Chat: 2019-06-10 NARALO Teleconference

Chat: 2019-06-10 NARALO Teleconference

11:53:24          From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome everyone!

12:00:49          From Yubelkys Montalvo : hi everyone

12:02:02          From Glenn : Hi All

12:02:32          From David Mackey : HI Yubelkys, Hi Glenn

12:02:46          From Yubelkys Montalvo : Hi!

12:03:45          From Glenn : I  hope everyone  completed the  ATLAS  3 application

12:03:48          From Glenn : for Montreal

12:04:54          From Glenn : Welcome all.  Its my birthday and now an official senior citizen

12:04:56          From Yubelkys Montalvo : I want it, but I couldn’t. Do I still have time?

12:05:36          From Yubelkys Montalvo : congratulations Glenn!!! 

12:06:02          From loristaylor : Happy Birthday Glenn!

12:06:12          From Glenn : Thanks  Loris and Yubelkys

12:06:15          From Adrian Schmidt : I applied for Atlas 3. Congrats Glenn!

12:06:31          From Glenn : Thanks Adrian

12:07:53          From Yubelkys Montalvo : Hi Adrian!

12:10:01          From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : 80 applications were received; 67 met submission requirements for consideration

12:10:06          From silvia.vivanco : Thank you NARALO members for participating !

12:11:32          From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : Glenn: we have privacy legislation pending in CA and NY that should be covered at NASSIG

12:11:43          From Yubelkys Montalvo : nice

12:11:49          From Greg Shatan : Sorry to be late.  Difficulty finding the Zoom link.

12:12:04          From Heidi Ullrich : Congratulations to all candidates!

12:12:27          From Heidi Ullrich : @Glenn, keep in mind that the ALAC/At-Large Leadership will be meeting on Sat and Sunday in Montreal.

12:13:39          From silvia.vivanco : Congratulations on all the prep work for NASIG

12:20:07          From silvia.vivanco : For sure it will be up before FY20 starts

12:21:35          From Glenn : Outreach plans for NARALO

12:21:35          From Glenn : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NARALO/pages/110247518/FY20+NARALO+Outreach

12:22:04          From Greg Shatan : @John, the NY privacy legislation is very limited   Basically just covers disclosure to a person of the personal information held by that business.  Earlier versions of this have died in Committee since 2016.  The bill is currently in Committee....

12:22:08          From Marita Moll : Good question. That should be resolved before hand rather than after the fact.

12:22:17          From León : Hello everyone. My apologies for joining late

12:22:59          From Glenn : Please find participation details for the NCUC Policy Writing Webinar on Monday 17 June 2019 at 1600 UTC

Join Zoom Meeting: https://icann.zoom.us/j/555736499

Dial out request: please send Maryam.bakoshi@icann.org an email offlist

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adUojhAPmk

12:24:22          From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : Thanks for the assessment Greg. I'm seeing it pop up (with alarm) in the market research community

12:26:43          From Evan Leibovitch : Hi all. Sorry for the tardy.

12:28:22          From Heidi Ullrich : Great news!

12:32:47          From Glenn : NOTE   Greg has his hand up

12:33:38          From Glenn : Heidi do we need to have a motion on accepting the slate for our  election?

12:35:25          From Evan Leibovitch : Glenn, I don't think that's something to be voted on. If the vote failed the election would still be legit :-)

12:35:59          From loristaylor : FYI:  6/10/19 Tribes included in broadband funding for AZ. https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-357886A1.pdf

12:36:59          From Marita Moll : Re Ottawa readout -- I should have also said that Joe Catapano came in for our event and we really appreciated that

12:37:04          From Glenn : Working document

12:37:06          From Glenn : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qAhQDMBV_RVGpCNV_CH0GSYM1ssyGEHfQE8GaOrWLhY/edit#heading=h.rj27pf8ddp2p

12:37:24          From Glenn : ICANN Brief  was  used instead of Readout in our literature

12:37:33          From Marita Moll : @Greg -- we used the term "briefing"

12:37:35          From Susannah Gray (SfBay ISOC) : Good point Greg!

12:37:51          From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : Oh I don't know...it could be fun to have dramatic readings of ICANN meetings

12:37:52          From Glenn : @staff here is the document to edit

12:37:53          From Glenn : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qAhQDMBV_RVGpCNV_CH0GSYM1ssyGEHfQE8GaOrWLhY/edit#heading=h.rj27pf8ddp2p

12:38:06          From silvia.vivanco : Thanks Glenn

12:38:22          From Alan Greenberg : @Greg, a voice of sanity!

12:38:27          From Evan Leibovitch : "debrief"?

12:39:55          From Greg Shatan : Redoubt: “A temporary or supplemental fortification, typically square or polygonal and without flanking defenses.”

12:39:58          From Glenn : Tomorrows  Coffee Chat  for the Canadian Digital Charter

12:40:00          From Glenn : Stay Strong and Free: A Discussion of Canada's New Digital Charter

Tuesday, June 11⋅10:00 – 11:00am


12:40:09          From Greg Shatan : I don’t think that’s what they had in mind.....

12:40:39          From Greg Shatan : I’m a crypto-Canadian.  I’ll try to attend.

12:40:52          From Glenn : Neat  Greg

12:41:27          From Eduardo Díaz - NARALO chair : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NARALO/pages/110247518/FY20+NARALO+Outreach

12:41:29          From Greg Shatan : My son is encouraging me to formalize my Canadian citizenship as he may apply to U of Toronto and UBC for PhD programs....

