Action items - NARALO ICANN77 Organizing Committee

Action items - NARALO ICANN77 Organizing Committee

OC Call May 31 

  • gregory.shatan and Heidi Ullrich  to review the DRAFT Agenda NARALO Town Hall meeting
  • Glenn McKnight  to prepare a draft Roundtable poster
  • gregory.shatan will write a set of questions for Roundtable speakers to prepare themselves.
  • gregory.shatan to ask NARALO members if they are planning to attend ICANN 77 in person
  • Gisella Gruber to coordinate the list of lunch attendees with Greg Shatan
  • Gisella Gruber to coordinate lunch venue and calendar invites to guests
  • Silvia Vivanco  to send courtesy invitations for Roundtable to NA Board members
  • denise.hochbaum to check with her front desk for the photo frame
  • Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the Roundtable preparatory call and send the calendar invites to speakers for Monday June 05 at 18:00 UTC

OC call 24 May

  • gregory.shatan to review the DRAFT Agenda NARALO Town Hall meeting
  • marita.moll  and Judith Hellerstein  to send the emails, bios and speaker's photos (ask speakers if they agree ) to Silvia
  • Glenn McKnight  to prepare a draft Roundtable poster
  • gregory.shatan will write a set of questions for Roundtable speakers to prepare themselves.
  • Silvia Vivanco to draft Roundtable invitation and send it to Greg to review
  • Silvia Vivanco to send invitations to all  Roundtable speakers.
  • Silvia Vivanco and Michelle DeSmyter to schedule a prep session for the Roundtable speakers, once they are confirmed.
  • Gisella Gruber to share the list of attendees for lunch with Greg Shatan
  • Gisella Gruber to send courtesy invitations for Roundtable to NA Board members
  •  gregory.shatan to ask NARALO members if they are planning to attend ICANN 77 in person
  • Gisella Gruber to coordinate lunch venue and calendar invites to guests
  • denise.hochbaum to check with her front desk for the photo frame
  • Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next meeting for Wednesday May 31, for 30 minutes (18:00-18:30)
  • Topic 2 "Challenges and Opportunities for the Internet 2023: The End User Perspective" was deleted and will be considered for a future webinar  .

OC Call  

Roundtable- Monday 12 June - 10:45- 12:15 (90 minutes) will have 2 topics. Each topic with 4 or 5 speakers.

Topic 1: "Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada)".

Proposed Speakers

  1. Andre Arbour, Director General ISED – Canada (REMOTE) 
  2. Harold Feld – USA (confirmed) 
  3. Grace Abuhamad, NTIA- USA


Topic 2:  “Challenges and Opportunities for the Internet : the end user perspective”.

  1. Ben Tarnoff
  2. Cory Doctorow
  3. Michael Geist
  4. Mark Shurman (Mozilla CEO)
  5. Avri Doria (ICANN Board) 
  •  gregory.shatan and OC members to define the Roundtable session title and blurb with brief description by May 18th.
  • gregory.shatan Glenn McKnight  and OC members agreed to the following timeline: names of speakers to be confirmed by Friday May 19, staff will send the invitations to speakers during the week of May 22 - 26. 
  • Silvia Vivanco  to schedule a Prep session for the NARALO Roundtable speakers . 
  • Gisella Gruber to invite Board members from North America for Roundtable as courtesy invite.
  •  Silvia Vivanco and Gisella Gruber to invite Avri to the NARALO Roundtable; Courtesy invites to the other 4 Board members
  • gregory.shatan confirm the approximate headcount from NARALO members for lunch. Preliminary list of invitees will be NARALO ALAC/Regional Leaders & NextGen/Fellows & GSE Staff & NA Board Members.
  • gregory.shatan and Glenn McKnightto develop the NARALO monthly Agenda with topics /speakers to be included:
    • NARALO GA follow up on EEE - Greg
    • Mobilizing individual members – Alan Greenberg
    • O and E update and Social Media Update - Denise 
    • Policy issues - Jon, Bill and Eduardo
    • NomCom update – Judith

ACTION ITEMS related to Booth and social media

Siranush Vardanyan – shared the sign up sheet with all,


  •  denise.hochbaum and Glenn to reach out to Social media WG members to sign up for booth
  •  denise.hochbaum in collaboration with OC members to develop a process to follow up with those who sign up at the booth and also identify a person or team to contact them
  • Michelle DeSmyterto schedule the next meeting for Wednesday 24 th same time, add Deborah Escalera to these OC call

NARALO monthly meeting Tuesday 13 June, 9:00 – 10:15 (75 mins)  Townhall format

  • gregory.shatan to develop a blurb description for the NARALO monthly meeting and send it to Silvia, draft: The NARALO monthly meeting will be an interactive session in town hall format and will include institutional items, Policy issues of relevance for the region. 
  • gregory.shatan and Glenn McKnightto develop the NARALO monthly Agenda with topics to be included:
  • NARALO GA follow up on EEE
  • Mobilizing individual members – Alan Greenberg
  • O and E update and Social Media Update
  • Policy issues - Jon, Bill and Ed
  • NomCom update – Judith

OC Call - 10- 05- 2023 

Topic 1:  Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada) was confirmed. 

