get funded?
00:46:51 David Mackey: @Marita, just a normal conversation about the best use of NARALO $$ as Greg just summarized :-)
00:46:58 Louis Houle: Remote is better than nothing at all.
00:49:47 David Mackey: Thanks for the additional information Heidi
00:50:29 Heidi Ullrich, Org: Reacted to "Thanks for the addit..." with
00:54:45 Louis Houle: Among the policy issues, there might be the idea for NARALO to support a PDP for .Québec with the accent?
00:55:05 David Mackey: Reacted to "Among the policy iss..." with
00:55:13 Louis Houle: Also
00:55:24 Heidi Ullrich, Org: @Louis Houle , Justine raised that on a recent CPWG meeting.
00:55:46 Louis Houle: Reacted to "@Louis Houle , Justi..." with
00:56:05 naela sarras: And .AS for American Samoa right?
00:56:12 Judith Hellerstein: Mariana islands
00:56:20 Bill Jouris: I stand corrected
00:57:02 Judith Hellerstein: Also I was in the train and so couldn’t speak about the igf
00:57:21 Gregory Shatan: US Virgin Islands
00:59:22 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: ICANN78 wiki page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/PQzxBQ
00:59:42 David Mackey: Reacted to "ICANN78 wiki page: h..." with
01:03:07 Silvia Vivanco: We will be posting ICANN 78 Agendas in the upcoming days
01:03:30 naela sarras: Will these be individually listed on the ICANN78 schedule @Heidi?
01:03:36 Heidi Ullrich, Org: Yes, we are in the process!
01:03:42 naela sarras: Ok Silivia answered my question thank you
01:04:20 Heidi Ullrich, Org: @naela sarras , yes. The At-Large ICANN78 sessions will be listed on the At-Large workspace as listed above.
01:04:46 Silvia Vivanco: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99679856/At-Large+Outreach+Activities+at+the+2023+IGF+in+Kyoto+Japan
01:05:10 Heidi Ullrich, Org: At-Large at IGF: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99679856/At-Large+Outreach+Activities+at+the+2023+IGF+in+Kyoto+Japan
01:05:24 Waqar Ahmad: Reacted to "ICANN78 wiki page: h..." with
01:05:40 naela sarras: Reacted to "At-Large at IGF: htt..." with
01:06:31 Gregory Shatan: I am all signed up for IGF Music Night!
01:06:49 Louis Houle: Don’t miss the IGF in Montreal next Tuesday, October 3 (if you speak French
01:06:54 Heidi Ullrich, Org: @Gregory Shatan , if you are going to be on the ground, please post your name on the IGF page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99679856/At-Large+Outreach+Activities+at+the+2023+IGF+in+Kyoto+Japan
01:07:29 Marita Moll: How does one get funded to go to IGF. Always been a mystery to me
01:08:01 naela sarras: Replying to "Don’t miss the IGF i..."
Indeed @Louis Houle looking forward to QIGF, CIGF and Canadians Connected all happening next week in Montreal
01:08:23 Marita Moll: Okay, thanks for that
01:11:53 Silvia Vivanco: @ all please share your ALSes updates in the NARALO mailing list
01:12:13 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Reacted to "@ all please share y..." with
01:13:58 Waqar Ahmad: https://www.internetsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Perspectives-on-LEO-Satellites.pdf
01:14:25 Eduardo Diaz: @Silvia: Problem is that these presentations are in Spanish with no interpretation.
01:15:10 Silvia Vivanco: Replying to "@Silvia: Problem is ..."
Noted @Eduardo Diaz
01:16:05 naela sarras: It’s very hard to hear Marita
01:16:05 José Medina: From where may I download the Outreach plan discussed today?
01:16:19 Ron da Silva: need to drop.. see you again soon!
01:16:21 Gustavo Ortega: SF Bay Area Internet Society Chapter, Global Encryption Day, Onsite Event: https://www.sfbayisoc.org/2023/09/18/encryption-for-babies-community-beta-read/
01:16:40 Silvia Vivanco: @José Medina the Outreach plan is linked to todays agenda and to NARALO’s main page
01:17:03 José Medina: Thanks!
01:17:09 naela sarras: @Gustavo Ortega what was the date?
01:17:26 Waqar Ahmad: Thank you everyone and Greg
01:17:31 Gustavo Ortega: Oct 8th: https://www.sfbayisoc.org/2023/09/18/encryption-for-babies-community-beta-read/
01:17:33 Marita Moll: Canadian Internet Governance Forum -- Montreal - Oct. 4
01:17:34 Barron Oda: Thanks everyone! Have a happy Tuesday!
01:17:40 Waqar Ahmad: Reacted to "Canadian Internet Go..." with