12:41:38          From silvia.vivanco : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NARALO/pages/110247518/FY20+NARALO+Outreach

12:41:38          From Marita Moll : Glenn -- maybe you should mention who is involved in this discussion at the moment

12:41:57          From silvia.vivanco : The link is above

12:43:01          From Susannah Gray (SfBay ISOC) : What’s the rationale behind not funding reg fees?

12:43:23          From silvia.vivanco : Deadline for FY20 strategies for VP sign off is June 17

12:43:54          From Susannah Gray (SfBay ISOC) : Upcoming ARIN meetings : https://www.arin.net/participate/meetings/upcoming/

12:44:03          From Susannah Gray (SfBay ISOC) : Oct 2020 = Seattle

12:44:17          From Susannah Gray (SfBay ISOC) : April 2020 Louisville KY

12:45:05          From silvia.vivanco : thank you Glenn!

12:46:01          From chris.mondini : i don’t know either

12:46:39          From Heidi Ullrich : Registration fees can be covered by RALO Discretionary Funds.

12:46:41          From Susannah Gray (SfBay ISOC) : Thanks! Was just curious.

12:46:55          From Evan Leibovitch : I've now come to the conclusion that CROPP is not only a poor misuse of resources, it perpetuates perception of ALAC as ICANN's charity case which is damaging its long term relevance. Let's think of better ways to spend the money than being  spent on travel for ALAC elite.

12:48:21          From Heidi Ullrich : @Evin, At-Large is to the only group that uses CROP.

12:50:34          From Glenn : NCUC and NPOC  use CROP

12:51:03          From Alan Greenberg : I was dropped as well. Curious.

12:51:50          From Glenn : NASIG

12:51:50          From Glenn : http://northamericansig.org

12:52:11          From Susannah Gray (SfBay ISOC) : Leah

12:52:21          From chris.mondini : I will let Joe C chime in first

12:52:38          From Susannah Gray (SfBay ISOC) : Soooooo hot.

12:53:02          From Susannah Gray (SfBay ISOC) : 93 and rising …

12:53:21          From Glenn : wow

12:53:22          From Glenn : hot

12:53:37          From Glenn : I am sharing my new blog on Internet Governance

12:53:38          From Glenn : https://internetgovernancehub.blog/

12:54:04          From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : Same here in San Juan and to that we have the sand traveling from the Sahara

12:54:44          From Marita Moll : This is a great blog, Glenn. Thanks for sharing.

12:55:14          From Greg Shatan : IPC has used CROP.

12:55:59          From Yubelkys Montalvo : agree Alfredo 

12:56:09          From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : Evan has a point. I'm dubious about CROP myself but have had bigger fish to fry. Metrics & ROI. :(

12:56:44          From silvia.vivanco : Thanks Joe

12:56:48          From Marita Moll : I also participated in that Digital Inclusion Day in Ottawa and handed out a lot of cards inviting people to the Briefing. It was a good promo opportunity.

12:56:50          From Yubelkys Montalvo : thanks both

12:58:12          From Heidi Ullrich : @Jonathan, where are they posted?

12:58:33          From Susannah Gray (SfBay ISOC) : I also have concerns about CROP in terms of the selection process and the feedback/evaluation of how useful or impactful a trip has been.

12:58:36          From Marita Moll : I think the talking points could be really useful for people organizing readout -- or whatever they are called

12:58:55          From Glenn : The big Digital event the next two days  hijacked many of our attendes

13:00:00          From Evan Leibovitch : Hi John, Metrics and ROI  is the nasty flip side of CROPP being seen as a charity play. Think of it as ICANN's answer to workfare,

13:02:04          From Evan Leibovitch : What other constituency's members are expected to constantantly self-justify the way At-Large is? What other constituency has the equivalent formal process of ALS decertification?

13:02:43          From Greg Shatan : I think some were concerned that we hadn’t provided enough rationale and evidence in our draft.  As Marita mentioned, this is not intended to be a detailed document, but I think we will end up with a more “evidence-based” discussion than before....

13:03:34          From Evan Leibovitch : And trust me, Jonathan, you don't want me to speak on the statement on evolving the MSM.

13:03:59          From silvia.vivanco : Marrakesh schedules: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99622754/ICANN65+-+Marrakech+Meeting+-+June+2019

13:04:05          From Heidi Ullrich : Monday’s schedule: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99657394/At-Large+Meetings+-+Monday+24+June+2019

13:04:19          From silvia.vivanco : Agendas are posted

13:04:37          From León : I need to leave the call now. Thanks for having me again

13:04:41          From Greg Shatan : We could form two alliances with the different parts of the GAC....

13:04:44          From León : apologies for not staying till the end

13:04:49          From Evan Leibovitch : Thanks for being had :-)

13:04:51          From León : see you all soon!

13:04:56          From silvia.vivanco : Thank you Leon !

13:05:08          From Claudia Ruiz : Thank you for joining, Leon

13:05:32          From Alan Greenberg : Need to leave now. Thanks.

13:05:52          From Claudia Ruiz : Thank you, Alan

13:06:13          From Susannah Gray (SfBay ISOC) : Silicon Valley AgTech Conference

13:07:44          From Yubelkys Montalvo : thanks and bye to everyone!

13:07:52          From Yubelkys Montalvo : ok

13:07:56          From Yubelkys Montalvo : bye

13:07:56          From Adrian Schmidt : Thank you very much!!!

13:07:56          From Marita Moll : Bye -- till next time

13:07:56          From AllanS : Thanks, Bye

13:08:02          From silvia.vivanco : Thank you

13:08:04          From Jose R. Lebron : bye