Topic 2 : Change the title  "what's wrong with internet"

Suggestions for topic 2 : 

"Challenges and Opportunities for the Internet," "Navigating the Complexities of the Internet," "Shaping the Internet for Tomorrow: Building a Better Web for All, "Navigating the complexities of Internet"

  • Gisella Gruberto schedule the Networking lunch for  Wednesday  June 14th. Ideal a “Buffet” style outdoors. .
  • gregory.shatan to come up with suggestions for Topics, Agenda and speakers for the NARALO Town Hall meeting.
  • gregory.shatan and OC members to define the Roundtable session title and blurb with brief description by May 18th.
  • Glenn McKnight to contact people from the NTIA point of view for the topic Government activity to expand Broadband.
  • gregory.shatan confirm the approximate headcount from NARALO members. Preliminary list of invitees will be NARALO ALAC/Regional Leaders & NextGen/Fellows & GSE Staff & NA Board Members.
  • Gisella Gruber to include in lunch headcount 9 next gen and 3 fellows.
  • Glenn McKnight to contact people from the NTIA point of view for the topic Government activity to expand Broadband.

OC Call 05- 03-2023 

Several topics for the Roundtable were discussed : DNS, IDNs , UA, developments from the USA and Canadian perspectives?, IDNs for franco-phone, Spanish and Indigenous perspectives

Privacy vs security, Artificial intelligence, DNS Abuse, Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada)

The following 2 main topics were tentatively decided: 

Topic 1:  Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada)

Topic 2:  What's wrong with the internet 

and fallback topic : IDNs for franco-phone, Spanish and Indigenous perspectives (back up topic)AI: Judith to contact speakers for the topic Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada)

  • gregory.shatan and OC members to define the Roundtable session title and blurb with brief description by May 18th
  • gregory.shatan and OC members to further develop the Agenda for the NARALO monthly meeting/Townhall meeting.
  • Glenn McKnight to contact people from the NTIA point of view for the topic Government activity to expand Broadband.
  •  Judith Hellerstein volunteered to get Harold Feld and another counterpart to him to talk on Broadband. 

  • Naela Sarras and Giose Mc Ginty to confirm the time and date for the NA Space 
  • Gisella Gruber to coordinate the lunch Networking event venue (with Denise list)
  • gregory.shatan confirm the approximate headcount from NARALO members. Preliminary list of invitees will be NARALO ALAC/Regional Leaders & NextGen/Fellows & GSE Staff & NA Board Members.
  • Gisella Gruber to include in lunch headcount 9 next gen and 3 fellows.
  • Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next call for next Wed 10 May same time. 


Summary of today’s discussion

Roundtable Topics

Glenn's suggestions:

  • Reflect on differences between Canada and USA
  • Update on IDN and UA

Topics for discussion

- IDN in North American

- Indigenous Americans

- Hispanic Americans etc

-French - Louis Houle

A Canadian theme is Bill C-11: An Act to amend the Broadcasting

Greg's suggestions:

Comparing and contrasting activities in Canada and USA

Are indigenous activities inspiring among indigenous Americans?

Other populations in the US interested in IDNs?- Ex: Spanish speaking communities, empowerment of end users

DNS Abuse

Section 230 of X Communications decency Act

Naela's suggestions:

Updated on NA space session will be focused on UA, shifting a bit, UA as a form of accessibility and inclusion

Staff Logistics update:

  • Lunch will be offsite, 90 minutes Gisella Gruber will connect with Denise to find some options.
  • 90 min Roundtable followed by 90 min lunch event
  • Preference is private room/garden patio. Walking distance. A few opening remarks followed by tabletop topic(s).
  • Staff to put together a first draft of list of attendees for lunch
  •  NARALO to invite the Next Gens and Fellows to the NARALO monthly, Roundtable and lunch.

NARALO Monthly meeting: - Naralo will have a public, external facing meeting. Title - NARALO monthly meeting and Townhall

Agenda will include :

1. Follow-up on GA

2. Update by Denise on O and E

3. Update on Social media campaign

4. Update on membership

5. Leon

6. Looking toward FY24

Outreach activities

  • Booth
  • Staff will bring the rest of the NARALO GA material - vintage t-shirts, power packs, a few tabletop banners, etc.
  • Pop up banners
  • Photo frame